Re:write The Authors Transmigration

Chapter 95: The Few Against The Many [1]

Chapter 95: The Few Against The Many [1]

Overwhelming numbers, Top-notch equipment, Overgeared players, and lastly Floor guardian? Must be nice to have all of that gear and numbers something that I can only dream to acquire, the only thing I have on my side is Tool A and Tool L along with a player that will become Tool Z. Might as well call myself a handyman for having a ton of tools

[System: The player Velvet Airis has activated the skill called [Crimson field]: The area around the player will be swallowed up in a sea of blood. The mana that resides within the area will continually be swallowed up by the Crimson field whilst it remains]

"Crimson field option 3, Turn the blood that I bestow upon you to grant me the power to reshape my offerings... Turn my blood into a weapon that will vanquish my opponent... With my orders, I call upon the power to create a cloud that rains my chosen weapon," The sea of blood rippled as she said those words while it slowly form a blood cloud. It came to her side she created and ston of bloody daggers rain down on her opponent

[System: The player Velvet Airis has activated the skill called [Blood manipulation]: You can now manipulate the blood that's been offered to the Crimson field]

Their armor protected them from her attacks while they continue to charge, and the gap was getting shorter. Her daggers weren't piercing their bodies if they were it will only leave a graze. Though they never predicted an attack that would pass through their defenses

"Gaaaah!!!" Their screams played like a melody once Morris unleash an amplified Shock. It traveled throughout the sea of blood and shocked anyone that would approach their location. They were paralyzed by his attack yet their armor wasn't like any other it was able to withstand his spell. It gave a few players to reach for their potion while the rest were put to their end once they were punctured by a dozen tentacles

"Don't waste your energy Lillith!! Even if we can cull a few of their numbers it would only lead to our defeat. Airis activate the other option you have, their armors are too thick," He shot down a few of his foes when he altered the implemented volume of his magic orb. He lessens its damage while he increases its penetration, he shoots out another volley and killed a dozen players. Most of them were shot in the head, he retreated once he saw a rain of arrows aimed at his location

[System: The player Christopher Morris has activated the skill called [Haste]: You're granted a burst of movement speed for a period of time]

He avoided every arrow whilst he continues to run away from the front of the battlefield, after his opponent's swift and relentless pursuit. In their attempts of reaching his body, he fires off another round of magic orbs that diminished their numbers

Everything was proceeding as he expected till an unexpected variant arrive and antagonized his plans. His body could sense the danger that was vastly approaching. His ears could hear the sound of the wind that was gathering at a certain place. The ground was steady without any kind of force being brought upon by another individual

'No vibrations? Then it's the air!!!!!'

Like he predicted the attack came from above yet he didn't know where it was positioned. The answer was later solved when he turned his back to see a player in the air that was about to swing his fist. Its attack was filled to the brim with mana and it was enough to bring about his end. He quickly reacted and took a hold of his staff that resides in his inventory

"Weapon shift, Hand cannon,"

[System: Option 2 of the player's weapon has been chosen, [Error???]: The requested design has no specialty. The player has insisted on changing the staff to his chosen shape]

His staff turned into a liquid substance that latch onto his right hand before it created his chosen weapon. With the short and fleeting time, he had left he invoke the activation of mirage that multiplied himself into five copies. They overclocked mana breathing and take the mana inside the Crimson field, and inserted it into the copies

Morris aimed his cannon towards his opponent and charged his cannon whilst his tories reached his body. They acted as a generator of sorts that sent him a ready supply of mana and chi. All of the mana he receives was then poured into the tip of his weapon and awaits his chant

"Beastial technique, Grand Aerial Hook!!!" Razor applied a ton of his energy to power up his fist along with the momentum he acquired from his jump. He also combines the wind with his palms increasing the volume of his attack

"1st Magic combination Igniting fuse!!!" All of the stored mana within the cannon changes to the color of his spell. The chi he acquired was used to enhance his defense and lessen the recoil of his attack if it would backfire

Their attacks collided with each other, which causes an explosion that resulted in the elemental properties of their attacks merging. Increasing its volume and range until each side suffered a major loss, the guild's overall, numbers were reduced by a single attack

The crimson field dispersed after it was used as a protective shell. Anyone who has seen their exchanges would think that both of them suffered from the attack

One person was able to use the situation in his best interest. The explosion left them to be vulnerable to any kind of attack as they spiral into the wall from the explosion they caused. Morris sacrificed his copies to change his weapon to a shield before the explosion had occurred and his opponent had an item that creates a shield that was durable enough to withstand the blow

Whilst he continued to spiral towards the wall while he enjoyed the moment after meeting with a player that matched his power. He was interrupted by a sudden call from his communicator that was none other than Sieg

'What a beautiful spectacle I can't believe someone was able to match my power, even if I have to take his life... I should be informed of his name. Being able to match my power is truly a name befitting to be remembered, god damn it!!! Why does this annoying communicator have to ruin my moment? It's Sieg...? What the hell does he want?'

