Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 35 - Call My Name...

The Cosmic Armament realm was another level altogether from the preceding realms and it was the same for all the cultivation realms. Take the cosmic pearl realm for example, it supposedly only has four stages but it would still take some their whole lifespan to advance all four stages while those who could advance with lifespan to spare were geniuses. More on that later.

Gregory unleashing his cosmic armament meant one thing; To hell with Hector Edgar's order

His rage was at it's peak, once again he,was foiled. Why would things simply not go his way? Well, no more, he would end it now, not to mention the look Hal had given him before he killed Rad worried him and convinced him that if he did not kill Hal now, he would one day envy his son's death.

He made to attack but would soon be intercepted by a wave of cosmic energy, the source of which was Melinda, he sneered, Did she really believe the attack of this level could stop him? A swing of the broadsword and he was free again.

Gregory knew that at this moment he could afford disobeying the mayor, his anger was after all recent but if Hal could survive and leave the estate he would gain immunity for a year which really means Gregory will not be able to make an attempt on his life until Hector reached the end of his lifespan in a few months and was no longer mayor.

He dashed towards Hal as soon as he was no longer encumbered by Melinda's cosmic attack and made to attack but a wall of energy the shape of a beetle shell will block him, the source of the skill was someone he had never deemed truly worthy of his attention


His shock would only last a second as he drew back the broadsword and attacked the shield again while simultaneously directing a cosmic attack at Melinda who dodged. Gregory's attack with the broadsword sprawled web like cracks that were testament to the shield's weakening integrity.

"Think before you act, Gregory. Doing this would hurt you..." Melinda began


Another strike would break the shield and Gregory would once again advance towards Hal only to find himself facing two cosmic energy attacks that he was able to swat away, he was close enough and fast enough that Hal gave up on dodging. He could not avoid the broadsword completely anyway.

So he withdrew a defensive rune as fast as he could in attempt to ward off the attack but still felt it was hopeless

'Shit. I hate this feeling' he grumbled to grimiore

'If you still have the time to complain, at least make a commitment to try and advance your battle strength' Grimiore told him seemingly unconcerned

Their mental link allowed for their conversation to barely last a second but it was enough for Gregory to completely cross the space, however when he raised his broadsword for an attack a calm aged voice spread about the whole city...


...and froze Gregory in his path allowing Hal to slip away and for Melinda to point at Gregory

"Third grade skill: shooting stars"

A number of stars composed of cosmic energy would emerge from out of a three circled ring and shoot towards Gregory to explode on impact.

The attack would catch him off guard and throw him backwards into a fence that would collapse on top of him allowing for the trio to make a getaway for the carriage waiting outside.

When he would pull himself out of the rubble all he could see was Lillian cradling the body of Rad, the shocked expressions of the servants and the body of the guards who had tried to stop the trio's escape. He wanted to yell but somehow he could not. He had no one to blame but himself.


"Master, are you alright?" Rita asked the instant the carriage pulled away

"Mostly" Hal smiled as he rubbed his midsection. Outwardly he was barely injured but he had still incurred some internal injuries but it was nothing he could not bare with

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Melinda would ask from his other side

"Oh yes. Melinda, this is Rita my contracted ally" Hal said

"Contracted?" Melinda was confused

Hal explained what had happened the night before (Blaming it all on his unique bloodline which wasn't really a lie) and Rita withdrew a scroll from within her clothes. This was the main reason Hal needed her back in the Payne Estate for a while...

"Master. The map" she said and handed it to him

Hal unfurled it and took a quick scan before smiling and sending it into his inventory he smiled at her

"Good work" and to Melinda he said "This is a map that reveals the location of my father's private force. His true elites"

"So I imagine you didn't want this scroll with his best intentions at heart" Melinda said smirking

"No I did not. However I am not strong enough just yet, I cannot really proceed with my plans until I advance to the cosmic pearl realm" Hal said

"That should be a breeze. With me helping you" she said quietly into his ear

"Sigh. Unfortunately I cannot take a shortcut when advancing to the Cosmic pearl realm. I need to actively form my cosmic pearl"

If he was already in the cosmic pearl realm, he could use essence to further his cultivation but he would need to first create his cosmic pearl. The Energy sensing realm made the cultivators body stronger in preparation for the storing of cosmic energy. The Cosmic pearl realm on the other hand involved harnessing cosmic energy and forming a pearl of about 3cm in diameter (1.1 inch) (at the early stage) in the abdomen for storing cosmic energy, the pearl would continue to grow bigger and purer ensuring that the body grows stronger and the size and purity of cosmic energy stored increases as well.

When they arrived at the mansion Hal would retreat to his room to heal his wounds and to make further progress towards the cosmic pearl realm.

The two ladies would however sit in the lounge sizing each other up.

Rita would readily call Hal master but she believed her status should be no less than Melinda's. Melinda however had no interest in a squabble, quite contrary, she saw a kindred in Rita, they were after all in the same age group and while she believed she would never be jealous of Hal's other women, not all of them would take so kindly to her. And so she needed allies.

A few exchanged words and the two would hit it off, maybe they were not best friends yet but at least they could coexist.

Back in his room...

Hal let his bloodline ability Regeneration do it's work while he focused on the Primordial Cosmic Art and was shocked to realize it would be even harder for him to advance than the average individual because he would not be starting with the standard 3cm (1.1inch) but with 5cm (1.8) and of much purer quantity.

His Bloodline improvement seemed slow as well, pending his advancement to the cosmic pearl realm. This was his primary goal; To find out everything he could about his bloodline and in doing so, hopefully find out out who he truly was.

Since he could not try advancement now, he decided to visit his soul world which was still dark (seemingly) with his bloodline but he could still perceive the scent of blood but just like before he could not locate the source just like he could not locate the source of the lullaby.

"Just how many mysteries are lurking inside my body" He mumbled before he heard a whisper

"What?" He said as he strained to hear and then the whisper became clearer

"Call my name..."

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