Re:write The Authors Transmigration

Chapter 27: Familiars [1]

Chapter 27: Familiars [1]

[System: Homunculus test subject no. 77 code name Sun and Moon is one of the mad alchemist's projects. By dissecting tons of magical beast organs and special traits of their body parts he tries to create a being that can act as the perfect protector and killer. They're disguised as a pair of harmless-looking cats, these homunculus was lost when Deniro Alphas made all of his 100 test subjects fight each other. The one who remains will guard his underground lab, they lost their original strength when their body got devoured. Their remains afloat on test subject no. 26 code name Quadrex the endless growth, until you manage to summon them from the box]

[System: Homunculus Sun and Moon will now be registered as the player's familiar, would you like to accept? If not you can sell these families to the system with a fair amount of tokens]

'I gotta say I never expected to get a familiar as a reward... I assumed that I'll get a weapon that can make me use one of the abilities possessed by the Quadrex. But a familiar right of the earliest part of my story? That's gotta be quite rare, they didn't appear till the end of volume one,'

[System: Registration complete Sun and Moon will now be seen as familiars instead of a monster. Please wait for a second we'll be applying a seal to confirm the pact, your chest has been selected as their home. A dimensional space will be reconstructed in the player's heart]

"Finally, I can see their stats appraise," He lies on his bed whilst his familiars joined him

[Sun LVL 0

Title: Familiar

Hp: 40

Atk: 5

Spd: 15

Def: 35

Mp: 18

Stm: 30

Skills: Heal, Taunt, Fortification

More skills will be unlocked after they reached a certain level]

[Moon LVL 0

Title: Familiar

Hp: 15

Atk: 35

Spd: 25

Def: 15

Mp: 30

Stm: 19

Skills: Poison fang, Paralyzing slash, Corrosion

More skills will be unlocked after they reached a certain level]

[Sun has its stats focused on defense and Moon is focused on damaging]

'A pair of opposites like the name says sun and moon... I'll try and level them up, outside the safe zone, for now, let's get some good night's sleep,'

7 hours later outside the safe zone

"Boss, why are we here, shouldn't we be preparing for the 4th, mission," Kyo was walking beside Morris on their way to the outskirts of the safe zone and into the forest

"Well, I don't have to im one of the players that found the clue. Blake's deity said after the mercenaries found the clue they'll report back to his past self and their numbers were reduced from 150 - 80. This means, that you guys are either gonna fight for the position of the mercenary title. Blake has the clue and the fourth mission will activate once we give the clue, I told him to wait for a while,"

The two of them weren't alone in their journey, Esther arrived at their destination as soon as she finishes her hunt

"Sorry... I'm a little late, has it started yet?" She wipes off the blood that covered her clothes and when she begins to sweat, she takes off the top her of leather armor. This resulted in her revealing her smooth skin and a piece of sleeveless cloth that only covers her chest

'I don't know why but whenever I see Esther acting so clingy or doing these sorts of stuff in front of me... It's like I could hear a police siren coming from a mile away, even though my body reverted to my teens. I just can't forget the fact that I was once a 29-year-old man that's 13 years apart. I don't want to be the generic isekai try-hard or the forty-year-old reincarnated guy that digs someone younger. There's none of that for me im a fully functional adult im, not a pedophile,'

"Yeah, the thing you were talking about, actually, what are we doing? You've only said you're gonna show us something," The two of them look closely at him after he crouched down on the ground

He started scribbling a circle that looked a little strange compared with all of his previous spell circles. Even the symbols didn't t look related to the elements while in the middle he scribble an animal-like face

After he steps into the middle of the circle he poured his mana and a despicable aura manifested. Kyo and Esther prepared their weapons for any kind of situation to arrive o only to see two harmless cats appear in his chest. One of them was grey and the other was light orange

"It's just a pair of cats how could they even manifest such a horrible aura?" She tried petting the cats as soon as she extend the reach of her hand. However, the cats responded by backing away before the two of them hissed at her attempts

"Esther, you're scaring them you shouldn't approach them by patting their heads... That's a little bit aggressive you need to reach out your hand and let them get near it~ Ow!! Ow!! Ow, what the heck is with this grey cat it stings wait why isn't it healing?" Kyo awakened his left hand to heal Moon's bite and was stunned by his ability

[System: You've been afflicted with Corrosion, your Hp will be consumed as long as this debuff is currently active]

"I told you these two are my familiars the one that bit your hand is called Moon I think he used Corrosion. It's a skill that applies the corrosive status that can drain away a living thing's Hp. The effects will disappear after some time had passed, and Esther can you watch over Kyo? I'll help you guys with your training once im done," He head into the forest while Sun and Moon were dangling on his shoulder