"What's going on?" Razor answered the communicator after he saw the name of his right-hand man

[There's no time hurry up quickly, Razor watch out!!! The leopards their out to get you, you're on your own for a while after the explosion occurred. Most of our troops have been caught in the range, for now, you need to Escape... Escape at all cause Razor!!!]

In the background, he could hear the sounds of Spells being launched along with the screams of his men. They were under attack by their intruders he wanted to go as soon as possible

Yet he remembered Sieg's warning of the leopards that were responsible for diminishing their numbers. They were sprinting and making their way upon the rubble into his location. One of the familiars has a scroll in their mouth, the light orange leopard leaped into the air. He readied his fist to land a hit on the beast only for it to spat out the scroll. It opens a portal leading up to the arrival of his aggressor

"Magic orb, Penetration augmentation!!!!" Without any hesitation, in his actions, he sends out an augmented version of a magic orb. Their distance made him open for an attack, Razor used the remaining durability of his shield to deflect his attacks

But it slowly shattered at every side while a few orbs were able to pass his defense, he wasn't as vulnerable. With the barrage of spells making their way into his shield it was even harder for anyone to notice his plans. When he completed the charging phase of his attack he revealed his arm

"Tough luck, you made me change my skill!!! Checkmate you piece of shit!!!" He thought he had the upper hand in their exchange of blows but he was ignorant that his opponent wouldn't notice

The Leopard that was once close itself to his location would taunt him and redirect his attacks on Sun's location. Morris finally chipped away his shield and changed his weapon to a gauntlet. He gives Razor a powerful blow in his face and knocks him down to the ground. He landed on a location not far from Razor's crater

'What a durable bastard, I stumbled across a real-life whale... Seriously this guy is flexing all of his items!!! Let me guess one of those things would heal him? That's the thing that im curious to know but seeing as how the situation is either he drinks a potion or has something up his sleev~'

He was struck by a speeding thrust of Razor's arm that was close to being unperceivable and knocks him to the ground. He tried to connect another swing of his fist but it was immediately countered with Morris's kick which redirects his fist. Before he could recover he struck him with a fist that was imbued with Shock

He entered concurrent flow just to match his opponent's sudden changes to his ability. Locking both of them in an all-out brawl that makes them rely on their senses and the power of their fist. They exchange blow after blow, with each thrust of their first pack the strength of their mana. Morris was soon caught up in his opponent's superiority over martial arts

At first glance, anyone would think that he made a slip that would end his life for good, but he recovered from the blow. He latched his arms to his fist which left him vulnerable for a few seconds for Moon to appear in the shadows behind Razor. His back was torn apart by an empowered backslash combined with corrosion

"Are you okay, Owner?" Moon retrieved his class and asked him who was holding his ground after he took a powerful blow

[System: The player Christopher Morris has activated the skill called [Heal]: You'll now heal a portion of your missing health along with your injuries]

"Get me out of here... He's not gonna go down that easily be it corrosion or backslash it's not enough for someone like him to die," He takes a second to glimpse into his opponent's item before he was dragged by his familiar. They entered a different location where he could restore his missing health and energy

[System: The player Razor Zenova has met the requirements to activate his one-use item Ring of resurrection!!!

Effect: After the player has died once while he possesses the item he will gain a protective shield. After a few minutes he'll be brought back to the world of trials once more]

"You filthy intruder, fight me!!!" Razor rose back from the dead after his ring finally activated before he turned into a gigantic hyena. Once his transformation was complete h chased after the scent of his foe. Not even the durability of Sun could handle his overwhelming strength. She was easily defeated in two hits, yet her sacrifice wasn't wasted as the two were able to escape

'So this is the rampage of a full-blooded beast? What a fucking hassle,'

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