Chapter 26: Brilliant plan part 1

Chapter 26: Brilliant plan part 1

Ibro felt strange. Did these villages really come from the Pnro world? This meant that all game cities on Earth and in different worlds were built on the foundations of Pnro technology.

It seemed that the history of this world was more complicated than he imagined.

"How can you find out the locations of these villages? It is natural that they are dangerous areas."

"You are right; these villages are very dangerous. Everyone who tried to enter it before never made it out alive! No one knows why those villages have survived so far.

In the past, Mythic city of Apidon sent armies to liberate villages from the grip of monsters.

After which these great cities were established. After a long time, other armies were sent to liberate the rest of the villages of our world.

Unfortunately, the historical scrolls did not contain any details of these battles. They only contain one sentence: Utter defeat!"

Ibro paused to look in amazement at Millar, asking:

"There were no details about these battles? This is strange."

"No one who went to these battles lived to tell us what happened inside."

"No one has ever returned?! Isn't this even stranger?"

"Yes, but after the destruction of those big armies, no city has dared to send any other armies yet."

Ibro thought a little and then said:

"I noticed that everyone's level here is very high and most of them have legendary equipment. Why can't they assemble armies again?"

"This is because the Pnroian Monsters are very powerful. Do not be tempted by the high level of everyone here, at most we are able to barely repel the attacks of these monsters on our cities."

Ibro asked:

"Do monsters attack cities?"

"Yes, every month monsters attack all the free cities of the Apidon world.

This is why we regularly lose a large number of skilled fighters, which makes us more vulnerable over time.

As for the equipment that you are talking about, it is almost enough to wound any Pnroian monster, but to kill it needs large numbers of players in order to be able to kill it."

Ibro thought for a while and a memory passed through his mind asking:

"What about legendary scrolls?"

Millar laughed with bitterness and then said:

"These are very strong scrolls indeed, but unfortunately they are very rare. Most of the scrolls that we have now are considered a legacy from ancient times.

Those who own one of them cannot use them even if they are about to die."

He remembered his battle with Palry and the legendary scroll that he found with him and remembered that he did not use it even once. He felt that Millar was completely sincere in what he told him.

If Ibro was in the place of any fighter here, he would not hesitate to use those scrolls immediately.

He thought about Millar's words, ignoring the blabber of Millar who he continued to talk about the history of every region in the city.

He found that the main dilemma lies in the lack of a number of people who come to the world of Apidon, especially those who died once they lose all his memories of the place.

In this way Apidon was always constantly losing his strength and Whoever joined it from the new worlds by the efforts of Rioneed game would not be sufficient to make up for this deficit.

He remembered the class of foraz, as it seems that they have a serious role in reducing these reinforcements significantly.

Now he understood how difficult it was to gather an army to attack these villages around the wall of Apidon.

He also thought about the difficulty of making legendary scrolls. In order for a wizard to make scrolls, his level must have exceeded one hundred in order to be able to make the dark gold grade scrolls.

As for the legendary scrolls, some players had previously estimated that they needed a level of two hundred or more.

As for the materials used to make them, they were usually from the legendary grade or above, and this represented the greatest difficulty in making scrolls.

The level of everyone here made them able to make scrolls easily, but apparently the necessary materials were not fully available here. Suddenly a place in his mind glowed revealing a memory from his past life.

In this memory, there was a specific place that caused a great fuss in the tenth year of the Rioneed game, just a few months before he came back in time.

This place had been discovered by some of the Armonian players by coincidence.

It was a gateway that could transfer players to a place considered by some to be a mythical dungeon. Now, after he knew the mysteries of the Apidon world and Rioneed world, he did not agree on those opinions.

That dungeon was a whole world that resembled the world of the Earth. The difference was that it was scarce of the local population.

They were usually at a very low level and they were characterized by a strange movement style similar to zombies in horror movies.

This place was characterized by an abundance of game raw materials. So this dungeon became the spark that ignited world wars in the game at the time.

What he remembered about that time was the main reason behind this huge conflict. This reason was the discovery by these Chinese players of giant mines of materials graded as legendary or above.

Unfortunately, the way to enter this world was not revealed through the forums at the time. Everyone considered it a dangerous military secret, so he did not need to know that method.

He only had to ask Roliv about the return scrolls to the cities of that world and then he could go to that world. He intended to monopoly the resources of this world.

He thought that this world may not be unique and there might be other similar worlds that resembled it, but his information is limited only to this world.

