Reverse Apocalypse: The Devil's Revenge

Chapter 93 Reward Hall (2)

The Reward Hall of the underground tower didn't look too special.

It was just an underground cellar with basalt walls that had a dark and mysterious look to it. The entire Reward Hall was only dimly illuminated, but that was enough to make out the rough and jagged walls. They were made of dense black volcanic rock that had cooled down and solidified over a long period of time.

A few flickering torches jutted out of the walls at odd intervals, creating the illusion that Shadows were dancing across the walls, casting eerie shapes on the rough surface.

When Jennie saw them, she let out a shriek. She had been too focused on the sensation she received from her Soultrait that she had momentarily forgotten about the dangers of the Underground Tower. The Tower might have been conquered by them but there were still many undetected traps. Furthermore, it was not certain whether there were any more Shedim lurking in the shadows that had to be defeated, or if the last ones had been annihilated for good.

Liam took a good look around, ignoring Jennie's scream. He was the most intrigued about the thing he had seen on the other side of the wall through the hole. It had taken him a lot of time and effort to smash into the basalt wall next to the tunnel they had taken to walk into the Reward Hall. However, it was still better to take a proper look through the Reward Hall to make sure that it was safe to break through the basalt wall completely.

Breathing some air in through the nose, he figured that the air was cool and musty, with the scent of damp earth and stone. There was also a tingling sensation in his nose. It made him recall the familiar feeling many people got when they were too close to the dust of Saphirate Crystals.

The entrance to the Saphirate Crystal Mine was not far away from their current position. There was an arched gateway that led to the Saphirate Crystal Mine. Several glistening crystals entered his view but he didn't rush over to collect them immediately.

He continued to take a look at all the shelves and chests in the Reward Hall. They were old and covered with cobwebs but there were still quite a few objects of interest. Liam took a look at all of them and he organized a few things on the large wooden table that stood in the center of the underground cellar, which was basically what the Reward Hall was.

Despite the darkness and mustiness, Liam felt that there was something very unique about this room. It radiated a sense of timelessness, almost as if the walls and floor had overcome centuries and as if they would be able to stay just like this for many more centuries to follow.

"Eh…Liam?" Felicia's voice dragged Liam out of his thoughts. He turned around and noticed that Jennie, Felicia, and Olivia were staring through the hole he had made in the basalt wall. The girls were staring at the same object Liam had seen earlier.

It was a large mass of compressed Arcane Power that had been stored in purple marble. The purple marble transformed the Arcane Power and released it, creating fissures in the space around them.

"This is a Rift. It probably connects the Shedim with Haltan. Lira probably made some sort of deal with the Monarch of the Shedim. I guess, she didn't pay a single crystal for the creation of the entire Underground Tower, and earned a vast fortune in exchange for simply allowing the Shedim to create a pathway to Haltan," Liam explained a bit.

The fissure in space was opening purple swirling vortexes of energy that pulsated and crackled with transformed Arcane Power. The edges of the Rift were jagged and irregular, with tendrils of Arcane Power reaching out like branches or grasping fingers. The darkness within the rifts seemed to absorb all available light, creating a deep inky void in the centermost area.

The Arcane Power around the Rift was intense, with waves of Arcane Power that could be felt even from Liam's position. The girls felt uneasy at the sight of the Rift and they hurriedly looked over at him.

"Shouldn't we destroy it then?" Olivia asked, not too sure how to actually do it. But she was sure that Liam had a solution for that as well.

"Destroy it? With our strength? I'm sorry, but we're not some Infernal or Divine beings yet. We can only watch in awe," Liam responded with a faint chuckle.

It would take a while before Liam, or anyone else on Haltan attained enough strength to attempt controlling rifts. Destroying them was a little different matter, but Liam had never attained the necessary strength to destroy, or even control Rifts. Thus, he couldn't really say much about that.

"But even if we cannot destroy them, this thing definitely can!" Liam said in a determined tone, lifting the Livral Orb which he had pocketed not a long time ago.

He put the Livral Orb away and retrieved the mining pickaxe. It didn't take too much effort to expand the hole in the basalt wall. In only fifteen minutes, he could squeeze through the gap in the wall.

The Rift was in a separate room with a single tunnel leading the emerging Shedim to the hall of the Boss Monster.

Now that no Boss Monster existed anymore, the Rift was unprotected. If Liam wanted to, he could just enter the Rift and emerge on the other side. Of course, that was not something he would do. He didn't really want to return to the Underworld anytime soon.

The next time he would set foot in the Underworld would be for the day of his revenge!

That was what Liam planned to do.

He stretched out the Livral Orb and willed it to devour the Rift.

At first, nothing happened. Several seconds turned into half a minute but there was still no change.

That was enough reason for Liam to frown deeply and stare at the Livral Orb more intently.

What Liam didn't notice was that huge fangs, glistening in a flashing white light had manifested around the rift.

Just as Liam was about to say something, a huge maw filled with hundreds of white fangs snapped out of the ground.

As for the Rift, it had been swallowed whole!

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