Reverend Ecstasy

Chapter 316 I Don't Deserve You

Chapter 316 I Don't Deserve You

  In an isolated valley of Colorful Wing Supercity, led by Lord Hanxing, seven rows of Green-Hat Farmers collected buckets of water from the Spring of Eternal Youth, each putting one full bucket on their shoulders, before rushing into nearby Teleportation Arrays.

  Over the past three months, Xinzi's new avatar, the Divine Tailor, created many businesses, businesses that relied on world chaos and destructive tendencies such as greed, wrath, gluttony and so on, to make massive profits. However, Xinzi had his religious future to consider, and couldn't allow the world to see him as the self-serving profiteer that he really was.

  To prevent the bad rep, he rebranded the Dark Chamber of Commerce into the Enlightened Bank — an institution that used its astronomic wealth to set up sanctuaries and charities. The former offered asylum from the world's chaotic battles, while the latter took in orphans and provided remedies for those that suffered the destructive effects of the rising drug epidemic.

  The Spring of Eternal Youth was a critical ingredient for these remedies. So every day, Xinzi had Hanxing direct the collection of spring water with his green-hat subordinates. By now, Hanxing had gotten used to his role, wearing his tall, green and glossy hat with just a tad bit of shame. But occasionally, Zi Feng would sit by the spring, watching her reflection in its translucent depths.

  This was one such day, and aware that Zi Feng stood nearby — Hanxing couldn't focus on his job, cringing uncontrollably.

  "Lady Zi Feng..." desperate for attention, Hanxing stretched his hand out, as if by doing so, Zi Feng would turn towards him.

  She didn't. And to the spring-water collecting farmers, it seemed that Zi Feng could neither hear Hanxing's words nor notice his existence. He too felt the same. But as rage and hatred burned his chest and cheeks, a cool breeze flew by him, and instantly, Hanxing lowered his head — falling on his knees. 

  The Green-Hat Farmers did the same, in tandem kowtowing at the new entrant: Xinzi.

  'Shush...' With one finger on his lips, Xinzi sent the green-hat servants a mental message, then ambled at Zi Feng. Powered by the Dao Breath, his steps didn't cause the slightest noise, as if his entire being had fused with the world and just followed the wind wherever it took it.

  At first, Zi Feng couldn't sense Xinzi's presence. But as soon as his herculean frame appeared at her back, his reflection took shape in the spring, making the phoenix notice her master's arrival.

  "Hi, Feng'er."

  "Hi, master."

  "You were missed today."

  "I wanted to give you a reason to sneak out early so you could avoid questions you would not have been able to give satisfying answers to."

  "Like what?"

  "Like why you refused to intervene during the fight." Zi Feng brought the quick back and forth to a pause. Xinzi tilted his head, pondering on the words. 

  "You all needed some tempering. You still do, actually. Some are rusty, while others have been in too few serious fights. Why is that so hard to understand?"

  "As Dong Ling would say, your words are logically right and morally incorrect.  Just because you know that many of us are lacking in experience, doesn't mean that you should be able to watch us fight off murderous intruders with no desire of stepping in. Even a tiger mom wouldn't leave her cub in a den of wolves for training purposes — to say nothing of our loving abbot."

  "The Shentu are ants, not wolves. You're making a big deal out of nothing."

  "Careful, master, you're breaking character."

  "Does it matter? You've already seen through me, right?" Though Xinzi maintained the same merry tone, Zi Feng felt a chilling gust sweep through her bones and creep onto her heart.

  "Yes, since you returned from that trip home. You've changed dramatically. You can try to put up a front, but cannot cheat my Greater Soul." Zi Feng addressed the elephant in the room. Her candor impressed Xinzi, who firmly believed that most in her shoes would act ignorant.

  After all, if Xinzi wasn't Xinzi anymore, who could predict what he'd do to those likely to expose his true nature?

  But sometimes, honesty yielded better, stronger results than deception. This was one such time, and Zi Feng had the wisdom to figure it out. 

  "True, so Feng'er, what are you doing here, really?" Xinzi seriously asked, and his lips curled into a broad fiendish grin.

  Lifted by another gust of wind, Zi Feng's purple hair swayed in the air. With one hand swipe, she readjusted them — her eyes never shifting from Xinzi's reflection in the spring.

  "I was thinking that it was time I give you something."



  "Huh?" Perplexed by Zi Feng's words, Xinzi lost his smile, blinking in confusion.

  "Master, while I have not known you for as long as the others, my Greater Soul enables me to see things that even Tusha, A'Zhi and A'Zhu can't. You spent too much time teaching me Lianist Sutras and mystical arts, because of those long hours of teaching, my Greater Soul sensed that the powers you came back with have altered you in horrible ways." Here, Zi Feng stood up. Turning towards Xinzi and facing him with a radiant smile. 

  "But not all is lost.

  With Chun Xu, you cultivated the Yin-Yang Sword Array to the mythical ninth layer, giving her a unique privilege and bringing her true battle prowess to astonishing levels.

  With Dong Ling, you helped her shape her Unbridled Dragon Flame and tame the berserk powers that, left unchecked, could have not only burned her to death but also everyone within a 100 miles radius. 

  For Yan Le, you set up a Divine Battle Formation — a miniature world where she fought and slaughtered corrupt men and creatures that didn't challenge her conscience. Once fully unleashed, her Heavenly Slayer is a sight to behold.

  The Li nuns have a unique ability. A'Zhi, A'Zhu and I have overpowered puppets, and to gave a lot of sex.

  All these made you waste important cultivation time — time you could have used to emphasize your own growth. So, I can see that the real you is still there.

  I want to help you, but my abilities are limited. And truth be told, My Good Fortune Sacred Body aside, I have nothing to give you. So right now, I can only hope that the boons and Good Fortune you will receive through me will put you on the path to rediscovering yourself," Zi Feng said. Instantly, her words shook Xinzi's heart — stirring his stifled emotions. 

  In that instant, Xinzi's face softened. And in his eyes, Zi Feng had turned into a shining beacon of warmth, peace and enlightenment.

  "Feng'er, sometimes, I feel that I don't deserve you. Don't worry. You're part of my family, not a tool for personal growth. Things will happen because they're meant to, not due to circumstances forced upon us," Xinzi said, and with a gentle look pulled Zi Feng towards him. Their lips locked together, meshing in a sensual kiss.

  Zi Feng mellowed in her master's arms. At first, her arms just hung on the side, but as Xinzi's arms wrapped around her waist, she instinctively drove her hands up his back, wrapping her arms around his neck, and indulging in his embrace.

  Nearby, Hanxing's face went from green to blue, furious, sickened and helpless before a scene that stomped on his heart.

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