Re:write The Authors Transmigration

Chapter 47: The perfect scam [1]

Chapter 47: The perfect scam [1]

I never thought I'd experience something like a spy mission going undercover with the six of us against a swarm of players. Let's play the overly used spy theme and we'll start the game

"Welcome to Aries pharmacy what can I assist you with dear customer," Morris greeted with a warm and friendly gesture and bending his head forward

[This must be a frustrating job for you isn't it Morris?]

2 days ago

"Will split into three groups and each will have a partner. You'll be assigned to a company employed by one of these three . Malcolm, Garm, and lastly Aries. They're the names that were given to me by Blake, yes Esther what's your question?" Morris paused for a moment when he notices Esther's hand

"It's not that I don't believe in Blake. He's a viable source of information, but why do you trust in every word he tells?" Esther reluctantly asked this question when she notices the silence of the redt of their group

"Good question that needs to be answered. Most of you that's inside this building may or may not know of Blake's importance. He's related to one of the characters that became a deity, any other question. Yoona, what do you want to ask?"

"Do you have a plan for everyone inside this plan of yours? I don't look like a randomly selected individual. Do you have to choose me of all people?" Yoona noticed something crucial to their plans

[She's not to be underestimated... Looks like she noticed your plans. I guess she wants to follow with the plans you'll put in action]

"Yes, your assumption was correct, everyone has a crucial role in every part of their mission. Every move you guys made will affect the entire result of our mission. Jin, can you show them our investigation? I'm on cleaning duty so can you take the lead," Morris grabs ahold of their plate and proceeds to the kitchen leaving everyone in Jin's care

"This is our collected investigation when we're patrolling the area. The location of every kidnapping and the information we gathered from the victim's guardians. All of them have the same issue 20 years or below, this isn't a coincidence, today's abduction is now their 65th target," Jin showed every missing person's contact information status and their traits only for them to share one thing in common they were 20 years or below

"That's why I'll need everyone to apply for a job in these areas. The teams will now be announced team 1 Yoona and Quon we'll be placed in Malcolm's pharmacy. Team 2 will be Jin and Kyo. I need the two of you to find a way to get closer to Garm; he's the only one who's known to be close with Deniro. Lastly, team 3 Esther and I will infiltrate one of the most heavily guarded pharmaceutical companies that I mentioned," Some of them felt uneasy in participating on a mission they haven't yet experienced but in the end they agreed

Present time

'That's why i'm here pretending to be a goody-two-shoes. The requirements was too fucking difficult. Esther was given a job that suits her the most. She became a bodyguard of Aries. On the other hand, I applied to be an Alchemist. It wasn't a waste reading Deniro's book since it contained most of the basics which I needed. The two of us are working while we're disguised by a randomly generated disguise we gain from one of the perks of our role. We can change our voice, appearance, height etc. Well that comes with a price. Were stuck with this disguise as long as the mission isn't completed,'

[It's a shame that these skills are only applicable to this trial. It would've been great if you could keep this skill... but I rather not, its fun seeing you suffer and yet survive at every hurdle that arrives in your path]

"Mr. Gaia, we have a problem with the production branch! It looks like they came across another problem," A man named Kros approached Morris calling him with his undercover name

[Whenever I hear your made-up name it sounds like you are a freaking environmentalist. How long are you going to pretend?]

"Kros take my spot, I'll check the situation," Morris rushed towards the production branch was stationed, and out of nowhere an explosion occurred

His body was close and yet his body was sent hurtling to the wall. If it was not for the door his body would've been set ablaze by the raging flames. Was it all a coincidence or did he perfectly aligned everything to minimize the damage he'll receive whilst maintaining his cover

[It explodes just as you predicted. I can't believe you perfectly measured the time of the explosion. Since you got caught up, they wouldn't suspect you, right?]

'How come a potion that was meant to be a healing potion production became a combustible liquid? Apart from that a whiff causes paralysis, nausea, inflammation? Let's just say I rigged the whole production branch with a drop of some mixed chemicals. It violently reacts to any potion that's meant for recovery. I'll use this time when every founding member is away making me the hero that saved the company. With this I'll earn their trust but that's not the last part of my foolproof plan,'

"Everyone evacuate the area one of you call the higher-ups and tell them that I'll be held responsible for what i'm about to do," Morris grabbed a bunch of chemicals inside his pocket and threw it on the toxic gas slowly pushing the chemicals back

Everything was going as he schemed, he sat on a stool while he wears a gas mask and awaiti for Esther's message before he continued with his move

|[Morris can you hear me * Bleep* Hello, can you hear me? *Bleep]|

"Yes, I can hear you loud and clear, is everything in position? We only have one shot and we need to pull this off. Wait a second I hear someone coming," Morris threw a chemical that burned the entrance preventing everyone from reaching his spot

"Mr. Gaia everyone's safe, we need you to escape from that room," Kros yelled near the entrance along with the rest of the employees that weren't able to extinguish the mysterious flame


[On our second day in our pharmaceutical profession we did a lot of arson than selling some medicine]

|[Morris everything is ready, I have every exit locked and every window sealed with the experimental slime you gave me]|

"Mwehehehehehehe, it's about time, Mirage," Morris created a copy of himself

[System: The deity known as [The Forgotten Sage] is using his authority to possess the created copy of its Avatar! The deity used his knowledge to increase the copies duration by 10 minutes -> 60 minutes]

"I never thought that I'll be back in the trials well in some sense. Should we continue our scheme? I'm all ears with our next course of action," Sage grinned and dons a replica of Morris's mask before they continued with their plan

"Mr. Gaia I'm coming to get you," Kros bathed his body in a bucket of water before he made his way through the crowd. The unknown flames disappeared and Morris was perfectly thrown and landed on Kros. His body lessen the impact and soon after a figure emerge from the ruined workshop

'Perfect throw Sage! I landed on something to break my fall,'

"Hahahahahahahaha all of you are about to witness the Grim reapers wrath!!!," Sage overwhelmed the crowd by releasing his overwhelming mana. Its volume revealed his explosive energy and he shoots Ignite to the ceiling that causes everyone to flee

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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