Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 665 - The Ultimate Scheme Of The Naughty Elves Organization Part 8

Chapter 665 The ultimate scheme of the Naughty Elves organization part 8

Author: M_W Cancer 

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Undead Berserker is one of the most powerful types of Undead among all the types of Undeads. More commonly described to be unafraid of death as they are long already dead and are mindless creatures who only seek nothing else but destruction due to their Berserk mode. As such, they are extremely dangerous.

However, unlike the normal Undead Berserker who had activated their Berserk mode due to their strong resentment before dying, this Undead Berserker in front of them had activated their Berserk mode because of the blood of the three Galaxy-level Magical Beasts injected into their bodies, thus making them even more powerful than the former. Their strength is basically multiplied depending on how strong the owner of the blood that is flowing inside their bodies. 

"Oh, by the way, we should try to minimize the deaths of the soldiers as low as possible if we don't want to fight more Undead Berserkers," Elvis didn't forget to remind everyone.

Any type of Undeads has a natural ability to infect any living creatures that they have killed. In that case, any soldiers that they killed would become Undead Berserker.

"Is this perhaps one of the reasons why you have ordered us to go back to the north wall?" Elfin the Fifth asked.

"Of course not," Elvis shook his head in response to Elfin the Fifth, he explained, "These Undead Berserkers might be powerful, but as long as we kill the Beast Lord Red Hood Viper, all of them would probably also die,"

"Just follow exactly what I have mentioned to all of you before. We use the barrier provided by the Nature's Cover to protect us while fighting against these three Galaxy-level Magical Beasts," Elvis suddenly paused as he turned around to look at the others, "And speaking about the Nature's Cover, where again did we leave it?"

"Somewhere in the west side of the north wall. We can simply use the secret meeting place that has been attacked first by the Naughty Elves organization as our reference to find its exact whereabouts," Charlotte replied. But in the next moment, she quickly understood what Elvis wanted them to do. She looked at Ethan, Elaine, Edward, and Chief Lago as they all nodded their heads at each other, indicating that they too, have the same idea as her. Right after, the five of them quickly flew towards the west side of the north wall.

Elfin the Fifth had already mentioned before that the moment the Nature's Cover leaves its place, the barrier protecting the north wall would immediately disappear.

Since they wanted to use the barrier provided by the Nature's Cover to assist them in their fight against the three Galaxy-level Magical Beasts, hence the first thing they must do is to make sure that its safety is secured. Because as soon as it disappears, they will no longer have anything to protect them. By that time, their situation would without a doubt become disadvantageous. Even the north wall couldn't protect them as it would only take some time for it to be destroyed.

While Charlotte and the others went to find the Nature's Cover and secure its safety, Elfin the Fifth and the others who were left behind quickly went down to the ground in order to assist the soldiers against the Undead Berserkers. 

The situation on top of the wall wasn't really that dangerous yet, so they can assist the soldiers stationed over there later. Their priority now is the place with the highest level of danger, which is exactly on the ground below. 

As Elfin the Fifth and the others were still making their way down the wall, the three Galaxy-level Magical Beasts, on the other hand, quickly began their assault on the barrier provided by the Nature's Cover. And unfortunately this time, they were finally causing some small damages to it.

Upon arriving on the ground below, Elfin the Fifth immediately ordered all the soldiers, "Everyone should stick together and must avoid fighting alone at all cost! We have no room for someone that wants to play the role of a Good Samaritan or a Hero! Rather, what we need is for everyone to work together!"

Fighting an Undead Berserker alone is one of the most foolish and stupid thing to do, unless if that person is as strong as them. Not only does the Undead Berserker have superior strength and defense, but one would also soon realize that no matter how much damage they have dealt unto them, the Undead Berserkers will still not care about it and would instead continue fighting back without caring about their own lives. Against an enemy like that, there is without a doubt that a lone soldier would lose the fight. 

The only way to deal with the Undead Berserkers is if they worked together. In such a way, a few soldiers could focus on dealing the damage, while the other soldiers could defend everyone from their attacks. And by doing that, they could also minimize their casualties.

Hearing Crown Prince Elfin the Fifth's order, all the soldiers immediately backed away towards their nearby comrades. Afterward, they immediately worked together on fighting against the Undead Berserkers.

