Rise of Myriad Magic Emperor

Chapter 3: Fundamentals and Forces of Past

Chapter 3: Fundamentals and Forces of Past

"Our world is called the Great Magic World, Pridadin."

"The magic flows everywhere in the form of ether, which is not visible to the naked eyes and can only be seen and felt by people who possess a mage root. Magic users store this ether in their body to cast various spells, magic arts and create many phenomenons."

"Sir, so all magic we cast is due to ether stored in a magic user?" Asked Kai.

"Yes, if you consider magic users as bubble blower who blow air to make bubble instead of  casting magic, then ether is it air while the size of your bubble is the magnitude of your magic, and when we cast magic, we return ether to the world. Magic has ten attributes and 13 ranks"

"The attributes are fire, water, air, earth, lighting, light, darkness, space, time, spirit and there is also non-attribute magic, used by fighters, but magic users can use it as well.

Non-attributemagic is generally used to strengthen the body, and is the basis of all magic and can be used by all magic users.

Before learning any other attributes, one must first practice non-attribute magic"

"Magic, like strengthening the body and muscle strengthening, and rune magic, come under this magic attribute, but there are also other uses of it"

"The 13 ranks of magic are divided into 5 types, first to third rank are known as Mortal Magic and can be used by 1st to 3rd rank magic users respectively, which is also why magic users under Magic Warrior are called mortals"

"4th to 6th rank magic are called Transcend Magic, and they are used by magic users from Magic Warrior to the Magic Champion rank. That is also why they are called Transcend magic users"

"7th to 9th rank magic are called Saint magic, and can only be used by magic users above the Magic Champion rank, which are legendary existences no one has attained in this realm within a hundred thousand years"

"10th to 12th rank magic are called Divine Magic and users of these magic are beings that mostly belong to myths or fairy tales, but some say they existed at one point in history, as the evidence of their existence has been found"

"13th rank magic is called World Magic. The users of this magic have never appeared, so some think this level of magic does not exist and there are only twelve ranks of magic, but ancient scriptures have mentioned it"

All of this I have learnt from my master, and what he once said, I still remember about the ranks of magic users and the magic laws,'


These words are passed on from generation to generation of magic users.All living creatures can use magic.

Just like humans, there are elves, dwarves, demons, beasts, monsters, fairies, spirits, plants but their way of cultivation is different.

Magic users are divided into 6 known stages and all of the stages are divided into 9 substages, just like how I am a first stage grandmaster.

The 6 stages are Apprentice, Master, Grandmaster, Magic Warrior, Magic Knight and Magic Champion.

As Lopar explain in detail about the cultivation while Kai listen to him attentively.

First sub stage

a mage's root awakening is done just as you have.

It can happen naturally or by meditation.

The second substage is the magic gate opening, in which we concentrate magic power to open the magic channel of the mind. It must be done slowly or it can cause harm to one's brain.

The third substage is opening the blockage between the magic channel of the mind and the magic channel of the body. You must do it slowly and with patience.

If any mistakes are done, the person will cause his whole body below his neck to be paralyzed for life or could also die.

The fourth substage magic is the channel of the body opening.

It is done by slowly circulating magic power for the first time until you feel all your magic channels are full of magic power.

One should do it slowly, or the fast circulation may cause death by blowing up their body.

In the fifth sub-stage opening, 108 magus points are present throughout one's whole body.

Opening them leads the body to be able to intake more magic, as the magic gate of the mage root is not enough to store the magic power, and to regulate the flow of magic power in the magic channels.

Everybody is different, so everybody's magus points are also different.

Secret arts can be used to find the magus points, and the more magus points are opened, the greater the recovery and regulation of magic power.

At the sixth substage, one connects all the magus opened magus and opens the magus channel.

Only by opening all the 108 magus points can one create and open the magus channel. It is different from the magic channels present from birth as it is created by connecting the magus points throughout the body.

Also, everybody has their own unique kind of magus channel which they can destroy and recreate in this stage.

