Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 151 - No Chances Whatsoever!

Edvard frowned as this question ran through his mind and he clenched his fists at the knowledge that the answer was most likely not something he would like or find soothing.

He was still trying to come to terms with the fact that Hal had saved his designated heirs, Selina and Arnold. When they had told him of all that had happened in the forest, he had felt indecisive with his emotions.

Should he be happy that they were saved by the boy toy?


Should he be upset that the boy seemed to be getting stronger, faster than he (Edvard) could follow?

Gregory sat forward, 

"You plan to visit him? Something you never thought to do when it concerned us? Do we really amount to so little to you?"

The outrage in Gregory's words rang loud and was synonyms with how the other family heads felt.

Arya chuckled, 

"Why do I have to act the way you want? As I have said already, you need my help, not the other way around so will you stop your indignation and let us get this meeting started so I can get back to matters of some importance."

Gregory breathed in and out before he sat back down with a snort and looked away from her direction.

It was clear that Edvard, Gregory and Ford believed Arya was ensnared by Hal's good looks.

They might be right but they could also very well be wrong.

Hector closed his eyes and actually considered the possibility that it was not just about the teenage boy's looks, as only the Edgars knew of the powerful, albeit meager force Hal was controlling.

He decided not to say anything because he felt the other Great family heads were letting things that were of no consequence presently, take precedence over more important matters.

"Since you have stopped your childishness. I will explain the situation you are all in right now and I hope there will be no interruptions.

From the very start of this conflict heading ever closer to war, which I investigated sufficiently, you, the Great families have been on the back foot and it's all because you lost the initiative. The Plebeians knew what they were after and so they took the steps needed before they started going all out.

That you are only just noticing their sudden increase in Cultivation only makes this even more true. They have been strengthening their forces in the shadows and at a time when it was convenient for them. But what were you all doing? You were lost in your overconfidence that you were still the greatest.

As I understand it, some of you had relationships, friendships with them. Visiting their home for drinks and also patronizing them. Before the Holgers were killed, they could count on some of you for the Greatest part of their profit.

You funded them and you had no idea. You drank with them and knew nothing. The way I see it, if you lose this Coming war, it would have completely been your fault."

Gregory narrowed his eyes, 

"I hope there's a point to these words cause it would really piss me off if you only called us here to insult us"

The words had probably hit him harder than it did the others as the dead Holgers had been his friends. He had even patronized them as well, so it was a double slap.

However, despite his angry visage, what hurt Gregory the most was that it was true. He hated that he had visited the Holgers so much and never realized a change. Had he really been that complacent? 

"Of course there is a point. I'm saying all this to be realistic about your chances in the Coming war" Arya said with a smile.

"Oh, what are they?" Ford asked.

Arya grinned, 

"None whatsoever. You are bound to lose this war and you are bound to lose completely"

Ford's face went red from anger, 

"What did you just say?" He said and clenched his fists.

Arya saw it but ignored him as she continued, 

"I'm only telling it as I see it. You are all far behind on preparations, the Plebeians have occasionally put you on the back foot. The assault on your homes that you neutralized had been successful whether you like it or not.

As you must know by now, all those who attacked were gangs and killing them did nothing to diminish the fighting power of the Plebeians. As such, I can confidently say, you are all screwed."

Arya said and burst into laughter.

Hector who was trying his best to be mature and not reprimand the rude alchemist. He was about to mention that the Plebeian forces that had been sent to the forest were killed and it was a loss the Plebeians must have felt.

However, as soon as he thought to say it, he realized that if he had to use that attack which had been neutralized by a different party that as of now, had no ties to the Great families, then he might as well admit that Arya was right.

Arya's laughter stopped and she dabbed away the moisture at the edges of her eyes before she cleared her throat, 

"I'm sorry I laughed, but the situation was hilarious to me. That said, I was serious, your chances to win are so slim that you might as well give up to the Plebeians so as not to risk any more lives. Of course, there is no guarantee that your family members will not be used to rebirth the Holger slave business.