Although he had previously laid out a plan to implement it with Oya in the Apidon world, he set it aside for now.

He had a valuable opportunity to seize it as soon as possible. He intended to seek the help of Roliv as the governor of Shonty city and be partners.

He looked at Millar, who was immersed in his talk about the history of the city then interrupted his chatter quietly:

"Can I see the governor?"

Millar paused and looked at Ibro suspiciously, then inquiring:

"Do you want to see him now?"

Ibro nodded his head, causing Millar to be silent for seconds before saying:

"The governor told me that you can see him if there is an urgent need to do so."

"There is an urgent need now, Millar. Can you take me to him? I am still not used to the city and its streets."

Millar hesitated. Ibro was not surprised by that, as Roliv held a very important position as this giant city governor, he was always busy and not free. After a period of hesitation, Millar said:

"Okay, I'll take you to see him."

The journey to go to the governor's residence was long and boring for Ibro, who ignored the long talk of Millar and began thinking about organizing everything he remembered about this world in his head.

In fact, the information that was circulating at that time was a trend that spread strangely among all the forums.

Most of that information was expectations and rumors about this world, but some of them were taken for granted facts such as the scarcity of the world's population and the absence of monsters in general.

There were also rumors about the location of many raw materials and their grades, but none of those who went there confirmed or denied these rumors. He was not concerned with such matters.

What he was interested in was to organize the information of raw materials whose names were strange to everyone's ears at the time. When they arrived at the governor's palace which Ibro visited before, Millar did not stop the torrent of talk until Ibro wondered where he was getting from all this energy!

Ibro moved quickly, crossing the gateway to the palace without anyone stopping him, so it seemed that Roliv apparently instructed his guards about Ibro, or perhaps because Millar was next to him.

He passed the entrance gate towards the spacious hallway he had visited before to find Roliv as he left him, speaking to the same league of people Ibro saw on his previous visit.

His appearance suddenly attracted everyone's attention to him and so all the voices in the hallway silenced. Ibro moved away from Millar, approaching Roliv, and then he said:

"Welcome, sir. I apologize for coming in like this without any appointment but there is an urgent matter I want to talk with you about."

Although he knew the name of Roliv, he decided to always talk to him with his surname.

It was out of his respect for him, because every time he saw him, Roliv always tried to help him. Roliv sighed as if he guessed the goal of Ibro visit to him, and then quietly said:

"I was expecting your visit, Ibro. You sure want to talk about what you went through after you went back to your world. Can you give me an hour to finish some important things and then I will meet you."

Ibro realized that Roliv misunderstood him and thought he came to know an explanation for what he had gone through with Onita.

He did not come here now because of this, that incident he quickly overcame and did not need to talk about it. He said trying to clear things to Roliv:

I did not come for this reason, sir. I have a much more important reason."

"What is that reason, Ibro?"

Ibro looked at the man who brought the scrolls to him. He knew very well that his class was a wizard, if not a secret class branching from it.

Ibro gaze to this old man attracted the attention of everyone around them, which made this old wrinkled face man to ask calmly:

"Is there something wrong, Ibro?"

"I want to ask you a question, sir, would you allow me?"

"Of course ask whatever you want."

"I know that you are the librarian head in the city. I guess that you are a wizard and your level has crossed the barrier of two hundred. So I will talk a little bit before I ask my question, so please be patient sir.

What I know is that in order to make a legendary scroll you have to use a wizard whose level exceeds two hundredth levels.

You also need a large group of materials that each scroll needs and the grade of those materials must not be less than the legendary level. Is this true?"

The wrinkled face of the old man did not change, as he said depending on his short stick:

"You are right in all your guesses, son."

"So, my question is why legendary scrolls are so scarce in the Apidon world. Does it have anything to do with the scarcity of special materials for making every scroll?"

The old man did not answer him directly, as he exchanged silent looks with Roliv. Ibro did not know what this look meant.

Ibro was not interested in the meaning of this look, as all he needed was just an answer from him to confirm his guess. After Roliv had nodded to this old man he replied to Ibro question saying calmly:

"Yes, son, the world of Apidon is a very old world and its resources have been completely depleted long ago."

Ibro then looked at Roliv with a meaningful look, and Roliv then calmly said:

"Don't worry, everyone in this room has my full confidence."

Then he looked at Millar, who suddenly became nervous, and said with a voice that showed his nervousness:

"I remembered that I forgot something important. I'll have to go, well, I'll go."

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