In the seventh substage, one connects the magus channel and magic channels to form mystic veins.

They connect at one special single point called Mystic Zone and it controls the flow of magic power between the body and the surroundings, acting as a gateway.

At the eight substage, one creates an attribute origin seed with the attributes of the magic they can use. It serves to communicate with the attributes and understand them.

To form it, they use the mage root and magus channels to intake magic power and concentrate it at the Mystic Zone.

At the ninth substage, one creates their magic pool. Which is made by punding the origin seed to convert the gas magic power into a liquid, forming a pool to store magic power.

These are the basics and the most important stages of a magic user's life.

"Hum... Sir, can I ask some questions?" Asked Kai."If you have any doubts, you may ask." Replied Lopar.

"Can the magus channel and magic channel be fully merged?" Asked Kai again.

"No, they cannot. Kid, if they do, there will be no Mystic Zone to concentrate the magic power to form the magic origin seed, nor the magic pool to store magic, as nothing can control the flow of magic between the  body and the outside." Replied Lapor.

"How do fighters use non-attribute magic when they have no mage root then?" Questioned Kai.

"Fighters go through very tough training to open their magus points and create a magus channel, connecting them and opening their magic channels. Which awakens their body magic channels, but not their mind magic channels. So magic is not stored and instead, they learn to control the magic by feeling the flow of magic through continuous practice.

At the 4 stages, they open their mind channel, awaken their mage root and create origin seeds, allowing them to create a magic pool to store magic and become Magic Warriors, but the chances of surviving the outbreak of magic from the breakthrough from rank 3 to 4 are very low because they don't have mage root to control the magic flow." Replied Lapor.

"Sir, what effect does the magus channel have on magic?" Asked Kai.

"During a battle, magic users have a calm mind, great control over their magic, higher mental power which effect the speed of magic casting, faster recovery rate and better magic circulation."

"Even if a person is born with weak potential magic channels, they can overcome it by expanding their magus channel to their limit, and increase their magic power recovery rate."

With a greater amount of magic power that can be converted into purer magic using the magic origin, the faster the circulation will be, which leads to faster magic casting and easier to control the magic flow and helps them win the battle or escape, depending on the situation." Replied Lapor.

"Can someone's body potential be increased?" Asked Kai.

"There are methods, but all have some drawbacks, so I don't know any successful ones." Replied Lapor.

"This is all I wanted to ask, Sir." Said Kai as he bowed respectfully to Lapor.With a smile, Lapor continued.

"You are small yet you still asked many important questions which most would not have asked. You have good memory and understanding capabilities at such a young age. You are gifted, kid.

"I just enjoy the clean and straightforward explanations of sir and nothing more." Said Kai.

As he was about to say something to Kai, he saw Miss Tarika outside the room.

"You two have your talks, but it's time for lunch. You can continue after that." Said Tarika

Lapor, after hearing this, was surprised and looked outside and saw the afternoon sun. Before he knew it, it was already afternoon.So after lunch, Lapor went to sleep and Kai went to another room to sleep. When he woke up again, it was 5 in the evening and they continued their conversation.

"Now I am going to talk about magic beasts. Magic beasts are beasts that got mutated due to absorbing or living in environments with a large concentration of magic power. Instead of a magic pool, they form their magic core to store magic and are hunted because of the pure magic present in those cores, as well as for valuable body parts to make weapons and medicine." Said Lapor.

As the conversation went on, it became night and dinner time.

"Thank you, sir, I was able to understand and learn so many new things." Replied Kai, as he stood up to bow and left with a childish face full of excitement and left.

But Lapor had a complex expression on his face looking at Kai.

He got a feeling like he is looking at his own reflection and suddenly his vision become hazy as unknown images stared to appear before his eyes with a mature middle aged Kai with long hairs looking at him with a wodden sword in his hand wearing dirty clothes covered with dirty smiling at him and hear a voice which seems to from very ancient.

'My brother.'resonated his mind with sudden feeling of intense pain and sadness; causing tears to appear at the corner of his eyes.

