Re:write The Authors Transmigration

Chapter 78: The Hunt Begins [4]

Chapter 78: The Hunt Begins [4]

While Jin was having trouble destroying their chemical supply the rest alongside myself was chasing after the followers that were spreading the poisonous gas without any sort of rest. Along the way, I met some of my readers that were not happy to see me apart from that I've found someone I was hoping to meet on my journey

"Follow me I can smell the poison it's just right around this corner," Kyo jumped from one building to another after he smelled the sample he goy from Morris

"What's the matter with this mutt he kept on telling the two of us to follow him," Quon was carried at Esther's back while the two of them follow his lead when Morris gave them his word

His nose leads him to the ground where he saw a tiny little hole that he entered without consulting the two that were following his lead which led him to a dark and eerie place. It was filled with a ton of decorative arts that were hanging at every corner of the room before it got any weirder Quon and Esther noticed that the entrance they entered disappeared into the shadows. The three of them were cautious about their surroundings until a voice that sounded like their leader arises from the shadows

"Guys what took you so long come were about to capture the ones that were responsible for all of this," Kyo didn't hesitate when he heard the voice of his leader while the two were suspicious about their current situation, they never saw Morris leave the place even if he did they didn't even notice his presence which made them warn Kyo about the dangers that lurked inside the shadows

"Hey dumb mutt, stop for a second that's not master," Quon tried to warn him yet her voice wasn't able to get through their distance made it sound like she was muttering yet he can't hear her correctly and proceeded to enter, his suspicion only occurred when he slightly opened the door which revealed the scent that was completely different from Morris. Even with this knowledge, he took its bait after he prepared his body to transform into a Beast if needed

Esther and Quon saw their voices fail them after they saw him enter without even knowing the dangers until a loud bang made them worry about his condition. Until they see for their own eyes a figure that came out of the room to be injured by a claw that revealed Kyo's suspicion

"Who the hell are you? What's this place, why did you lead us into this place huh," Kyo pounced on the person who had his upper body wounded by his claw the moment he tried to attack him

*Cough* *Cough*

"I don't have anything to say to the likes of you, I'm only here to fulfill master Specimen's plans. All of you are now trapped inside his maze if you want to escape and help your allies then you must conquer this domain," The follower died shortly after he had uttered his last words which made Kyo drop his body to the ground. after they had a look at the rooms they were met with a voice that echoed throughout the place a voice of a man in his twenties that explained their current situation

[Hello, I'm called the first vassal Specimen, all of you are here because you interfere with our plans. So my master had ordered me to dispose of the three of you while he have a little chat with your leader]

"Show yourself and fight I'm not a fan of cowards," Esther unsheathes her sword after she heard his introduction

[I'm not sure that you're the one that's in charge of this Domain, if you want to fight me then you'll have to look for me inside this place that's the habitat for a hundred homunculi. If you're scared then I can arrange your death after you died from hunger or you've committed suicide under all of this pressure, now then what will you choose]

"Talking with this person will only be a waste, let's not waste our energy and fight his challenge. Master told us that we must exterminate the ones that caused all the crises that were currently facing. If the two of you aren't in any position to lead then I'm the only one from the three of us that can lead," Quon took the lead in the three of them before they set their mark on the exit that was nowhere to be found in their area

Meanwhile back at the tavern

Jin encountered a rather peculiar man who was holding a glass filled with poison without any kind of weapon in his hand. Yet he proved to be a challenge with his trickery paired with his body that was growing stronger after he devoured a chunk of poison that was enough to kill anyone that would come in contact. Jin used his hammer along with the metal around them to his advantage creating a ton of metallic spikes that aimed at his opponent giving him the distance he needed before he strikes him with a full-force swing of his hammer sending his opponent to the wall

[You've managed to escape from his clutches, what now, you can't dodge him every time he sends an attack. You're already at your limit after manipulating all the nearby metals

"Bluargh, can't you please tell me anything else that would help me instead of repeatedly telling me of my disadvantages? This is the reason why I mostly mute you," Jin bandaged his wounds that were afflicted by the poison along with the cuts he suffered from his opponent's sharp and pointy nail that was equipped with poison

[I'm only telling you the truth, it's not my fault if it's depressing, so do you have a plan? Your opponent will arise from that wall to end your life at any given moment]

"There has to be something inside this bag of mine," Jin opened up his bag to look for anything to solve his dilemma with nothing to be seen that would prove to be applicable to his current situation the only thing he had was a gamble to bet his life in a certain plan that he crafted not long after he found out his opponents strengths and weaknesses

[Do you think this will work?]

