Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 59 - I've Got Dibs On Your Balls

Marlon's eyes widened at the mention of Gregory's name but for Hal, it was really a no-brainer.

That Marlon was searching for the one who killed Adler and instantly went after the least likely suspect: Hal, all on his own without instigation was nonsense.

Hal was very much aware when he went after the Holgers that Gregory would make the connection, whether due to paranoia or just plain smarts, he could not care less. He also gave him a lot of satisfaction that Gregory would be biting his nails and hopefully pulling out his hair in frustration and anger.

Anger not only directed at him but also at Hector Edgar. So, for Gregory, this was the perfect plan;

He sent Marlon after Hal, in hopes that Hal's arrogance would cause the two to battle. Any outcome of that match, as long as it was not a truce satisfied him.

If Hal died. Good.

If Marlon died. Also Good. Perfect way to stick it to Hector in which case Hal would most likely die nonetheless.

Hal was sure that Gregory was outside of the array, waiting for it to come down and reveal the outcome of this little altercation.

"What is it you want Hal? killing me will do you no good" Marlon said as the fog held him down with their horrific energy affecting him more the longer he was in contact with them.

Hal sighed and shook his head "I told you already, I don't want you dead"

Hal's eyes turned black, sclera and all. He stretched his hand and a black fog snaked out of it and slithered towards Marlon.

From that fog Marlon felt such energies that his eyes bulged and he performed his last act of defiance towards Hal by struggling against the red fog once again


He began but was unable to complete before the fog branded him with the mark, effectively making Hal's will his command.

Hal had considered signing a contract but ultimately decided against it, he saw no reason to do so at the moment, the mark was good enough for now.

When Marlon looked up now, there was newfound respect in his eyes

Hal took a deep breath "Okay Marlon, just how much of the Edgar wealth do you have access to?"

"Well I handle my family's finances so I have access to all of it" Marlon said as he stood up, now freed from the fog

"And how much of that can you take undetected?" Hal asked with a smile

"If I'm smart about it, a fairly large amount, uhm, master? Is there a reason for asking?" Marlon was nervous and Hal's smile was not making him more relaxed

"Is it not obvious? You're going to fund my bid for the Holger Estate"


Gregory kept his eyes locked on the array. While he could not see into the array, he could still rely on his exceptional senses to realize that the first part of his plan was successful. Now all he needed to do was await the results.

It wasn't like they could come to a compromise right?

"Fancy meeting you here" A pleasant voice sounded and caused Gregory to turn and come face to face with Melinda.

He frowned slightly at the fact that he had been so focused on the array and allowed her to sneak up behind him.

Melinda had taken a break from her cultivation and after discovering Hal's absence from the mansion, she decided to...take a little walk, so to speak.

The fact that there was an array near pleasure inn did not sit right with her. Finding Gregory staring at the array instantly raised the red flag.

As Gregory stared at Melinda, his lips turned upside down in a frown. The last time he had seen this 'whore', his son had died.

The same thought was running in Melinda's mind but it brought a smile to her lips instead.

Gregory's fist was clenched in anger and frustration before a thought that would wash away the frustration came to mind. One he had just had to share.

He smirked "You know -he- has immunity from my attacks. But you don't" along with the short speech came the complete release of his cultivation base complete with the purple broadsword that was his cosmic armament, backing up his words for the purpose of intimidation.

To his disappointment, Melinda's expression remained unchanged as she placed a hand on her hip and smirked towards Gregory, a picture of ease as though Gregory's slightly trembling right hand was out of fear and not anger.

"Oh Greggy, lighten up" Melinda giggled like he was a friend she had just played a prank on

"L-l-l-lig-lighten up?" Gregory stammered in disbelief.

How dare she, tell him to lighten up?

Melinda nodded and smiled "How are your balls?"

"My...what?" Gregory was so shocked by the question that he stopped moving

"Your balls. Don't tell you're deaf as well, Mr sour puss" Melinda said in an exasperated voice

"They're fine?"

"Good, cause I've got dibs on breaking them"

That was it. Gregory was so angry that his internal organs went out of control...


...and he spat blood.

How could she be so shameless?

After taking part in the death of his son, she could still tell him with a smile that she would break his balls.

He couldn't take this anymore.

This was at a level he just could not handle.

So he wiped the bloodstain, gripped his Cosmic Armament more tightly and dashed towards Melinda who instantly pointed

"Third grade skill: Beetle shell"

The shell-like shield surrounded by a three circled ring appeared to protect her from Gregory's broadsword.

Not wanting to risk her life Melinda limited the energy output of the skill, putting it at the low tier.


Gregory hit the shield with the broadsword with a slight feeling of Déjà vu. He had done this before.

And he would not make the same mistake.

Gregory took a step back and pointed at the shield

"Third grade skill: Raptor strike"

Out of a three circled ring, all circles bright, emerged a green raptor that went after the shield,...



... broke through it instantly and then swooped down on Melinda but she was no longer there.

Taking advantage of the collision, Melinda had used the Second grade skill, updraft, to move away from the raptor's path.

Gregory looked around quickly in shock as the raptor died out to find her location but he would not need to look for long before Melinda came down on him from the skies,

'Foolish attempt' he thought as he swung the broadsword at her

Melinda made a quick maneuver to escape the strike but still got caught with it's flat side.

Updraft was not really a flying skill, it merely gave a strong lift, not to mention it consumed too much Cosmic Energy to operate but it had been enough.

So when Gregory turned towards Melinda, he saw her grinning

Confused, he tried to move, only to discover that he could not. No matter how much he struggled, his body just would not respond. He looked at his sword arm and found an activated rune. A binding rune.

The whole thing had been a distraction. This was her plan all along.

Melinda laughed loudly as she stood upright

"Is that all you have? Tricks?" Gregory spat, but Melinda simply shrugged.

The rune held Gregory down but it would not be long before he broke free. Any reckless attack to him now would only free him faster. Then again, as she was still at the Cosmic pearl realm, Melinda did not believe it was time for them to face off just yet.

Besides, while she was hoping to get to break his balls and bring him excruciating pain, she very well knew Hal wanted Gregory all to himself.

The array began to warp before it was gone all together to reveal a smiling Hal and a frowning Marlon.

Marlon walked straight to the bound Gregory...


... and punched him in the face.

"What are you doing?" Gregory asked with a groan

"You lied to me, he didn't do it" Marlon snarled pointing at Hal "if I had killed him, father would have had my head"

After that Marlon stomped off and Gregory finally broke free from the astral bind seething with anger as he stared at the Hal and Melinda couple, he dispersed of his armament, clenched his fist and left while he could still control himself.

Once he was out of sight, and no longer in the range of Hal's astral perception, Hal wound his arm around Melinda's waist and smiled down at her before raising his brow seemingly in an inquiry

"What?" She asked even though she could take a guess

"That was dangerous" Hal said and nuzzled her cheek

Melinda rolled her eyes "This, coming from a guy who just got trapped in an array and was getting stalked by his father"

Hal simply chuckled as he walked back in direction of the mansion with Melinda in tow.

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