Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 671 - The Ultimate Scheme Of The Naughty Elves Organization Part 14

Chapter 671 The ultimate scheme of the Naughty Elves organization part 14

Author: M_W Cancer 

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce 

As soon as the Beast Lord Mountain Mammoth and Beast Lord Nature Hercules received the onslaught of attacks coming from the war weapons, not only on top of the north wall but also from the approaching Flyingboats; Elfin the Fifth, and Charlotte, and the other Executives of the Mischievous Lion Guild swiftly darted away to escape from the encirclement. They were so fast that in just ten seconds there were already hundreds of meters of distance between them and the two Galaxy-level Magical Beasts. In other words, they traveled 10 meters or so in every passing second.

Even after reaching such a considerable distance from the two Galaxy-level Magical Beasts, they still didn't stop running. They were more than aware of the fact that they should take this opportunity to escape towards somewhere safe. Only by doing so could they start recuperating their lost energy and stamina, and then join the war again. 

While they were doing that, the two Galaxy-level Magical Beasts finally turned their attention back to the north wall where all the attacks are coming from. 

With that being the case, Elfin the Fifth, and Charlotte, and the other Executives of the Mischievous Lion Guild could be temporarily considered safe.



The two Galaxy-level Magical Beasts bellowed loudly to express their rage and fury.

In the next moment, the two Galaxy-level Magical Beasts kicked their feet, sending dirt flying behind, as they charged straight towards the north wall.

Meanwhile, at the north wall, the Flyingboats stopped flying upon reaching close to the barrier provided by the Nature's Cover. Going any farther would be extremely dangerous for them as they would undoubtedly become easy targets to the two Galaxy-level Magical Beasts.

Inside the main Flyingboat located at the very center of the Mischievous Lion Guild Flyingboat Fleet, Eilajah, Lex, and Virgil were gathered together at the bow, currently watching the situation happening in front of them while at the same time also relaying commands after commands to the members of the Mischievous Lion Guild.

"Don't stop attacking!" Eilajah quickly reminded the members of the Mischievous Lion Guild in order to hasten their movements.

"Give those two a hell of a time!" Lex raised his fist to the air while showing everyone his war posture.

"Make them suffer!" Virgil pointed towards the charging Beast Lord Mountain Mammoth and Beast Lord Nature Hercules.

After hearing the order from Eilajah and the others, the high-ranking officers of the five Lion Regiments quickly began giving orders to the members of the Mischievous Lion Guild.

"Alpha Lion Regiment, and Bravo Lion Regiment, start casting Nature Element Magic spells and point it towards the Beast Lord Mountain Mammoth!"

"Charlie Lion Regiment, Delta Lion Regiment, and Eagle-Lion Regiment start casting Fire Element Magic spells and point it towards the Beast Lord Nature Hercules!"


Whoooosh! Whoooosh! Whoooosh!

Numerous Magic spells along with the barrage of attacks coming from the war weapons came raining down towards the quickly approaching Beast Lord Mountain Mammoth and Beast Lord Nature Hercules.

Not long after, numerous explosions sounded as the attacks landed on the bodies of both the Beast Lord Mountain Mammoth and Beast Lord Nature Hercules.

However, unlike the last time, the Beast Lord Mountain Mammoth and Beast Lord Nature Hercules completely disregarded the barrage of attacks, they didn't even bother wailing in pain nor showing a look of pain in their faces, as if everything was just nothing for them.

"These damnable pesky things are really troublesome!" Lex said while wearing a wry smile on his face.

"I know, right? Can't they just go and die quickly, and not cause us problems anymore?" Virgil shrugged his shoulder off.

"How I wish that things were as simple as that," Eilajah expressed longingly. If things could be solved in such an easy way, then the Celestial World would have long become peaceful already.

All of a sudden, Marcus approached them with John and Jhon following closely behind, as he informed Eilajah and the others, "Respected Executives, everyone is now prepared and ready,"

Turning to look at Marcus, Lex replied "Good, then you may proceed with the next plan,"

The next plan that Lex meant was about dropping the members of the Mischievous Lion Guild to the battlefield on the ground below. This was what they had planned from the start on how they would deploy their men on the battlefield.

