Re:write The Authors Transmigration

Chapter 45: S stands for slave

Chapter 45: S stands for slave

Before I could even respond to my situation, I'm running away from a bunch of players in pursuit of my life. A brand new adventure to the east we go where I will encounter my foolish readers! Yes the ones responsible for all of this unnecessary difficulty

15 days ago

[Run, Morris run! That guy's trying to kill you!!!]

"Kiddo if you keep playing it safe then you'll die without striking down your enemy," Genis executed a roundhouse kick that was infused with his Chi

"Chi Overflow," In an instant Morris gathered every Chi in his body to enhance the durability of his arms to block Genis's. He felt his bones breaking and before his enemy could act, he grabs ahold of his feet and threw Genis to the ground. The floors broke from the sheer strength he displayed and his enemy quickly recovered from his attack

They continued their long and tiring spar with each swing of their fist creating a pressurized air that aims for their foe. And when they're close to one they'll pour all of their remaining stamina for a deciding strike. But every time they do so only their fist collided alongside their kicks. In the end, even in such proximity to their opponent, the two weren't able to push through their defenses

'He's pretty good, im having a hard time dealing with his incredible amount of Chi. Aside from that, I'm handicapped since I can't even use my Mana. It's a good thing he's lowering his strength to match my own or else I'll be dead. This is truly a battle between an expert and a newbie,'

'It's easy to enhance a person's physical prowess just by using Chi... The fact that it's completely different from Mana which manipulates its surroundings at will. Chi manipulates the user's body making it one of the best things a melee player wants to unlock. Magic has its faults. It's the reason why I added daggers in the mix of my spells, but now that I have Chi... I'm open to a whole new set of skills and training methods, I might as well try and do some cultivation,'

[You're doing great for a magician!!! You realize that what Chi requires isn't the same as Magic am I correct? You need someone knowledgable about the physical method or should I say Martial arts]

"For a magician to quickly adapt to a realm that's different from Magic? I gotta say, im impressed. Come back when you're finished with your patrol. I have a meeting with the higher-ups, you'll have to do your mission without my assistance," Genis tossed a pouch toward Morris containing an item and a map for his next destination

[Story quest: Night patrol you're ordered to search the Eastern district for any irregularity


A lot of people are reported to have been taken away by the followers of the Mad Alchemist find a clue to pinpoint their whereabouts 1/0

Due to you're hard work, you gained a ton of information about the followers you can kill all of them without leaving anyone alive

Failure: 25 days, for this quest, you'll be given a disaster gauge it will display how much damage the Eastern district has suffered. if the gauge has crossed over 50% you'll lose some contribution points]

'It's a little harder than my previous quest! I can't believe this is the fifth story quest... I'll die from overworking my body, hold on what's this?'

Aside from the map, he noticed the item that was given to him by his master. Not only did he gain a limited event item, it even solved the issue he faced. The lack of manpower for his mission was no longer upon the arrival of such a marvelous trinket

[Shadow insignia x5 - A badge of honor that represents the secret institution that lurks amongst the shadow

Effect: Once used the player can switch to the secret role to become a member of the enigmatic [Shadow institute]

[Shadow institute]: You'll gain a separate mission that tackles the hidden side of the story of this catastrophe]

'Hmmm, who should I choose to be my comrades...? Persevis isn't an important character, but his one of the greatest Cleric in the story and has a mindset of a leader. How about Airis? She's known as one of the strongest players in the early stages of my book,'

'On second thought, let's not get her associated. I can't rely on her and she has a part to play in this trial. That only leaves a few players that I know, Jin is already placed on the roster,'

"Do I have to form a team? How big can one district be? What the...! This is the Eastern district?" When he opened the map, he realized the size and reach of this massive district he's been ordered to patrol

[By the looks of it I can predict that they have a lot of hideouts located on each street]

"This is the reason why I'm going to have a hard time! It's gonna be tough since I'll burn my mana to create a ton of non-lasting copies,"

[You know there's a place where a ton of paranoid players like you are likely to go to if they desire some trustworthy allies]

"Do you want me to purchase a slave?" Morris stopped by at the nearest alleyway before he continues his chat

[There's nothing wrong with having a slave right!? You can train them, bathe them, and even if they loathe you they can't kill you, the perfect disposable tools to come. Don't tell me you weren't thinking about this possibility or are you backing down? I know your true self, a selfish man that would make him do anything for his desire to happen. You're not even denying the fact]

