Return of the Calamity-Class Death Knight

Chapter 331

[Translator - Kie]

[Proofreader - Kawaii]


Chapter 331: Father and Child (2)


“Laria, bring the key.”

At Dorugo’s command, Laria immediately picked up the key from Asthar’s grasp and handed it to Dorugo.

Dorugo extended her bony hand and took the key, exhaling a sigh of relief.

“I have finally retrieved it.”

- Congratulations, My Lord.

“I didn’t say that I don’t want praise from the likes of you.”

- I apologize.

Laria immediately bowed her head to the ground. Dorugo didn’t even spare her a glance.

- Guh… Urgh…

At that moment, Asthar, who had been lying on the ground, regained consciousness.

- La… Laria…! Why… did you betray… us…!

Even as he was dying, Asthar voiced his resentment. Suppressing the pain, he forced himself up.

- Was it because you coveted the Duke's title? That’s why you tried to kill us, your potential rivals, in advance…

When Asthar raised his head, he saw Dorugo. A look of confusion crossed Asthar’s face.

- Dorugo…? Why are you here? Weren’t you supposed to go to the Empire…? And why are you kneeling to Dorugo… Laria…?

It was hard to believe, given Laria’s pride and skills as a demon.

Even Vahel had to put in a significant effort to make Laria his subordinate.

- Don’t tell me you’ve allied with Dorugo? Why would a demon of your level do that? Why?

Laria did not answer Asthar’s question. She remained kneeling like a stone statue.

“Don’t be too hard on her. She didn’t do it of her own will.”

It was Dorugo who spoke instead. Asthar glared at Dorugo with bloodshot eyes.

- What do you mean by that?

“Allow me to explain.”

Dorugo directed his words at Laria.

“Laria, harm yourself.”

As soon as Dorugo commanded, Laria immediately tore off one of her arms.

Blood gushed from the severed stump, yet Laria showed no sign of pain.

The grotesque scene left Asthar speechless.

- Wh-what is happening…?

“Laria’s mind is under my control. Migmag over there is also the same.”

- Under control…?

Asthar couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

Since Dorugo had once been a demon, she might still possess some power.

But Dorugo was now nothing more than a lowly undead. She shouldn’t have much power to wield.

And yet, he claimed to control a Marquis class demon with such meager power? It was absurd.

“It wasn’t an easy task. The power I have left is very little. However, thanks to Vahel assigning her as my watcher, I had plenty of time. That’s why I succeeded.”

- Nonsense… An undead like you controlling a demon is impossible!

“If I were an ordinary undead, it indeed would be.”

Dorugo looked up. By now, the sky was painted with the hues of sunset.

“Do you know what kind of demon I am?”

The sudden question made Asthar furrow his brow.

- What rubbish…

“Calm down and tell me. What kind of demon am I?”

- You are…

Asthar hesitated.

He knew Dorugo was a demon who had betrayed her kind, but he couldn't remember exactly what type of demon she was.

“You can’t recall anything, can you? Naturally, since I erased all your memories.”

- Erased all our memories? That’s absurd! What kind of demon could do that?

A demon's soul is strong. Even manipulating the soul of a lower-ranked demon isn't easy.

And erasing the memories of not just one or two, but all demons?

There wasn't a single demon known to be capable of that.

Maybe if it was one of the Demon Lords from the distant past, but even then, only one might have been able.

A Demon Lord who could control and enslave countless sentient beings only with a single gaze— the Demon Lord of lust.

- No way...

An unsettling hypothesis flitted across Asthar’s mind.

But Asthar found himself having to dismiss his gut feeling. It was too implausible.

“That 'no way' is correct.”

Dorugo’s eyes changed. Their color shifted from red to purple.

“My real name is Lillivai. I was once called the Demon Lord.”

* * *

During the era when demons ruled the surface, there were seven lords among them.

Being called 'Lord' highlighted their remarkable powers.

Even if all demons combined their efforts, they couldn’t surpass the power of a single Demon Lord.

Duke class demons, considered the true rulers of the Inferno, were mere children compared to the Demon Lords.

- That’s... impossible... All the Demon Lords are dead...!

But those were tales of the distant past.

The Demon Lords had lost their lives in battles against Ruin and humans.

- Even if what you say is true, why would you do such a thing?

The Demon Lords were the rulers of the world.

If they desired, they could have all the pleasures and treasures the world had to offer.

But Dorugo had erased her past. That is, she had forgone her position as a Demon Lord.

“To be with Ruin.”

Dorugo said quietly.

“He was a hero to humanity. How could a Demon Lord stand by his side? So, I decided to erase my past.”

Dorugo’s eyes changed slightly as if reminiscing longingly about something.

“But no matter how great my power, it was impossible to manipulate the memories of all sentient beings who knew me. So, I decided to give up my physical body.”

She sacrificed her body to increase the power of authority.