However, with this..." Arya waved her hand and the ring on her finger flashed as a case suddenly appeared on the table. It made it clear that the ring was a spatial one.

"...you need not be worried" She completed and opened up the case to allow sudden saturation of Pill aroma.

Ford nodded secretly at the tactic she had used,

First, she made a long speech that was only to annoy and infuriate them, then she supported those hurtful words with hard facts that brought in dismay and despite them not showing it, all the Great family heads were really starting to doubt being victorious against the Plebeians.

It was then that she proposed Salvation in the form of these pills.

They were stunned. Any disrespect she had shown was quickly forgiven in the face of this treasure trove.

"Are... Are those for speeding up cultivation?" Hector asked.

Arya shook her head, 

"Of course not. Forget about cultivation. You are attempting to catch up to the progress of the Plebeians who have cultivated in preparation for this war, for at least a year. How could you possibly make up for that time in a few months, if you even have that long?

Huh? How? With diligence?" Arya sniggered as though to insult them even more but as though they had developed a tolerance for her words, they said nothing and were not even offended.

It was most likely because they could see the truth in her words.

"Okay then, what are they?" Edvard asked.

"Well, they are if two types. There are Recovery pills that are to quickly restore Cosmic energy and help the user stay in the fight for even longer. 

But these pills are not just Recovery pills, I have added a little something of my own that not only helps the recovery of Cosmic energy, it also strengthens the body for a limited amount of time. So that until the effects wear off, the user can practically do anything.

That said, they are quite addictive and should be taken liberally.

"Telling us to use it liberally, doesn't that affect your profits?" Ford asked with his eyebrow raised.

"I have factored it all in and it will be felt in the price of one so that I don't make losses. I'm not a monster so I will tell you the truth of my pills, but I am also not an idiot so you will pay for my honesty"

"Interesting principles" Hector said in a calm voice that said it was anything but.

Even then, Arya smiled, 

"Why thank you, Old Man"

"And how much do you want for the Pills?" Edvard asked.

"Why don't we discuss that once I'm done with introductions. Good as this Pill is, it is only a better version of a Recovery pill and can not be compared to the second I will introduce to you.

Are you familiar with the Flame Maniac pill?" She asked them but was facing Gregory when she said it.

Gregory's eyes became wild with pain and anger.

How could he not remember?

That was the Pill he had given Rad so that he could enhance his fighting prowess and defeat Hal. The pill that had ensured that even if Rad had been victorious. He would still face the consequences later on.

Arya stopped waiting for a reply and continued, 

"Well, that was merely a Rank 2 pill. Once again I tweaked the effects and made it into a Flame Berserk pill and I will place its Rank at Rank 2 intermediate"

The Family heads were confused, the way she had said Rank 2 intermediate was as though it was better than Rank 2 but so far they could see no evidence of this.

Arya nodded with a smirk,

"Since you don't know what it means, Rank 2 intermediate is just to tell you that this pill is no different from a Rank 2 or a Rank 3 and as such can be used by both those at the Cosmic Pearl realm and those at the Cosmic Armament Realm with no side effects to either of the two power levels.

Of course, their strength when they both use it will be different with the Armament being stronger."

At first, there was silence and then Edvard cleared his throat, 

"How are we to know if they are truly effective"

Arya shrugged, 

"You are allowed to test one pill and it will be the recovery pill as it's the mildest of the two. The Flame berserk pill should only be used during combat when the energy can be let out"

Arya passed one recovery pill to them and Hector received it to pass it to Karon. His eyes were completely on Arya, as though a promise to rip her head off should something happen to his right-hand man.

The other Family heads were okay with him taking the risk and testing the waters.

So to speak.

Karon took the pill without hesitation and swallowed it. Within seconds, he seemed to be illuminated slightly and when he opened his eyes, they were completely refreshed and the pressure his body released convinced them all.

This was Legit.

They turned to Arya and nodded.

Arya smiled sweetly like she had when they had first arrived and clapped her hands, 

"Oh goody! Unfortunately, there is a limited supply so you can't all have what you want so why don't we do it this way?

Why don't you start bidding?"

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