"Nah I just want to see how far you'll go to persuade me... Oh, look a random alleyway that has a slave shop! What a coincidence," He entered the shop unfazed by the scenery that illustrates one of the darkest sides of his story

This was one of the things he left unchanged, a side of the world that he never mentioned in his tale. Since this place reeked of death, something like slaves and all sorts of things will appear when players are given a lot of freedom. Battle assistance, sexual pleasure, or a player just buying a slave to flex his bountiful wealth

'There's a common and yet unspoken rule in the world of trials... Whenever a player hits the lowest of their lives they'll be visited by an entity called 'Loan shark'. Like the name implies they loan some tokens to the desperate player. But its all a trap,'

'There's no limit to the number they can borrow, the only catch is that you need to pay them on time. What's going to happen if they don't? That's easy the players will be branded as a slave and they'll be on their merry way to a cage inside of these questionable shops,'

'Before they're off to their future masters, they'll get to experience the life of a slave... Getting whipped every day by their sadistic owners and abandoning their pride to eat some food that we're meant to be for animals. There are other ways to become a slave but thats for another time,'

"For a slave shop, this one's putting on some work! Sage look how shiny their floor is, I can even see my reflection. And the cage is well preserved, I can't see a single rust," Morris evaluated the shop as soon as he entered the room

"That's to be expected for a long-standing profession. Nice to meet you I'm the owner of this fine establishment. Are you here to get yourself a slave of your own? I'm very knowledgeable about a peperson'saste you don't need to be shy about it," The owner offered him a helping hand in choosing his future toy

[I envy you, I never had someone mistake me for a lecherous individual... They only see my grimoire and they already knew I needed some diseased body parts of a rare species. It's common for a limb or two, to be seen, lying around the shop]

"No offense, but I'm not sure if what you're selling is verified as a safe... I don't want to gain an unknown disease just because of a simple desire like that no siree. What I want is your finest quality of combative slaves male, female, and even genderless will do! They can be fugly and I won't care, just bring me the brutes," Morris declined the owner's offer and informed him of his desire for power over his lust

'I'm not joking about that. The world of trials invites a ton of species across the multiverse. By chance that they have a disease that would make me resort to purchasing a purification potion. What's worst it will cost me a fortune, getting laid is optional, unless you don't care about the std,'

"Follow me, dear customer I possess the merchandise that you desire. Be it an Elf that has a great aim, a Beast that's durable enough to be used as a shield. A lizard man that can freely move even if the situation was against him. Lastly my prized slave... It's not as outstanding as the ones I showed you before, but her race is one of the rarest of them all," The owner showed Morris a cage marked with a few protective layered spells only to seal away a malnourished girl that was the same age as Kyo min soo

[I can't believe it!!! It's a Gremphis, a race thats mostly made of pure energy while they possess a physical form that resembles a human being. They're mostly known to radiate powerful surges of Mana from time to time]

[Quon LVL 12

Title: None

Class: None

Blessing: None

Hp: 23

Atk: 13

Spd: 8

Def: 8

Mp: 26

Stm: 11

Unused points: 120

Skills: Mana regeneration (D) Intelligence (C) Absorb (F)

Overall ratings: A promising genius if only your situation wasn't that of a slave]

'She looks like a corpse! I wonder how she ended up in a place like this. Well, I don't care a single bit about her origins, her name isn't in my book. I can use her as much as I want,'

"How much for the girl I'll buy her," Morris took a step back while the owner opened the cage and disable the seals inlaid in the cage

"Her prize will be 18k, 10k for her race, and 8k for her level. Should we write you a monthly fee for your purchase?" The owner was surprised when Morris sent him the tokens with the system's help

"18k tokens right? Let's apply the crest I don't have a lot of time to browse your other merchandise," Morris proceeded with the crest application, where he spilled a few drops of blood within the ink. It was later applied to the girl's body and the crest of the slave appeared on her chest

[System: Crest application has been completed!!! You can now invest in the branded player's stats! They hold no freedom even with the allocation of their stats]

Morris stared into Quon's blank eyes along with her tight-lipped demeanor foreseen due to her environment

"Kid if you can understand what I'm saying just nod... Looks like you can, as long as you do what I say I'll give you what you want. Be it riches, power, or your freedom... It's not freed and you might as well die in the process, but I'll treat you better than that slums," At that moment Quon didn't speak she only nodded agreeing with his decision while they travel across the district toward East

'What a smart kid. She knows how to choose correctly, I'll teach her whatever she needs to know. Her race is something thats close to the epitome of a mage. Since she's young I'll turn her into a wonderful tool,'

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