Dorugo abandoned the body of the Demon Lord to live alongside Ruin.

“Thus, I discarded my demon body and became human. Though I lost all my powers and authority, I didn’t regret it because I could be beside Ruin.”

Dorugo’s eyes deepened slightly as if recalling a happy time.

- Even if what you say is true... that’s impossible... Damien Haksen already holds all the authorities of the Demon Lords!

Asthar had heard it directly from Vahel.

Vahel said that Damien possessed all the authorities of the Demon Lords and used them to reverse time.

“Then why could you guys still be able to flee from Damien Haksen?”

Dorugo’s question made Asthar pause. The more he thought about it, the stranger it seemed.

Damien possessed not just one, but all seven authorities of the Demon Lords.

Considering the stature of the Demon Lords, it was natural for all demons, including Vahel, to be unable to resist and be killed by Damien.

“The authorities Damien Haksen holds are nothing but a fraction of them. I didn’t pass them all to him.”

- A fraction? Don’t lie! Then how did he reverse time?

Asthar shouted. Dorugo looked down at him silently.

“That’s because Damien Haksen is the core.”

- What are you talking about…?

“Enough with the idle chatter. We have plenty of work ahead.”

Dorugo turned around. Asthar tried to lunge at her.

- Where do you think you’re going? Answer my question… Ugh!

But before Asthar could even take a step, Migmag subdued him.

Migmag, who had approached silently, thrust his staff against Asthar’s back.

- Migmag! You too? When did you fall under Dorugo’s control!

Despite Asthar’s questions, Migmag did not respond. He simply focused on restraining Asthar.

Meanwhile, Dorugo took out the key and turned it in the air.

The empty space split open. Through the gap, a completely different scene appeared.

Seven statues.

An altar beneath them.

It was the altar where pacts were made.

“Come out, children.”

At Dorugo’s gesture, the Four Great Demon Kings emerged from the forest.

“Take care of the demons. Heal them sufficiently so they don’t die. It would be troublesome if they died before the ritual.”

- Ritual? What are you planning to do to us!

Asthar shouted. But subdued by Migmag, all he could do was yell.

- Are you planning to create a new oath with the altar and the key?

Suddenly, Dorugo burst into laughter. Her unexpected reaction made Asthar involuntarily close his mouth.

“You really know nothing, do you? Even with the key and the altar, creating an oath is impossible. That’s something only Ruin can do.”

- Then what kind of ritual are you talking about!

“It’s preparation to capture Damien Haksen.”

- How do you plan to capture that monster, whom even His Excellency couldn’t defeat?

Asthar scoffed. But despite his mocking tone, Dorugo remained unfazed.

“That’s why I brought you. To face a monster, I too must become a monster.”

Dorugo raised her head and looked at the seven statues.

In reality, they were not statues but the petrified bodies of the Demon Lords.

“If only I could return to those days… I could do anything.”

Dorugo’s eyes gleamed dangerously as she stared at the Demon Lords' bodies.

* * *


The Mercenary King asked in disbelief. Balhard nodded slowly.

- Yes, it’s me. It’s been a long time.


The spear dropped from the Mercenary King’s hand, and tears welled up in his eyes.


The Mercenary King ran towards Balhard, who polymorphed into a human form.



The father and son embraced each other, shedding tears.

“Karl, you’ve grown up so well. I almost didn’t recognize you.”

Balhard wiped the Mercenary King’s tears with his thumb. However, the tears continued to flow.

“I, I missed you so much! Ev-every day… I only thought about you!”

“I’m sorry for leaving you alone.”

“No, it’s okay! Y-you couldn’t help it!”


The Mercenary King hugged his father again. Balhard held Karl tightly with a pained expression.

It was truly a heartwarming reunion between father and son.



However, Cheongyeum and the Sword Saint watched with displeased expressions.

“To think I’d hear that lustful old man use the word ‘daddy’ with my own ears... I want to disinfect immediately.”

“I feel the same. Can someone get me some holy water? My stomach feels uneasy.”

The Sword Saint approached the pair with a disapproving look.

“Mister Karl Hopper’s father?”

“Just call me Balhard.”

“Yes, Balhard. I have many questions, but first, something must be done.”

The Sword Saint pointed to Damien.

“Please hand over Damien. His injuries are severe. He needs immediate treatment.”

Hesitation appeared on Balhard’s face. The Mercenary King then spoke.

“Dad, it’s okay. We’re on Damien Haksen’s side.”

“Then I’ll trust you. But I must come along too.”

The Sword Saint nodded as if to say Balhard could do as he pleased. He then took out a magical communication device and spoke into it.

“We’re bringing Damien Haksen back now. Do we have His Majesty’s permission?”

A voice came from the device's other side.

- Yes, His Majesty has granted permission to wield the Divine Sword.

[Translator - Kie]

[Proofreader - Kawaii]

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