Not long after, the soldiers were finally gaining ground in the fight against the Undead Berserkers.

"It's working!" Sebastian said, a bit delighted by the positive result after everyone worked together.

"Naturally, they are brainless creatures, after all," Elvis explained. But then he added, "Don't feel relieved yet. They might be brainless, but they aren't afraid of dying... Look over there!"

Following where Elvis was pointing at, they immediately saw a few Undead Berserkers who jumped right in the middle of a formation of soldiers. Once they were in the middle, they immediately began destroying the formation without caring about their lives. To be more precise, those Undead Berserkers basically endured any wounds inflected in their bodies, including the serious ones, as they continued to cleave and slash the soldiers in front of them. 

"What are you all waiting for? Go and quickly lend them a hand!" Elvis exclaimed towards the other Executives of the Mischievous Lion Guild and their allies.

Immediately, a few of their allies went to assist the soldiers whose formation was being destroyed by a few Undead Berserkers.

Not long after, the danger was finally solved. However, those soldiers that had been killed immediately turned into Undead Berserkers.

Seeing this, all the remaining soldiers and their allies instantly backed away a few meters in order to prepare their formation for the next round of the fight.

"A newly turned Undead Berserker is still considered very weak. So, kill them quickly before they regain all of their strength!" Elvis informed everyone.

"Okay!" Everyone nodded their head in understanding. Without any hesitation, they immediately went to slay the newly turned Undead Berserkers.

And just like what Elvis had said, the newly turned Undead Berserkers were indeed much weaker compared to those Undead Berserkers who had already transformed for a long time. Their bodies were still soft, and they could hardly put up a fight. Moreover, they are also slow in their movements and reaction speed, as if their bodies are still trying to adapt to their newly gained power.

After knowing about the Undead Berserker's weakness, every time a newly turned Undead Berserker rises, the soldiers would unhesitatingly kill them. As a result, the number of strong Undead Berserkers continues dwindling.

Nevertheless, things were still not alright. The situation merely turned into a stalemate, with both sides not gaining any advantages. Though, this was clearly much better than their previous situation. 

Turning to look towards their allies, Elfin the Fifth ordered, "All of you will stay here to assist the soldiers. Make sure that you will either maintain the stalemate or gain the advantage,"

"Yes, your Highness, Elfin the Fifth!"

After saying that, Elfin the Fifth then turned to look at the Executives of the Mischievous Lion Guild and said, "Let's quickly go and fight against the three Galaxy-level Magical Beasts. They have been left unattended for long enough already,"

"You have just spoken what's inside my mind," Sebastian replied, before leaving everyone behind and flying straight towards the three Galaxy-level Magical Beasts who are all busy trying to destroy the barrier provided by the Nature's Cover.

"How impatient," Dan shook his head as he quickly followed after. He had already taken the role of Sebastian's permanent support, so he obviously can't just leave him alone, especially now that a beautiful Elf woman loves him. 

"Everyone, let's go," Elfin the Fifth began leading the way for the other Executives of the Mischievous Lion Guild as they followed after Sebastian and Dan. 

Soon, Elfin the Fifth and the other Executives of the Mischievous Lion Guild arrived on top of the wall. 

The moment they arrived, they immediately saw that the soldiers were able to fairly handle the Undead Berserkers with their own efforts, thus there is no need to worry about them anymore. 

Hence, they quickly turned their attention towards the three Galaxy-level Magical Beasts a bit farther in front of them.

Instantly, they noticed both Sebastian and Dan busying themselves with launching Magic spells after Magic spells towards the three Galaxy-level Magical Beasts, or in particular, the Beast Lord Red Hood Viper. Evidently, the reason for that is because Elvis had mentioned before that killing the Beast Lord Red Hood Viper would subsequently kill all the Undead Berserkers.

After observing for a bit, Elfin the Fifth and the other Executives of the Mischievous Lion Guild quickly flew towards the three Galaxy-level Magical Beasts and joined the fight.




"Wind Dicing!"

"Earth Pillars!"


In the next moment, numerous Magic spells were launched towards the three Galaxy-level Magical Beasts.. Though a majority of the attacks were clearly focused on the Beast Lord Red Hood Viper.

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