As for how exactly they can guarantee that their men will land safely on the ground, that would be through using a Magic Technology called Parachute. 

All Flyingboats have plenty of parachutes, totally depending on the maximum passenger capacity, pre-installed in them that passengers and personnel of a Flyingboat could use in order to save themselves once they jump from a very high place. After all, Flyingboats travel a lot in the sky, so it is only natural for them to have precautionary measures prepared in case of any emergencies, including dangerous ones like for instance, a situation where they have no other choice left but to abandon the Flyingboat while hovering in a high altitude.

The Magic Technology called Parachute was originally invented... No, to be more precise, it was first introduced by the Human race to the Foreign races of the Celestial World. And later on, it was improved further after Magical resources were added to its blueprint.

However, unlike the original Parachute, which was made using cloth, and could be controlled through a suspension line connected to it, the current Parachute is almost similar to a bird's wings that are attached behind a person's back. The way to maneuver it is by simply moving one's hands towards a specific direction where they wanted to go. It pretty much became really convenient and easy to use.

And similar to the other items, especially the Magic Technologies being used in the war against the Naughty Elves organization, all of the Parachutes were provided by the Elves Secret organization as well. 

"Yes, Executive Lex," Marcus bowed his head by a bit before excusing himself along with John and Jhon to go and inform every captain of the Mischievous Lion Guild Flyingboat Fleet of what to do next.

The moment Marcus and the others left, both the Beast Lord Mountain Mammoth and Beast Lord Nature Hercules finally arrived in front of the north wall. Without any hesitation, the two Galaxy-level Magical Beasts began attacking the barrier provided by the Nature's Cover.

Opposite to them, the war weapons on top of the wall continued launching a barrage of attacks towards the two Galaxy-level Magical Beasts. At the same time, the Flyingboats also launched their own attacks, which included their war weapons and Magic spells cast by Mages. But similar to earlier ago, they still completely ignored all the attacks and relentlessly strike the barrier provided by the Nature's Cover.

As that continued, the members of the Mischievous Lion Guild finally started dropping to the ground below. 

The moment they opened their parachutes, they became something akin to a fly with their small figures hovering above the huge sky, through the assistance of the Parachutes. 

After a few minutes passed, the members of the Mischievous Lion Guild eventually landed on the ground one by one.

"Quickly provide assistance to our allies!" A high-ranking officer immediately ordered. 

Receiving the quick notice, the members of the Mischievous Lion Guild swiftly looked for a good position nearby that provides them with a very good view in front.

Of course, the opponent of the members of the Mischievous Lion Guild this time is no longer the Undead Berserkers that the soldiers of the Evergreen royal family had been fighting against prior to their arrival. After all, all of them had long already died the moment the Beast Lord Red Hood Viper was killed, just like what Elvis had said before. Rather, they will be attacking the Beast Lord Mountain Mammoth and Beast Lord Nature Hercules from the ground.

The main reason for that is because it is not convenient for all the members of the Mischievous Lion Guild to attack the Beast Lord Mountain Mammoth and Beast Lord Nature Hercules while on the Flyingboats. Needless to say, the Flyingboats only have limited space on the deck. Hence, not everyone could attack. In such a way, they are being ineffective as not all of their manpower is being put into good use. And because of that, they ultimately decided to use the most practical and easy way to fix the problem, which is to simply deploy their men on the ground below which has more than enough space for everyone to have an opportunity to attack. 

Shortly thereafter, all the members of the Mischievous Lion Guild are finally in position. As such, it was time to begin attacking the two Galaxy-level Magical Beasts.

Whoooosh! Whoooosh! Whoooosh!

In the following moment, hundreds of Magic spells began shooting towards the Beast Lord Mountain Mammoth and Beast Lord Nature Hercules from the ground below.

Booom! Booom! Booom! Booom!

A series of loud explosions sounded as the numerous Magic spells landed directly on the body of both the Beast Lord Mountain Mammoth and Beast Lord Nature Hercules.

With this, the two Galaxy-level Magical Beasts are now receiving attacks from all angles. It is basically only their rear that isn't receiving any attacks and remained safe from harm.

Unfortunately for both the Beast Lord Mountain Mammoth and Beast Lord Nature Hercules, such a situation wasn't going to last for long.

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