'I'm running out of time I need to get stronger before some players affiliated with a guild find my location. I've already attracted the attention of the Velvet queen one of the strongest mercenaries in the world of trials. I can't forget about my side quest and which is to find and stop the other transmigraters, well I can't level up that easily. Nowadays I'll need a ton of exp its best if I can make my allies level, including my familiars,'

[Mana flower - A flower that's been modified by magic, it was combined with a mana crystal making it one of the handiest artifacts for the mage class its storage will differ from the quality of the item

Storage: 500

Durability: 70

Option 1: The player can store Mana in the flower for later use

Option 2: The player can use the stored Mana to activate his/her skills]

[System: You've activated the Mana flower's option 1: The mana flower will now drain you of your mp]

"Sun, Moon prepare for battle I'm fighting along with the two of you," They stopped by at the center of the forest, where theirs a ton of infected lurking around the corner. It was the perfect place to increase his familiars level, he unsheathes his dagger whilst he leads the two of them in his skirmishes. He struck the enemy with a little bit of force, lowering its health enough for his familiars to land the finishing blow. It growled so loud which made the other infected caught them in their attempts

[System: Familiar Sun is activating Taunt]

With the help of his familiar, most of the infected that were close to him redirected their attacks and hatred toward Sun. It gave him and Moon the upper hand by cutting off their limbs without them worrying about a single attack. Moon executed the damaged infected with his skills that were focused on landing a massive blow. Poisoning, paralyzing, or even eating away their hp with his corrosion making this agile familiar strike fear in the minds of infected

[System: Familiar Moon is activating Corrosion in this state his attack applies the corrosive status that eats away the opponent's health]

"Kill the ones I damaged, I need to help Sun," He rushed to the center of the infected whilst he saw an impenetrable cat sitting on the ground. The claws of the infected aren't even dangerous for Sun's stats along with the use of heal and fortification. This only made it harder for anyone to inflict any damage on her

[System: Familiar Sun has activated Fortification, Heal the familiar's health is healed while its Hp and Def are increased by half of its stats]

"Mana flowers halfway filled... Let's finished this with 1st tier magic combination, Mana circulation + Haste!!!" He notices that his surroundings slowed down, he entered a realm he never experienced

When he combined his mana circulation that increases his overall physical strength along with haste which doubles his speed. He enters a speed exceeding 100 before he could examine his findings he gently cuts away all of the infected near his defense focused familiar

[System: You've created a new magic combination you'll be given 10 stat points

Alert: Due to the trial's low difficulty your magic combination of Mana circulation & Haste will be given a major penalty... You can only use it once a day had passed, if you try to disobey the system won't allow the skills to be combined]

[What was that for a second you disappeared from your location and after a second has passed you appeared while the infected were shredded]

"I don't know I only created it thinking that the two spells can synergize, I never expected it to be a big deal," Morris said while Sun and Moon killed the injured infected

'Now that I think about it, I never wrote any kind of combination like this. Due to remembrance's influence, I can piece together some info that I wrote about my skills. Merging them to create powerful spells will be useful as I progress,'

[System: Familiar Sun and Moon leveled up, they gain 10 stat points you can now invest on their stats]

"After all, the infected we killed their levels only increased by one? I think I have another penalty, I haven't seen any other player that has a familiar. My familiars exp collection is nerfed, someone's screaming? It's coming from the south," He dashes to the location while Sun and Moon climbed up on his shoulders

He slayed anything that comes in his way, be it a magical beast or an infected while he made his way through the forest. He saw a bunch of people wearing a robe that has a symbol of an eye. It wasn't a mere coincidence it was the same symbol worn by followers of Persevis, they were surrounded by fifty or more infected. It was twice the size compared to the ones he killed they mutated, unlike any other mutations he ever saw. It was comparable to the events that happened at the laboratory. A mutation that wasn't crafted by the system rather it was made by a human

[System: The player Christoper Morris has activated the skill called [Mana breathing]. Once activated the player will restore mana as simply as breathing]

He puts on his mask before he charged in and shoots down one of the infected with his magic orb

His familiars aided the cult members and protect them from any incoming threats, Sun taunts every infected targeting the followers. This gave Moon the upper hand to dispose of the enemy without the need of protecting the followers. Sun healed the injured members who were shocked by what they had witnessed. A pair of cats was fending off the mutated infected's that were difficult for themselves to handle

"What are these animals? Are they perhaps a magical beast that's been applied with an illusion spell? It's unbelievable that they're this strong!!" One of the cult members said, whilst they were alerted by an explosion coming from the north where there was a ton of infected. They walk to get a closer look at the situation, but they only saw a mountain of corpses, and standing on the top was a masked player. A player whose identity can't be mistaken for anyone

'It's spell thief, I can't believe I've finally met him in person, at last, I found another transmigrater. I've read the author's work from start to finish, are you the cause of the change? What's your goal for doing all of this or are you as confused as me about the change of difficulty?'

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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