Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 64 - Ford Wagers His Soul

Amelia watched the two leave with mixed feelings, not sure who to root for. She was not entirely convinced that Hal was at a disadvantage, infact she was a little worried about her father.

'*Sigh* All I wanted was a simple dinner, so I can get on with what I really want' Amelia thought as she looked to her mother and wondered about her motive in asking that question

Emily for her part acted completely oblivious to the look her daughter gave her

"Moving on, Frank, are you preparing for the Competition?" She asked, once again picking up her cutlery

Frank looked 'confused' as he asked "Hmm, what competition?"

Emily simply smiled towards him in reply and Frank's face completely changed

"Ohh, that Competition" He said as though he suddenly understood a complex question "Yeah, I'm not going to participate"

"And why not?"

"Seriously Mom, the competition is in one week, the same week that marks the end of the one month I have to live if I don't enter into Master Swanson's service" Frank said in a rush

"I already told you not to believe in such things. We control our own Fates" Emily said

"Besides, if it's true, staying at home won't make a difference" Amelia chimed in

"Who asked you? This could all be avoided if Hal just cooperates" Frank became slightly aggressive

"And what? Help you berate master Master Swanson the same way you've done for weeks?" Amelia was instantly defensive

Frank wanted to retort but eventually decided to keep quiet. If he pushed Amelia too far and cultivation came into play, then it could be terrible for him who was still at the Energy sensing Realm compared to her Cosmic Pearl Realm.

"Anyway, You will join the competition. At least one of you should represent the Horsts" Emily said in a time that showed a hint of finality...

...but Frank would not be shutdown easily today.

"Why not let Amelia represent us. She's the genius" There was a slight hint of Envy in his voice...

...Envy that the two ladies could sense but completely ignored.

"Because she has already proven herself and I see no reason why she should rough it up with the thrash in this city" Emily said candidly

"Mom, That's harsh" Amelia said but contrary to her words she did not sound outraged. Quite the opposite, she agreed.

Emily shrugged "I'm just being honest dear"

"I know"

"*Sigh* Fine, I'll Participate. Should I die though, it would have been your fault" Frank said before standing up and leaving the dining room.

"I'll take my chances" Emily smiled while she took a sip of her wine

Amelia looked towards the study and wondered when the meeting would be over.


Meanwhile, in Ford Horst's study...

Ford sat behind a large Desk with Hal sitted opposite him and watching him with a smile on his face. Ford narrowed his eyes slowly and then put his hand into his spatial pouch to retrieve two bottles of wine.

He also retrieved two glasses and filled both with said wine. The instant the wine was poured, it's scent wafted over to Hal and instantly, he knew it was much more potent than what had been served at dinner.

Ford gestured to the glasses and so as to not be rude, Hal picked one of the glasses while Ford picked the other.

As one, the two drank. While the drink did burn his throat, Hal's clarity remained, knowing what was about to follow this 'Male bonding' drink.

"So Hal, you've got some nerve" Ford said once he downed his glass

"What nerve?" Hal asked quietly

"You go after my daughter and then you admit to having someone else besides her" Ford said in half a growl

"I still don't understand what you think I did wrong" Hal shrugged

"You are joking, aren't you?" Ford said with another forced smile

"If you are referring to my philanderous nature, I don't really think it's any of your business"

'Bold' Grimiore commented

'I can't afford to look weak if I want his alliance'

'You also have to be fairly moderate, too bold and you'll alienate him'

Ford's face twisted in anger before he released a sigh. He had to be honest with himself, it really was not his business. Ever since Amelia joined the Flaming lotus sect, he hardly had any real influence on her anymore. Her future now lay outside of Salmon City. She even recieved a cultivation technique of a much higher grade than his. Her future now seemed limitless, and she was bound to reach much higher strength levels than he could ever dream of.

But was that not every parent's dream?

He was proud of her. It just hurt to know she was moving so far away from him.

Now that brings us to the real reason he had invited Hal into this study.

"Okay. Very well, however..." Ford smiled and retrieved three more bottles of the same concentrated "To celebrate our newfound relationship, we should have a drink"

Hal smiled in return and picked up the glass that Ford had poured for him.

And so for the next hour, the two drank.


Edgar Castle

The Edgar family were now putting the final touches to the plan of the competition a week from then. A competition that was to replace the pseudo-traditional Salmon Hunt event.

As news of the competition continued to spread, people began to suspect the demise of the Salmon, and while some rejoiced to finally having that dark cloud away from their heads, others lamented at the loss of the Salmon's wealth.

A few number of people did not give a flying crap what happened to the Salmon, because whether Alive or Dead, it had been centuries since it made a public appearance and as such they did not see the Salmon as a real threat, also why they never really paid it enough attention to go after it (Not like they could defeat it anyway).

Marlon listened attentively to every detail. Prior to this day, hr had mostly handled anything that had nothing to do with real combat but now he needed to listen to everything he could as he was now his master's eyes and ears in the Edgar family.