Jin prepared every weapon he has inside his body along with the armor he once wore when he first arrived to assist Morris in his battle with Seper. He waited for his opponent to recover from the blow it took, he became impatient, and curious about his opponent which made him look inside the crater only for an attack that came from above made scratch his chest. It was none other than a mutated version of Bringer his hands changed to a monster along with his feet, he became faster than his previous form with his body manifesting a ton of spikes that restricted Jin's movement from pulling any sort of attacks

[System: the player Jin Kurenai has activated the skill Hammer arts, the player will now gain access to a bunch of techniques inside the skill]

"Empower physical strength, Hammer arts full force swing," Jin closest within a range for his hammer to strike Bringer dodging the spikes that were flung in his direction while he countered with his attack that sends him flying to the air

[System: You've activated one of the skills inside your boots, you've activated the skill Haste you'll now receive an increase of movement speed for the next 3 minutes, the next usage of the skill will be in the next 30 minutes]

Jin connected his attacks after he strikes Bringer he dashes to his next location where he continues to pummel him after he landed back on the ground. Bringer had enough of his attacks which he recovered after he devoured a chunk of chemicals that force him to stop his attacks from continuing any further. That's what he thought but Jin forced his way through the poison along with his hammer that struck his body until his mouth opened giving him a few seconds to enact his plan before his body was pierced by the spikes that manifested in his body. Along with the poison, his body was oozing which paralyzed him for a second for Bringer to unleash a powerful hit that broke most of his bones

[System: Youre health has dropped to a dangerous level, your existence is being threatened by the vassal named Bringer]

Bleeding from head to toe, his body was undergoing a series of status illnesses that made his condition worse as time passes. It wasn't as bad as his enemy was slowly making its way to his injured body and Bringer grabbed him by his neck choking him until he felt a certain aching that was occurring in front of his body. He never knew the reason for his condition until he sees his injured opponent laughing at his current condition. He knew about his condition and he was laughing without a care in the world about his injuries. His condition was getting worse by the second before he knew it he was down On his knees without a second to move, his abdomen felt like it was burning, his heart was racing and every second he felt like he was getting weaker

[You did it your plan had worked]

After the paralysis wore off Jin reaches for a potion within his bag that completely healed his wounds without leaving any wounds for the naked eye to see. He slowly approached the wounded Bringer that was dying while he walk closer to his location without showing any lingering killing intent that he was previously showing with every swing he made was nowhere to be found

"Looks like that cat was able to do his job properly, you're curious about your condition? Well since you're dying and all then let me tell you. There's currently a Cat stuck inside your body devouring every poison that you previously devoured, it looks like you're slowly reverting to your previous form. And it looks like you're heavily reliant on that stuff. You're kinda like some red dude that I watched without your skills all you have is cancer, well, as much as I'm sympathetic about your situation killing people isn't something that I can ignore. Well, who am I to judge I killed a few myself but I never killed them without an explanation, Moon kill this guy so we can leave this place," Bringer's body turned into a pale man that had his stomach torn apart by Moon that transformed into a mutated monster after drinking the chemicals inside Bringers body

[System: You've killed a player the collected experience will now be given]

After he made Moon devoured the remains of the chemical before he activates the potable scroll which opened a portal that sends him inside his bag which sends him to the location of the three. He was a little confused with his situation when he remembered that the other half was at the hands of his best friend yet he was stuck with the characters Morris was nurturing

'Morris where the fuck are you!!!'


[What's wrong do you have a cold?]

"Nah I think someone's talking about me, more importantly, I thought you would've brought a ton of your men alongside you. Yet I only see two of your vassals, ey Theodore how about we settle this once and for all,"

Morris was outnumbered yet he shoots a volley of Magic orbs that exploded after it was at the range of his opponents

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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