Re:write The Authors Transmigration

Chapter 82: Wits and Trickery over Madness [3]

Chapter 82: Wits and Trickery over Madness [3]

In the depths of the Dark continent, a place that was filled with death and despair where most of the inhabitants are monsters while a select few were able to adapt to its hazardous environment lies a man like any other. He didn't look like anyone who was on the brink of death yet his eyes were filled with boredom while countless hours were used to annihilate the monsters with a barrage of thunder that came falling through the skies

[System: You've killed a monster the collected experience will now be given]

"Huh it's a little strange that I haven't heard any kind of complaints from that geezer, don't tell me did he severed my contract and looked for a new one. Hey, geezer I know you can hear me, what's with you I haven't heard your irritating voice in a while. What gives don't tell me you're finding a replacement just because the two of us are stuck in this God-forsaken land?" A man that looks like he was in his thirties accompanied by Blonde hair and green eyes, called for his deity after he notices his strange behavior

[Would you shut your mouth for a second, is it that hard to believe that I just found a way to satisfy my boredom after the two of us got stuck inside this place]

"Oh, looks like you've found something that you've taken an interest in, mind telling me of this wag of yours that satisfied your boredom? You're not the only one who's sick of this routine of killing these monsters, I also have a limit on my patience so how about sharing your hobby," The man exited the battlefield that was engulfed in a see blood along with terrible weather that signifies the coming of the rain in this wasteland he called home

[Do you still remember your apprentice?]

"Agni what about him? Don't tell me that Oaf is still trying to figure out where my location is?"

[Well that Oaf had stumbled upon a gem, a player that I recently found to be quite interesting, not only is he talented in the way of Magic. He's also adaptable being able to accomplish a feat that defies the normal range of a genius, someone that was able to master Martial arts. I haven't mentioned his mysterious backer even if I do not know its identity he already has the Authority to give him a skill that he deserves]

His Deity shared his screens which showed Morris's ongoing battle against The Mad Alchemist the two of them were amazed by his Talent. Alongside his skills which he didn't rely on to the point where he can manage to find a way out of his predicament, what Naze saw brought a sparkle back to his cold dead eyes that were bored with his dilemma. A newbie that was comparable to one of the rising stars in the world of trials, his name was blank and his identity was unknown to the public. Yet this single Deity figured out his relations by sensing the Aura Morris acquired after he made a deal with his contractees apprentice

"You sure he's related to Agni?" Naze asked his Deity after he had seen his potential after a single clip of his fight against The Mad Alchemist

[His items are mediocre yet he wields an unusual staff that can change to a different variety of weaponry. Along with his identity being unknown, I can say that he's related to your apprentice if you don't believe that conclusion I came up with what would you say if I told you that I sensed a Life and Death contract that's related to your apprentice? Isn't that a lot more believable if he survived this situation of his we might have found our way out of this mess? The irony of our actions, to think that strength wasn't the problem but the requirement to leave this trial and head to the next stage needs two or more people. Where do you think you'll find a person capable enough to survive this place?]

"To summarize it you want to help him grow so we can use him as a means of our escape? I'm a Gambler so I know if the stakes are high or low, seeing his potential I'm not gonna doubt that those guild bastards are plotting to kill him if he refused to join their cause. Then again watching his story unfold brings me the smile that I lost after being stuck in this wasteland, for the sake of our escape let's give him a helping hand. Even if I can see that he's a ticking time bomb that can explode at any given moment, it only brings me joy to know if he'll survive or not,"

Naze continued to watch his broadcasting which took a turn for the worse to his advantage and in the end, the two ended up suffering an injury that made them incapable of using their skills. They decided to end their duel with each other by wielding a starter weapon that they acquired from the tutorial trial. A weapon that was light as a feather and can be wielded by an amateur, they pick their injured bodies and entered a flat circle that was in the middle of a hole that was high enough for one to fall for their end

"If I beat you, then you'll have to tell me the whereabouts of the Author, I don't care about this bet I'll call off the fight after I hear what I wanted. I'll even force myself to deny my Deities pursuit of your life, giving you enough time to make your escape," Morris remained silent, at his proposal which he nodded after he sense his Aura that wasn't showing any signs of hatred towards him. Without a second to waste, they started their final duel with each side wielding a tutorial sword, that was simple and easy to use even for their injured body. Their injuries made their movement wobbly and their swings inaccurate which lowered their chances of ending their opponent's life

"Put some muscle in your swings," Morris who's maintaining his body's condition by injecting his remaining Mana throughout his body, turning it into a body capable of running while avoiding the swing of his opponent. Theodore on the other hand uses the remaining energy he had to Regenerate the wounds located on his chest along with the ones that targeted his vitals, which stabilizes his condition making his condition comparable to his opponent

Their clash would last for an hour yet their body was being damaged in the process, by forcing their limbs to move even though it reached their limit. Moving until their nerves were injured which ultimately led to what may have looked like another stalemate, Morris lured his opponent into the position that would lead to his victory. Taunting his opponent to finish their fight with a clash that would result in one's defeat turned into a trap when he quickly moved to his right kicking his opponent's feet and knocking him off his balance. Which led to Morris's sword puncturing his chest, that was the case if only Deniro didn't intervene at the last second, possessing Theodore's body, he forces a mutation to occur in his feet that knocked Morris to the edge of the circle with only his hands that kept him from falling into his end

