Chapter 19: Entering Shonty city

Chapter 19: Entering Shonty city

Before the two guards reached him, one of them started talking to him. He had a huge body bigger than the body of Ibro.

His body was covered by a bright metallic yellow shield, engraved on each part of this huge shield the emblem of a strange animal with five heads and a lion-like body.

His five heads were snake-like in appearance, and Ibro could not determine whether it was a snake or another strange animal.

His head was surrounded by a large helmet with protruding two sides and front resembling sharp blades, concealing most of the features of the guard's face.

His companion was a replica in size, shape, and outfit. Ibro concluded that their uniform might have been the uniform of the city guard. Through the words of the guard, Ibro knew the name of this city, Shonty.

He also knew that it was risky to be outside the city. Although he had never noticed anything, he knew that he couldn't underestimate that opinion.

The last point that he knew was that these two guards and the guards behind them did not harbor any evil for him. This was his most important issue right now, so he felt relieved.

"Sorry for my sudden appearance like this, but I'm a new person in this world so I do not have any return scrolls of the city."

As soon as Ibro finished his phrase, the two guards suddenly stopped and looked at each other in silence.

Ibro felt tense and was prepared to use his teleportation scroll at any time. If he felt danger from them, he would immediately start to teleport.

"Did you say that you are a newcomer to the world of Apidon? How did you get here?"

Ibro looked at the other guard and said in confusion:

"I met a person who tried to kill me, and after I was able to get rid of him, I found a way to move near the city."

"You met one of the foraz and managed to kill him! Your current level is just over eighty, how did you manage to kill him?"


"Yes, they are those scums who reached intermediate levels in the world of Apidon and they are very greedy. So, they preferred to hunt those who come from outside the world of Apidon to get a bunch of money."

"This description applies exactly to that man."

"You had a difficult experience, but the interesting thing is that you were able to kill this foraz. The weakest Foraz I know is at the level of approximately 147."

"It seems I was lucky."

"Luck is something we all need in Apidon. But this does not mean that you overcame him with luck only."

"I think, Derala, we should inform the governor about this."

The guard looked at his colleague as if he had mentioned something very important. Seconds later, the guard said to Ibro:

"Sorry for speaking with you outside the city walls. We will take you to meet the city governor. He will be very pleased to hear your story. What's your name?"

Ibro was uncomfortable with the other guard's suggestion that he should visit the city governor. He needed to know a lot of information about this world.

Through his past experience, he was aware of how special the position of the city governor was and how difficult it was to meet ordinary players.

Was his success to defeat Palry something important to make the city governor meet him? His recent incident with Palry made him very sensitive, so he doubted their intention.

Either he didn't know how important his feat was or they are trying to get him into the city to be under their mercy?

He looked around again. Actually he was forced to follow them, as the other way around was to die at the hands of these hidden monsters and forazes.

"My name is Ibro."

"Welcome, Ibro to the city of Shonty. Let's go, the governor is waiting for you inside the city."

Ibro moved behind the two guards. None of the guards on the city gate stood in his way, but their eyes watched him closely.

That made him feel more anxious. Once he crossed the city gate to feel that the giant wall was not as simple as he imagined.

The thickness of the wall was approximately 50 meters. He imagined the view on the top of the wall. Once he crossed the wall, he found himself entering a great city.

Just as he imagined it, huge and wide streets stretched in front of him as far as the eye could see. The streets were crowded with pedestrians so that he could realize the prosperity of the city.

He moved silently, following the two guards, and his eyes were trying to understand the nature of the city he was in. His eyes could see some of the things he knew and more details that he could not understand.

But the interesting thing here was that everyone moved safely and comfortably without any anxiety or stress. This made him feel more secure than before, so perhaps this part of the world was safe.

That city may become his focal point in the future when he comes here. He did not know if the cities in this world were connected to Rioneed game cities or not.

He kept thinking about all of these possibilities until he found himself stopping in front of a great building.

Its exterior stones were covered with luxurious fabrics. Ibro realized that he was standing in front of the city's governor's palace.

This giant building surrounded by a huge garden and the elements of luxury spread around it made him remember the palaces of fairy tales.

He looked at the two guards and found them talking to some of the guards who were guarding the palace gate.

The palace was surrounded by a simple iron fence that was not in line with the palace's extravagant appearance.

After moments of short discussion, one of these palace guards moved into the palace Ibro had guessed that that palace guard was going to tell the governor about what he did.

He was sure that the governor would refuse to see him. After minutes of silence and anticipation, the guard came back.

He exchanged a few words with other palace guards. That guard then looked to Ibro and pointed to follow him into the palace.

Ibro was surprised a lot and didn't know what was so special about him killing Palry. Ibro entered the palace behind three palace guards without saying a word to any of them.

He walked behind the three through a big garden. The garden was full of various types of trees, flowers and magical plants. In a few moments, they reached the doors of the palace itself.

The gate was made of semi-transparent white metal that shined brightly from time to time. It seems that the minerals in this world were characterized by this feature.

Once he passed through the gate, he entered a very spacious hall. He noticed the presence of a group of elderly people in the middle of the hall.

They were in a heated debate, so intense that their voices echoed around the hall and reached Ibro clearly.

The appearance of Ibro and the three guards in the place attracted the attention of these elders, who became suddenly silent.

The captain of the guard moved in strong steps then bent over saluting one of the old men then began to whisper a few words to him.

Ibro noticed that the two guards bowed following the captain's steps, but both of them kept their silence. Ibro was hesitant, would he have to bow like them, or would he keep standing in his place like that and do nothing?

Before he could decide anything he noticed that everyone in the place looked at him in a way that made him feel nervous.

"Guillard told me that you are a newcomer from one of the new worlds."

Ibro was very nervous for no reason when that man with gray hair and calm face spoke to him. That man gave him a strong feeling of extreme danger. He swallowed his saliva with difficulty and then said:

"Yes, sir. I came from a world called Earth. Earth is my homeland."

A smile was drawn on the man's face saying:

"All the worlds that we came from, little one, are our dear homeland. Is this your first visit here?"

"Yes, sir."

"And you did not die before and this is your second visit?"

"No, sir."

"How are you so sure? You know that when you die, you lose all your memories of this place."

Ibro felt that he was under intense interrogation by this man although his face gave him a sense of comfort. That was strange! But his past experiences helped him a bit to understand this strange situation.

The governor of any city was usually in a remote place that no player could reach.

This man was the first city governor that had spoken to in the game ever. He did not know if he was lucky or misfortunate to be able to speak to this man now.

"That's because when I came here I was at the fifteenth level. The Rioneed game started in my world less than three days ago."

Ibro was nervous but he wasn't distracted. When he said his words, he noticed the change in the governor's expression.

The signs of amazement appeared on his face for a second, and then he regained his usual calm and normal look.

"You say your level was fifteen? You are now at the eighty-third level. How did you reach this level here?"

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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