He was particularly invested in this topic because, Hal wanted to know all there was to know about the competition, but so far the only information he had learnt through Marlon were things he could guess all on his own.

"How are preparations for the Auction going" Hector asked once he had confirmed the competition was well prepared for.

"Very well, Father" Marlon replied. Being the Edgar family Financial Manager, he was in charge of the Auction

"How are the proceeds going to be distributed" He went on to ask

"Same as always. Shared between the Great Families" Hector answered immediately.

As the Holgers were not available to receive the proceeds of the auction of their Estate, all proceeds should have gone to the City, in which case, it would gave been the property of Mayor. However, to avoid a riot, it was now to be shared among the Four Great Families, with the Edgars receiving Forty percent while the other three would get Twenty percent, out of which they would all give Five percent as Tax.

So, in essence, the Edgar's recieve Fifty-five percent while the other three receive Fifteen each.

Of course, that's how it should gave been, but the Five percent tax did not always get paid.

The thought that his money would somehow get into the hands of the Great families, the Payne family to be more exact, upset Hal a lot and he had no intention of enriching the pockets of his enemies.

So after the meeting, Marlon went in the first mission his master had ever sent him. making use of the Devil mark to shroud himself, he made his way out of Edgar castle.

The Devil mark always favored the strongest. With his strength at the Early stage of the Cosmic Armament realm, all Marlon needed to do was feed the mark some Cosmic Energy that activated a shroud of Dark, malevolent energy that made him impossible to track.

It was similar to Hal's {Invisibility}, except that it did not really make Marlon invisible, it only protected his identity and made his figure Fear inducing. Any observer would still view him as a Black fog.

It was why Hal, who naturally had access to the Devil shroud, did not make use of it. Besides, the shroud only protected from the senses of someone just one stage ahead of his as opposed to the Two stages ahead protection {Invisibility} provided.

Marlon left the premises of his home to go into Enemy territory. Needless to say, even with the shroud protecting him, he was terrified.

But this was his punishment for attacking Hal, and it was a punishment he would bear with Honor and dignity.

He was about to become the 'Bogeyman'.


Meanwhile in Ford's study...

An hour passed and with each glass, Ford's face became more flushed and his words continued to gain more slur.

From the moment they began to drink, Hal saw through the ruse. Ford did not trust him and planned to get him drunk and ask him questions he hoped Hal would answer truthfully under influence.

It would defy reason if Hal, who could make his marked men immune to alcohol could not do the same for himself. So while he acted drunk and his face even looked flushed, Hal was still very well in control of himself and was able to divert all questions.

The one with an issue was Ford. The Alcohol was strong enough to affect someone at the Cosmic Armament Realm like himself, all because he had not wanted to take any chances and wanted a guarantee of Hal's intoxication, so he diligently drank hoping he would have the information he needed before the alcohol could begin to affect him.

He asked if Hal had any evil intentions towards the Horst family but Hal remained as vague as ever.

In frustration, he slammed the butt of his cup onto his desk...


"You must think you're some bigshot" He said with a slur

"I know I am" Hal said with a slur of his own

"Bah! You're still so young. I used to be like you, playing the field, Hmph, you just haven't met your match yet"

"My match?" Hal asked with a slightly raised brow

"Yes. The one that knocks some senses into you" Ford said with a slight shiver, a shiver that Hal's sober eyes could see was born of fear.

"Who? Emily?" Hal asked with a gentle voice...

...and Ford hiccupped while his eyes gained a little clarity.

'Who is this woman that she can affect him so much?' Hal wondered

Ford went back into a drunken state as he snorted "If you meet a woman like her, you will bend. I guarantee it"

"What will you wager on that?" Hal asked still wondering if the relationship between Ford and Emily was really as simple as it seemed.

"Anything. In fact, if you can conquer Emily, you can have anything I own that you want" Ford said with confidence

"You are betting your woman?" Hal was shocked

Ford's eyes were suddenly clear again "Hahahaha. Emily is not my woman, I wouldn't dare... *Hiccup*"

'Okay, now I'm confused'

"Will you give me your soul?" Hal asked in a tone filled wih quiet uncertainty

"Why not? It's impossible for you to succeed anyway" Ford said with another gulp of alcohol

Hal grasped Ford's right hand with his and said...

"Ford Horst, if I conquer the heart of the mother of your children and make her mine, Your soul will be mine"

"Absolutely" Ford said before lifting his glass to his lips with his left hand

The glass blocked his view and he did not see the dark energy that circled their arms before it vanished.

Hal blinked in shock at the confidence Ford had in the impossibility of ever winning Emily's heart.

Was she that strong or was her background that powerful.

Maybe both.

'Or maybe she's a stone cold bitch' Grimiore chuckled

'Whatever it is, I have nothing to lose' Hal retorted. It wasn't like he was the one who just bet his soul in a drunken stupor.

Once Ford was unconscious Five minutes later. Hal left the study only to come face to face with a stony faced Emily

"Conquer my heart huh. You're either very confident or very stupid"

'Oh crap'

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