Next moment, they disappeared like illusion and heard a loud voice.

"Sir Lopar dinner is ready."hearing that Lopar got of from the bed erasing the tears in his eyes and went downwards.

[Next morning]

Lapor fully recovered and went to meet the town lord.

He was surprised to see he was a peak Grandmaster and told him about what happened in the forest, and that on his way he met Kai's father, who returned from a nearby city accompanied by a soldier called Ben.

Who came to escort him back to the Capital after spending the night in the town.

They left after saying goodbye, even though Lapor was feeling sad on his way to the Capital, still remembering the warm smiles on Kai's parents' and elders' faces.

Telling him to come back as well as Kai's holding his leg tightly so he couldn't leave, all of which made him warm inside.

"I have only stayed them for few days but it made me feel like I am among my family members. A family that I never had before. Now I have a place I can return to."


Hearing that, he returned to reality.

"We will reach the closest city tomorrow. From there, we can teleport to the closest city to the Capital."

"Good, we will do as you say." Said Lapor.

"My lord, were you thinking about something since you were smiling?" Ben asked.

"I just remembered the days spent in that small town and the face of that little kid."

Suddenly, a look of sadness and disappointment appeared on Lapor's face.

"What a kid. He is blessed with high desire for knowledge and a quick learner or is it due to awakening of his mage root at such a young age but...He had no magic channels, which is very rare. He will never be able to become a magic user nor a fighter. He will be forced to look at the world of magic from far away but never will become a part of it"

As Lapor looked at the changing sky, he couldn't help but feel that heavens were too cruel on Kai to give him hope just to crush it.

"I think Lord you did a right thing. After all it will break his childish heart by not telling him the truth. but why did you pass on the knowledge of cultivation and magic beasts to him. If he will never be a powerhouse."asked Ben with doubtful tone.

Hearing that Lapor looked at Ben and smiled,

"I want him to have this knowledge. It will help him to get a better understanding of world and will increase his change of survival with his house so much near the forbidden forest.

I got this mysterious feeling that I am looking at a life long friend as well as enjoy his expression on knowing that I am a magic grandmaster. Yet, he doesn't have any knowledge about those genius and experts who stand on peak of continent."

Ben saw a thin mysterious smile on Lapor face as he looking at him.

"Ben have of heard of Imperial Teacher of Choas empire Arbus or War Sovereign or Saintess who were able to speak and awakened as magic user at the age of one year old and became magic grandmaster at age of 10.Compare to them Kai showing a little maturity among age is nothing. Not to mention those genius of his generation. I have heard there are children from imperial families who have already started cultivating at the age of three."

Hearing that and seeing the expression on Lapor, Ben felt it most be true atleast he had heard of the ten most powerful person in the continent. But it's still to hard or him to accept from normal point of view. How can such genius exist.

Lapor didn't find it abnormal that Ben had such reaction to his words. But it's true, for a normal person it's hard to understand the world of magic users.

While Ben was thinking about Lapor words as they both continued their journey to the Capital city.

Ben and Lopar doesn't know that the child which they have met will one day rise to become the most powerful powerhouses in the world.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the dimension of nothingness.

A skinly old man opened his eyes inside a old hut.

'Look like it has started for the fourth time. Hope, this reincarnation of mine doesn't disappoint me.'

Thinking so he again closed his eyes.

In the pure white world, a young man is polishing his Katana sword in his hand with nine ball of flowing around and looking at the crystal ball. Showing the landscape of entire continent.

"Looks like primal lord has been reincarnated again. Dai Yusa."

The young man nooded with a smile,"Let's hope this one can kill the fallen and great rid of the barrier."said Dai Yusa.

Looking intensely at the young Kai playing with his only friend in the village.

Dai Yusa smile,"I will make sure this time he awakens the power of orgin bloodline.'as the view point of the crystal image changed showing a tall mountain with a forest below full of rank 4,5and 6 magic beasts with a mysterious glow in his eyes.

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