Re:write The Authors Transmigration

Chapter 30: Hidden Role Unlocked?

Chapter 30: Hidden Role Unlocked?

What a good day nothing brings my heartbeat to its highest whenever I came across something exciting. Today had a lot of twists I've met a reader of mine, and found a clue to the conspiracy that's happening. Lastly, I played hide and seek with my reader Park Hyunsu when we fooled the alchemist

5 minutes ago

"Shit!! The magic circle I placed to alert us has been triggered the alchemist is close. We need to hide or else we'll die a horrible death!!" Morris closed the entrance with his formation-related spell earth array. He sealed the two of them inside whilst Hyunsu started panicking when he heard of their circumstances

"Isn't the mad alchemist!! The antagonist of famine fever? Even if the system nerfs his original power he can still kill us without breaking a sweat!!"

"Settle down, we're not gonna die. I call upon my spell which copies the body of the caster and shape along with my skills. My shadow clone-like spell, appears before me, Mirage!! Okay nutjob, here's what I want you to do make a clone of yourself... Perfect then put on some robes. Make sure you don't let him see your faces so we can get away capeesh?" He ordered his mirage to do as he pleased while cast mist array onto their surroundings

[System: You've used activated [Mist array]: Your area will be consumed in a blinding Mist for the next 10 minutes]

"Do you think that guy is an idiot? to not even noticed a couple of people hiding behind the smoke," Hyunsu questioned his plan whilst he continues panicking for his life

"Settle down I haven't activated my artifact," He takes the artifact he obtained from Agni and places it on his finger

[Ring of the Mist lord - The ring that belongs to the lord of the Mist. The originator of mist spells which gives you the power of the mist if you spend the required number of mana

Durability: 100

Option 1: When you're inside the Mist you'll gain an increase in attack and defense by 50%

Mp: 100

Duration: 10 minutes

Option 2: When you're enemies are inside the Mist summon Mist killers to attack them over and over this effect will disappear if the enemy dies or the time limit has been reached

Mp: 200

Duration: 10 minutes

Option 3: You'll absorb the Mist around you gaining invisibility and stealth. whenever you're in this state no one can feel your presence or hear your voice this effect will be shared with your teammates

Mp: 300

Duration: 10 minutes]

[System: You've chosen option 3, error you don't have enough Mp searching for Mp, you have some spare Mp inside Mana flower would you like to accept?]

"Yes," Morris said as the Mist around them was swallowed by the ring leaving nothing behind

[System: Option 3 has now been applied, and the artifact will now enter its cooldown the next use will be at 10 days]

"Aaaaaah he's here... Wait why can't he see us?" Hyunsu watched as their body had become invisible with the help of the mist and his clones fooled their enemy with their act

"Looks like he fall for it lets go we need to leave the effect won't last forever," The two of them ran back to the exit of the lab

Morris's left eye was connected to his copy and gave him the view of a living deity, whilst they were looking for the dungeon core. In his copy's final moments, he sees the body of the mad alchemist. It was merged with a ton of monster parts as well as a magical beast that turned him into some kind of chimera

"Spell thief nim!! I've found it, let's go before he returns," Hyunsu pulled out the core and they were sent back to the entrance while they trapped the mad alchemist

"Ugh, It's a miracle, that you survived now hand me the dungeon core. I need that to help the main character," Morris said while the two of them are making their way out of the entrance of the dungeon

"Here you go, I think we're far from the dungeon let's open the recordings of the magic ball," When they weren't paying attention someone appeared on their back and startled them both. They thought it was the man alchemist, but it was Esther and Kyo who were looking all over for him

"Morris, what took you so long didn't you promise that you'll train with us? It's already 6 pm, and who's that guy," She glared at the person when she confirmed him to be a stranger

'Wait, Spell thief nim's identity is Morris? As in Christoper Morris the side character? How's that possible there's no way he said his a transmigrater. Don't tell me he's connected to the author. But that bluff he said before is it true or is he lying?'

'She looks pretty calm, but I can sense her overflowing rage aimed at me. I pissed her off, didn't I? It seems like this training of ours meant so much to her. It seems that I can't ignore my allies. Even if she looks a little pissed I think she's worried about me?'

