Chapter 22: Going to Ihnasia city

Chapter 22: Going to Ihnasia city

Roliv did not answer him but only made a nod. Ibro looked grateful for him and those around him. He nodded his head and those in front of him exchanged the same gesture with respect and appreciation.

Ibro grabbed the return scroll and tore it in half, just as he used to do before.

Within five seconds, Ibro was surrounded by white light, to disappear from the magnificent palace. Once the aura around Ibro disappeared, he found himself in a very familiar area.

The square in which he appeared was usually considered a role model in the game cities, with a giant statue of a person in the center of the square.

This square was known as the city center as many important city services were present here like resurrection zone, teleport portal, and adventurer hall.

The resurrection zone allowed players who were exposed to death to return to life again to play the game. Teleport portal was a gold paid service which players can use to teleport to any city or village in the domain.

Adventurer hall was responsible for giving players different kinds of quests. In the vicinity of this vast square, there was a large distinct building known to Ibro by heart. There was the governor's building.

There was also the Merchants hall, which was characterized by the buying and selling tools, ore, scrolls, and different materials for the game.

It also provides many support services for lifestyle players from giving them space to sell their products or help them upgrade their careers.

As for that huge building, it was the library. As for that, it was the city guard and it was the last building that you would like to enter. Usually, those who entered it were detained for violating the city laws.

He turned around to find this huge place empty. Before he even took one step he received an alert of communication request Oya.

He agreed to the request without hesitation to find Oya stood in an area devoid of any buildings, as far as the eye can see, and her face expressed great anxiety.

Ibro was concerned about her and his good mood changed at once. He quickly said:

"Are you ok? I am now in Ihnasia city and I can go to your novice village in no time!"

"How can I be okay after all you've sent to me without any explanation? Do you know the amount of the equipment and tools you sent me?

They all are legendary grade Ibro!! It made me suspect that something bad happened to you, especially since I have never been able to communicate with you till now!"

Ibro was surprised! He never thought that this would be her reaction to what he sent to her. But the last phrase she said had caught his attention and raised his doubts as he asked:

"Did you try before to contact me?"

"Yes Ibro, I have dozens of questions I wanted to ask you, but you vanished! This is very suspicious.

Last time we talked you told me about this strange city of Apidon and when you moved there I couldn't even message you!

I got out of the game and did some research on that part but I couldn't find a single data about this city. What happened to you there Ibro?"

"I told you before that I was going to the Mythic city of Apidon."

"Does being there make you unable to communicate with anyone? But you sent me many things from there. What is the problem then?"

"The situation there is completely different from what you might imagine. Did you not read my letter that I sent to you with the coins and tools?"

When he said that Oya showed a strange look full of confusion before saying:

"I didn't receive any message from you at all!"

This time it was his turn to be confused! Is there really a blockage for any communication between the world over there and here? If this was true, it meant that his luck didn't run out yet.

If he had been killed once, he would have lost all his memories about that world and he did not know the importance of his master coin. Oya was impatient with his silence as she rushed asking:

"Now tell me how is the situation in Apidon? Why could I not contact you? What are those messages that you sent and I did not receive it? What about those many coins that you sent me, where did you get them?

How about those strange tools that you sent me? I tried to use some of them without success except for the scroll of Land of Fire, but I never used it. Do you want me to give them back to you? Why can't I use them?"

Before she persisted in her questions, Ibro raised his hand to stop her before saying:

"Your questions are many and they are all good questions, I do not deny that, but some of them I cannot answer now in detail.

In short, Mythic city of Apidon was the wrong name for the place where I went. I did not arrive in the Mythic city of Apidon, but I arrived in a region known by the name of the world behind the walls of Apidon.

What I understood from there is that this region is very vast and is considered a unique world. It's very old, old as the time itself.

The first inhabitant of this world was a person called Apidon who established a city there.

This city is located in the middle of the world, very far from the place where I appeared.

The world over there was invaded by strange creatures that resemble monsters. I almost died more than once at the hands of these monsters and the hands of the inhabitants of the world themselves.

Some inhabitants have a class that hunts those who come to this world from newly discovered worlds. We are not alone in the universe and we are not the only ones who play the game.

Even the oldest people there have played it before. These tools and coins I sent you, I got from killing one person there.

You cannot imagine the wealth and power of those out there. Those whom I met have levels far above the level of 100, can you imagine that Oya? We are nothing at all in comparison to them."

Ibro was satisfied with the shock of his words on her. He also felt the same shock when he was there. At the time his life was at stake, so he did not think about what he knew, except when he was talking to Oya now.

That world was extremely difficult, strange, and dangerous. After thinking about all of this, he felt very fortunate to be able to return safely to Ihnasia city.

"You say that this world is attended by many players from more than one planet, such as planet Earth!"

"I don't know many details Oya. My level there was very low and I couldn't find much information about the reality of the situation there.

But what I am certain of is that the world is bustling with very powerful old players. They came from different planets but now they live in that world and they are fighting these monsters."

"What about those coins?"

"They are the official currency of that world. But what I understood is that it is not distributed in the world itself, but rather is distributed to new worlds like ours.

So, some players there try hunting people like us to obtain our coins."

"The situation there seems very dangerous."

"Indeed. Once I appeared there, I was attacked by a monster that I had never seen before! Were it not for the pure chance and good luck, this monster or this hunter would have managed to kill me."

"This world scares me, Ibro. Right, what happens if you die there?"

"First you will lose all your equipment, tools, and anything from the legendary grade or beyond. You will also lose your memory of all the information related to this world.

Then you return again to the world that you came from and completely forget everything related to that world."

"You will lose everything you know about that world. This makes anyone who dies there forget everything they did.

They would even forget being there in that world. That's horrible Ibro. Do they even forget their families and loved ones there? That's very cruel."

"Of course, this is the main risk in this world. The only condition to get your memory back is to get your first currency back into the world.

This is a really brutal world and I don't know why these people are still living there. "

"Good question. Right, that's why you send me these coins!"

"Yes, I sent some of the coins I got after killing that hunter including my coin that took me to that world."

"That explains a lot. I can't imagine getting tired of living there for years in this arduous environment and one mistake makes you lose everything. This is a very tragic situation Ibro."

"It is indeed a difficult and frightening situation, but the strange thing is that despite all these dangers, the people there chose to stay without returning to their world.

I don't know the reason behind this, but there are certain things in the world that I do not know yet. What do you think?"

"Good point Ibro, no one will accept this risk for no reason. But I can't imagine any reason that could make me stay at such a place. Right, do you intend to return there again?"

Ibro looked at her deeply. He planned to return to that world, explore it, and unearth its secrets and mysteries. He knew that at his current level he would not be able to take one step forward unless he would get killed.

Also, he remembered the promise he made to Roliv. Although he found return scrolls of Shonty city within his scrolls, he could also return through Apidon coin to appear far from the city.

If he appeared far away from Shonty, he would not have violated his promise to Roliv, right?

"Of course, I plan to return but when my level reaches more than one hundred and fifty."

"One hundred and fifty!! This is in the distant future Ibro."

"I know, but if I appeared there at a lower level than that, I would die without doubt. I do not want to repeat my bitter experience again, this time I barely ran away. Who knows the next time I may run out of luck."

"You are right. Are you now in Ihnasia city?"

"Yes, are you here?"

"I didn't reach the 10th level yet. I am now on the eighth level. I need three to five days to be able to move to Ihnasia."

"OK. Take your time. I will wait for you."

She kept her silence suddenly and didn't say a word. Ibro noticed her apparent hesitation on her troubled and anxious face. He said:

Tell me, what bad news do you know?

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