Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 682 - Beast King Nature Emerald Dragon

Chapter 682 Beast King Nature Emerald Dragon 

Author: M_W Cancer 

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Contrary to them, Elfin the Fifth, Charlotte, Ethan, Elvis, Iasiah, and Nightingale were just calm, not entirely, but at least they are not like everybody else who is currently acting crazy right now.

"Wow, this is new to me. I didn't expect that everyone could actually become this crazy," Charlotte said jokingly. 

"Yeah, what a serious eye-opener for us," Ethan nodded his head while massaging his chin intriguingly. 

"Shouldn't we be helping them calm down," Elvis really doesn't know whether he should enjoy this scene like Charlotte and Ethan or not.

"Nah, just let them be. It would be more troublesome if they suppressed their emotions right now because once it explodes, they would without a doubt run away and abandon all of us," Iasiah objected. 

"Exactly! In fact, I had even seen plenty of such situations in the past during the time when the Fiendish Blizzard Kingdom had fallen. Emotions that are suppressed would always lead to undesirable effects," Nightingale added. 

All of a sudden, Elfin the Fifth turned to look at Elvis, "Elvis, you have traveled around the entire Emerald Forest in the past, so do you perhaps have any idea about the Beast King of the Emerald Forest?"

Hearing Elfin the Fifth's question, everyone immediately stopped what they were doing, including acting crazy, as they quickly turned their attention towards Elvis. 

Elvis, who was being stared at by everyone, turned solemn. As much as he wanted to avoid this question, there is no way for him to escape it anymore. 

With no other choice left, Elvis cleared his throat before he started explaining, "It was a decade or so ago after King Elfin the Fourth had finally dethroned Darius as the King of the Emerald Tree Kingdom and proclaimed himself as the new King. Back then, I bid farewell to everyone and went to explore the entire Emerald Forest, with the main intention of making a map of this entire territory and give it to everyone in order to assist them in their travels,"

"After spending nearly a year exploring the entire Emerald Forest, I finally mapped out the entire outer region and the inner region of the territory. The only place left for me to explore was the central region,"

"Rumors said that there is a slumbering Magical Beasts at the center of the Emerald Forest. It was said to be the most powerful Magical Beast to ever exist in this place and was the real ruler of this territory," Elvis turned to look at Elfin the Fifth as he continued, "Yes, you heard me right. The Emerald Forest is indeed not the territory of the Evergreen royal family but a Constellation-level Magical Beast. To be more precise, it is a Beast King Nature Emerald Dragon, hence the reason why the name of this forest is Emerald Forest,"

Hearing the word 'Dragon', Charlotte and the other allies' faces immediately turned even more ugly. They were already in despair with the mere mention of Beast King, and now they feel like losing their heads with the addition of it being a Dragon. And not just any ordinary Dragon, because just based on its name alone, this is probably a pureblood Dragon they are currently talking about.

Just when they have thought that the Chaos stones were the ultimate scheme of the Naughty Elves organization, it suddenly turns out to just be the mere tip of the iceberg. And when they finally concluded it being a Beast King, they are made to realize once again at this moment just how hugely mistaken they all are because their ultimate scheme is a freaking pureblood Dragon.

What is a pureblood Dragon? Well, almost everyone in the entire Celestial World has knowledge about them, so there is really no need to further explain anything more. To cut their description short, they are real Dragons, and not just a product of a breeding between a Dragon and another species of Magical Beast. This means to say that they are really powerful, specifically second only to the Leviathans. 

