Re:write The Authors Transmigration

Chapter 4: Invitation

Chapter 4: Invitation

It's finally morning after a lot of attempts to learn all of the magic I can currently use I didn't notice when I'd fallen asleep. The only thing I could remember was lying down on the cold floor whilst I heard a knock that woke me up from my sleep. It was the innkeeper that told me that breakfast was ready

"Good morning... Sir your breakfast is ready,"

"Ughh, I can't even enjoy my bed, maybe at a later date. I need to get ready, the sun isn't that bright im guessing it's five in the morning?" He opened the window inlaid on his room to see a peaceful morning without hearing a person cuss. He kept on staring into the wilderness till he was confronted by his body which alert him of his needs

'My stomach's getting more cranky... Looks like it's not that obedient to wait a while longer. I need to eat some food before I start my path of leveling up. There's going to be a big day ahead of me,'

[System: You've learned Haste - A spell that can increase the player's speed for a short period of time

Spd increase: 50%

Mp: 10p]

[System: You've learned Ignite - A fire attribute spell that can start a small spark in an area of effect chances of applying burns

Magic damage: 15

Mp: 10]

[System: You've learned Shock - A electric attribute spell that shoots out an electrical current that can cause paralysis

Magic damage: 25

Mp: 15]

'I can learn a lot more than that but that's crossing the rules of my book what exactly I can and cannot do? Killing is legal here even theft as long as it's not in the city anything's allowed since you can blame it all on the monsters. Aside from that rapid progression on leveling is seen as a cheat. There's no need for an explanation once you're caught your gonna get killed by the Game masters. You can only dodge this if you're contracted with a deity which explains why they have an incredible growth rate,'

'Theirs a limit to my skills as well there's no actual limit to say but having more skills than your level can will be seen as a cheat. Your die as soon as you slip, my current level can only grant me five skills I've only learned four of them. As much as I know all the spells in my story and how to use them there's a limit to what I can do and that's my magical power,'

"Thanks for the food" He sat down and fill his stomach till he was a bloated balloon after resting for a couple of minutes he enters his room. Once he got ahold of his staff, and place his sword on his back he officially began his journey

His appearance in his story, wouldn't appear in his current timeline, so before that could ever occur he wanted to grow. If he wishes to walk freely in this world, someone as weak as he would need to acquire some power. Not that much to be called a talent but enough for him to live for another day

"It has to be here... It's such an important easter egg, I should remember it. I wouldn't forget such a valuable thing. I know I placed it near the starter city," He finds himself entering a forest in hopes of finding something he had written about in his book

"Graahh!!!" Suddenly a monster scream would be heard from his back, followed by a swing of its weapon. Morris quickly dodges whilst its weapon knocks a few branches of a nearby tree. He evades its slow attack even for someone like him to predict

[System: Hidden monster called [Butcher] the gigantic ogre has been discovered]

'Why the hell am I always meeting a crisis everywhere I go? At least this guy was the one im looking for, I need to kill him before anyone else spots what im about to do. He doesn't drop any experience points but what's special about this guy is that he drops rare items,'

"Oi Butcher come follow me you son of a bitch!!!" He flipped his middle finger and sticks his tongue which triggers the monster in response

By the time he caught its attention, he ran away from the butcher that blindly follows him into an open area. It was the perfect area that was far far away from the city and its prying eyes. Once it took a step forward one of his spells triggered which resulted in the form of an explosion

He placed a dozen or so spell circles as a trap once it's triggered his spells would occur, and the Butcher appeared to be unfazed. It was a direct attack and yet it kept on charging in his direction with no sense of stopping. He swung its rusted blade which splits the ground with an incredible amount of force

[Ogre - A race of monsters that feeds on human flesh along with other kinds of meat. They are categorized as a group of monsters that uses players as their way of military production. This means that their similar to a goblin that can breed with players. They're known for their incredible sense of smell, and physical prowess. They also possess a durable body in exchange they're slow and easy to drain in a long-term fight]

"Take this!!!" He increased his speed with the help of haste and climbs on top of the gigantic ogre's body. He grab a hold of his sword and drove the tip into its head causing the ogre to feel a great amount of pain

The Butcher was confused by its situation but his enemy hasn't yet concluded his actions. Morris descent into its back and stabs its left leg whilst the monster screams in response. The noise it made startled the nearby monsters and soon his worst-case scenario came to be present

[System: [Butcher] the gigantic ogre's scream startled the monsters in the area, his screams showed your location known to his kin

Alert: Due to [Butchers] suffering the ogres are now enraged which boosts their stats whilst their anger is directed towards you]

'You've got to be kidding me? Out of everything it had to make these monsters pissed. I need to end this before it gets any uglier,'

With the ogre's arrival, Morris changes his strategy and deployed all of the spells he'd placed in advance. His action causes every spell to activate at the same time, and a large explosion ensues. The explosion was powerful enough to end their lives whilst smoke covered his view