"Whoa, calm down Esther, I have a logical explanation. You see this guy his name is Hyunsu and he was attacked by a monster. There were too many of them and I ran away with his injured body," He grips so tightly in Hyunsu's shoulder which signals him to cooperate with his lie

"Yes, yes that's correct!! I would've been a goner if it weren't for Morris nim's help!! I'm so sorry if I made him skip over you're training. Please don't get mad at his heroic act," He lowered his tone and acted like an injured person to the point that he faked an injury in his leg

'Not again... This sounds like the time, Morris was injured and we met a concerned stranger from the forest. I thought they wanted to help but I find out that they plan to kill us for exp. This person sounds too suspicious I'll be watching his every move,'

"Boss, I got to ask where are your familiars?" Kyo looked into their surroundings whilst he tried sniffing for their scent

"Oh that I canceled their summoning that's why you can't see them," After that the four of them made their way back to the safe zone

"Morris nim, I'll be heading back to the cult and I've sent you my id. You can contact me on the player server. I'll tell you every single detail if it needs your attention," He left after they entered the safe zone

'He's acting a little friendly, I guess finding out my identity did the trick. I want to take a nap before I opened this artifact I wonder what's inside,'

"Hey guys, I need to get some rest~ Don't look at me like that! I'll train with you tomorrow morning, I won't flake out again I promise. I'll even do you guys a favor if I did," He said as the two of them agreed to his demands

After all, that occurred Morris was tired to the point where he can't even imagine learning a new spell. He didn't even plot to open the artifact and kept his promise, he slept when his body collided with his bed. He didn't even resist his urge to rest and he dives into another dream relating to his past

This played in a time of his youth when he lay down on the grass. He was completely blocked from writing his next chapter and he started at the cloud while a shadow covered his face

"Did I make you wait?" Jin gave him a bottle of water and proceeds to lie down on the grass

"Not really, I was distracted by the clouds. Sometimes I wonder if there's something more to life than status, wealth, and fame. Many tend to turn a blind eye, but it's true. Those three things are the thing that decides your fate," He said while he drinks some water

"You're at it again... It's like I'm talking to an adult or even an emo who's depressed about his life. Don't think so hard about it, that's just how the world work. You can't change a thing," He tried to comfort him with his sugar-coated words

"I have a question for you... If you have the choice to be born in any kind of world what would it be?" He leaned toward the shoulder of his friend and waited to hear his answer

"Hmmm, that's a tough one maybe a world filled with adventures and extremely difficult challenges. In exchange, those three things you've mentioned can't determine your fate. In that place it's filled with trials difficult and life-threatening trials," Once he heard of his answer, Morris found a breakthrough in his book. The words that Jin said formed a connection to his world-building

"Jin you're a genius!! The things you've just said helped me, I think I've finally decided how my books going to play out," He jumped in excitement after he finally broke through his writer's block

His dreams were cut after his past self replied to his best friend. He woke up and heard a familiar voice calling out to him. The voice kept on playing until he finally woke up. It was later revealed to be his annoying deity

[What took you so long? I've been trying to wake you up for 2 hours!!!]

"Ugh, the hell's wrong with you? It's 7 in the morning I can't even imagine anyone waking up," His words were easily proven to be wrong once the both of them heard someone knocking on his door

"Morris, are you awake? It's time for you to get up and don't you dare run away from your promise," Esther kept on knocking until she heard a reply and she left right after

[You were saying? Come on say it again, did I hear that right you said, no one's awake at this time!!]

"Give me a break!! I had a stressful chore I did some seer-related stuff. If you're curious I need some time to restore some of my strength," After he folded his sheet, he grabbed the items that he obtained from the dungeon

[Magic ball of recollection - An artifact that can preserve the memory of the previous owner who activated it]

[System: You've activated the artifact the preserved memory can now be seen]

Log no. 459 I came to realize that I was not real. all of this is just a recorded history of how the world crumbled from the famine I've met someone who's emitting the same Aura as mine he explained everything to me. he wants to help me with my plans along with many other players that are following him he said that with their help I could achieve my plans

[System: You've unlocked a hidden role that was newly added to the trial? You can now change from mercenary into a member of the shadow institute!! Would you like to change your role [Yes] or [No] you can halt this and you can choose whenever you please to shift your role]

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