"Kehahahhahahaha, you should have counted the cooldown of Possession now look at you. Dangling in the circle with only your hands would decide your fate," Deniro stomped at his left hand which made him release his grasp leaving his right hand that was keeping him from falling into the pit. Deniro chuckled at his predicament after he sees the one that stopped him at the coliseum be put into his demise which he can decide whether he lets him live or die

[System: The Deities that are watching your Broadcasting are praying for your survival]

'Gee, glad that they're more supportive than my Deity, Sigh, I forgot that I can't buy anything from the shop while I'm in the middle of a duel. If this guy wasn't that naive he could've won before I could reach my pocket, oh I know how about I piss him off? This will be our final confrontation with each other, so I should make the most of it,'

"Wait, I have to know the location of the Author, keep your mouth shut you're nothing but a tool for my revenge. I don't care about your goal nor did I approach you because of your talents, you're simply but a fool that I tricked into becoming my body. Now that I come this far I won't let you live Morris," Deniro aimed to stomp Morris's right hand which was stopped after he saw his opponent reaching for a knife in his pocket that he stabbed himself to activate a skill that turned the outcome of the battle

A few days ago

[What did you request from that former Deity of your pawn did you perhaps ask for his blessing?]

"Blessing? Nah that ability is too unsuitable for my playstyle even if I have the Mental fortitude skill. To prevent me from succumbing to my rage it would only make me vulnerable to an attack,"

[Then a skill? Can you tell me what it is even if it's just a little hint so I can guess what it is?]

"Hmmm, if I have to put it into a word, maybe an alternative solution for my problems. If I were to fall into a corner I can still use it as a means to change the outcome of the battle. I might as well call it a Plot armor that I painstakingly created,"

Back to the present

[System: You've activated the requirements of a certain skill in your Skill slot, Adrenaline once you reached a certain percentage of your Hp you'll gain a boost to Strength, Speed, and lastly Critical hits]

Morris leaped into the air, while he appraises his opponent's body giving him a detailed description of his condition for him to unleash an attack. That started with his legs cutting his tendons for him to lose his ability to walk while he dodges the tentacles that Deniro unleashes on Theodore's body. With the strength, he acquired from his skills activation he was able to activate Rising force increasing his speed which he uses to safely slice away the tentacles. Along with Theodore's arms and legs making him incapable of moving while it lowered Theodore's Health until he can no longer use his body nor his regeneration

[System: the match has been concluded, the victor is none other than player Christoper Morris]

With the defeat of his Avatar, Deniro De attached his contract with Theodore while he curses the player that foiled his plans once more

[This isn't the end of me, I'll come back again and again, I'll hunt you down till the day you finally lowered your guard I swear upon the name~ wait what's happening to me?]

"A loser should admit his defeat and a rule breaker must receive his punishment. It's nice to meet you Mr. Alchemist I hope that you had fun after you made my job a mess!!!" Kishar appeared in front of him along with a space that sealed the Deity making his Authority useless once it faces the power of a Gm that was able to use the Authority of the System

"This is your end Alphas, you'll be banned from streaming the World of trials if you keep your actions as it is. So this is my final warning to you since I'm the one that reported you. I hold your fate, I'll give you an offer that you can't deny there are only two choices. One you'll leave me alone and you can't touch my allies and give me some compensation for your actions. Or Two you'll be banned from accessing The World Of Trials," After a long time had passed after Deniro made his choice, Morris ended the Broadcasting which ejected the Deities along with his own, giving him the privacy he needed to finish off what he had started

"You've noticed that I was alive?" Theodore chuckled when he sees Morris in his view without any weapon being pointed at his body

"I think that my identity is obvious no?"

"It sure is you're Reborn flames, hahaha it was a great experience to finally meet my idol, I know that my choices are not justifiable. And I can't use the fact that I was tricked as my means of escape, I've already known that I was irredeemable. At the very least I've met my hero, I know that the story wasn't placed in the dark fantasy but that was only Mc's point of view. The world he was sent to was a world that killed countless lives," Theodore tore his chest apart and handed him the Gluttony core that was wrapped into a paper that hides its Aura from the Gm

"Take it, I have no use for it, even if you won't believe me, I was your ally that night, that I attacked the workshop some people were making their way into the Mc's room. They were holding a lot of items that could've killed him at his weakest point in the story, I did what I could to stop Alphas. I knew that I was going through a change I killed innocent people before I met Alphas just to ensure my survival. I didn't save the Mc in hopes of being forgiven I only wanted to help you even if it's just a little, to the one that saved me from drowning in my sorrow I'm glad to have read your book~" After he took the core from his regenerated arm Morris silently walked away from the scene after he buried his reader's body, as an act of his gratitude he didn't see him as a person that would lie. He kept resisting his Deities urge to end his life which proved his good intention

"To my one and only reader that I saved I wish you the best of luck in your eternal slumber," He walked away from the ruins which he sets on fire burning the corpse of his reader along with his mutated body parts for no one to use mess with his rotting body

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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