"However, many generations have already passed, and yet no one was still able to ever see this so-called Beast King Nature Emerald Dragon. Not even the previous King, King Elfin the Third, nor any of his loyal subjects that had gone exploring the Emerald Forest before me, had spotted any traces of it. In fact, not even King Elfin the Second had found any traces of this powerful Magical Beast. It was only in the diary of King Elfin the First that the ruler of the Emerald Forest was mentioned. Other than that, there are no more additional records that have mentioned it,"

"Now that you have mentioned my great-great-great-grandfather's diary, I finally remembered those pages that have mentioned those stories at the earlier days of development of the Emerald Tree Kingdom. At that time, there was only the Emerald City that exists in this forest, and he was still not a King, but merely a City Lord," Elfin the Fifth can't help but interrupt. He continued, "If my brain serves me correctly, one of those pages had indeed told a story about being attacked by a huge flying Magical Beast that breathes Nature Element Mana from its mouth. It was during the time when they started pioneering deep inside the Emerald Forest so as to expand his territory over there that they were attacked,"

"King Elfin the First described the Magical Beast that had attacked them as a Magical Beast that looks somewhat similar to a lizard, except for the fact that it has a really long body that extends from its mouth and the tip of its tail, tall limbs with plants growing out from them with big and sharp claws at the very end, has an Emerald-like tough scales, gold-colored eyes, huge green-colored wings extending from its back, and most importantly, its cultivation is at the Constellation-level,"

"This was the exact reason why the Emerald Tree Kingdom was established at the outer region of the Emerald Forest, and not in the inner region nor in the center region, which should have been a really good spot for the Emerald Tree Kingdom,"

"Yes, that's the one!" Elvis nodded his head in acknowledgment. He confirmed, "That Magical Beast that had attacked King Elfin the First was most likely the Beast King Nature Emerald Dragon,"

"Eh, are you sure about that? My father used to say to me that what King Elfin the First had really discovered at that time wasn't a pureblood Dragon, but merely a Demi-Dragon, specifically a Vineyard Dragon. Because the latter has a blood of a Dragon, thus the reason why King Elfin the First had easily mistaken it for an actual pureblood Dragon," Elfin the Fifth rebutted. 

"Hmph! Then how do you exactly explain why there is a Vineyard Dragon in the Emerald Forest, ha?" Elvis raised one of his brows. 

"That..." Elfin the Fifth was unable to give an answer to Elvis. After all, he wasn't stupid or an unreasonable person. As soon as he heard Elvis' question, he immediately thought to himself that why would there be a Demi-Dragon such as the Vineyard Dragon in the Emerald Forest if there is indeed no pureblood Dragon that exists nearby? 

It wasn't only Elfin the Fifth that had realized this, but also Charlotte and the other allies as well. Evidently, only with the existence of a pureblood Dragon why a Demi-Dragon could possibly exist in the Emerald Forest. Also, this is no doubt a piece of evidence to prove the existence of the Beast King Nature Emerald Dragon. 

"Honestly, I was also the same as you in the past. I merely thought of the Beast King Nature Emerald Dragon as nothing but a rumor and that it was actually a Vineyard Dragon. Therefore, I didn't feel any fear and went to explore the central region of the Emerald Forest," Elvis continued his story, "At first, I was so excited since this part of the Emerald Forest was still very foreign to me, which simply means to say that there are a lot of things that I could potentially discover, including useful things that could really help the Emerald Tree Kingdom in becoming a lot more stronger than before. Though, it didn't take so long for me to realize just how stupid I was,"

"It was at the second week of my exploring in the center region of the Emerald Forest. At that time, I woke up really early in the morning, beaming with excitement and joy for another day of exploring and discovering new things that don't exist in both the outer region and the inner region of the Emerald Forest, just like all the previous couple of days in that place," Elvis' face suddenly turned fearful while he continued speaking, "But such a mood didn't last long, because as soon as I left that cave, I was sleeping at to spend the night, I immediately discovered a scene that I will never ever forget for the rest of my life, even after I die,"

"It was a memory that has been deeply carved on my soul. And no matter how much I want to erase it, it is next to impossible for me to do it because I really thought that day was the day I was going to die," Elvis shivered as he remembered that unforgettable memory in his consciousness.. At the very entrance of the cave, the humongous head of the Beast King Nature Emerald Dragon was looking at him, with its gold-colored eyes staring straight to the very deep of his soul.

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