He calmly reads his situation before he attacks and that's when it hit him. Literally, he didn't notice due to the smoke at present, aided his target in closing their gap. and when he came to learn of this he wasn't able to react in time. This costs a huge injury to appear in a form of a slash that tore through his abdomen

[System: You've endured a fatal blow that could've killed you, your condition has now reached critical. Your existence is being threatened!! The effect of the magicians necklace has been applied, it prevented the attack on severing the lower half of your upper body]

"Bluargh!!!" Morris could only do was sit back and puke some of his blood whilst his shield kept on preventing the inevitable. It was pummeled by the swing of the Butcher, with his remaining strength he forced his body to move. But it only for it to backfire and causes an opening in his abdomen to widen its reach. His vision became blurrily, he was unable to see or move

On his death bed, he heard a voice calling for him, it wasn't soft nor angelic it was a deep and husky voice. The voice wasn't heard with the use of his ear, instead was a voice that invaded the defenses of his mind. There's only a singular explanation for his current experience and that was the presence of a deity

[You're talented!!? I have to commend you for that display of magic. Do you want to become my avatar?]

"Who are you? Bluargh!!!!!" He replied to the voice wherein he ask for the name of the deity before he puked once more. He feels his body slowly but surely getting colder as time passes reassuring him of his death. The deity came to learn of his injuries once it gazes at the world

[Oh how thoughtless of me!!! I'm inviting you to become my avatar and yet im watching you endure this painful experience... Fret not, for I will come and help you]

[System: A deity has used his Authority to use a spell that would heal your wounds]

'His healing me? That's impossible!!! Only a famous deity can get this kind of authority that can rival a Gm. What is the identity of this deity? No, what's important is that I survive. My vision got better, and I can see again, this isn't a simple healing process... and the blood I lost was returned to my body? This looks like some weird voodoo shit!'

As soon as his wounds disappeared he made his move without any second to spare. He used the remaining time of his necklace for him to pounce on the ogre's face. He sliced their thick necks before he cast ignite in their wounds

The spell circulated inside their heads which resulted in an explosion to occur. The force of the explosion sends the head of the ogre to soar into the skies. Before it falls to the ground and became prey to this player

[System: You've killed a monster, the collected experience will now be given... You've leveled up!!]

[Christopher Morris LVL 4

Hp: 18

Ark: 14

Spd: 25

Def: 8

Mp: 15

Stm: 8

Unused points: 10

Overall rating: You've gotten a little faster than before even a little stronger yet you're still alive. I guess some trash would desire to struggle before listening to someone's advice]

[System: You've invested 10 points to increase mp. Overall ratings: Your magic power has increased since last time. At least your trying to increase something you're naturally good at. Still, you're far beyond from surviving this place, good luck asshole]

"That's a lot better I can finally do this" He tries to combine ignite and shock that caused an explosion to kill the damaged ogres

[System: You've killed a monster, the collected experience will now be given]

[Combining two spells to create a powerful attack!!? My eyes didn't deceive me, at last, I found someone capable!!!]

'Ughh, that last one took all of my mp even the ones stored on my staff. How the fuck is this guy even alive!!?"

Amidst the explosion, he created emerged the Butcher who was badly injured, yet it still has the strength to attack. Morris was exhausted from all that casting, his body was at its limits he can only accomplish was to escape. The Butcher chased him until he finally ran out of time

[System: The body of the player is being forcefully moved by their sheer will of survival. The player's stamina has reached zero, any further movement will result in a backlash. Every movement you exert will bring a surge of incredible pain in your body]

'"It's now or never please make it!!! My fragile piece of shit of a bone, don't give you dare give up on me!!!! Arggggghhh!!! It fucking hurts!!!" His body was about to lose its strength and the Butcher lunges forward. It soars from the air and it chose to land near Morris's location

He jumps away in time before the Butcher lands on his position, and the butcher was surprised. It fell to fall into a trap made by a man who perfectly read every one of its moves along with its finisher. A trap personally made for the Butcher alone to counter its every move and the only thing it saw was its body getting impaled. Dozens of pointy wood would pierce its body, it tried its hardest to escape

Though that thought of escaping disappeared when from its mind when it saw Morris on top of the hole."Ignite!!!"

He cast his final spell into the narrow hole which slowly burns his target whilst he catches his breath

[Impressive, have you thought about my offer...? Brave, player do you want to become my avatar? I trust you know the right answer after I showed you my authority]

[System: You've got an invitation to be an Avatar would you accept or decline]

'I forgot about that... I don't care what kind of deity he is as long as I have a system. I can make it work. There's no way I'll regret ever making a contract~'

[System: You've accepted The Forgotten Sages invitation. You've now become his avatar]

Silence filled the air and his smile slowly deteriorates after learning of the name of his contracted deity

'Be it fate or a coincidence, I would later come to realize that my encounter with him was the start of my troublesome life,'

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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