Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 72 - The Plebeians Pool Resources Part 1

San Fidwud walked into the meeting hall with an expressionless face.

In the hall, around a large oval shaped table sat the Twenty most dignified of the Plebeians and they were all... Yelling over each other.

Every single one of them were trying to speak over the other, looking at them all, San could identify groups that were red faced with anger, purple faced with frustration and even a couple very close to blows.

One might ask;

What could be the cause?

What could cause people united under the rule of a Master to not be civilized around each other?

To this questions, San would most likely say; Ding! Bingo! The question is the answer!.

The most important or recurring arguments regarded who would receive the Master's favor the most.

Those at the bottom of the chain simply picked fights to feel better about themselves and vent their anger and frustration at not being able to compete for the top position.

San sighed because what made things worse and caused even more silent or public disagreement was because of an announcement by the Master the week before, where they had told them all, that they had no interest in ruling or leading them once the Coup was completed.

According to the Master, Fighting the Great families and usurping their seemingly insurmountable rule was just to 'Give the Plebeians justice'.

Of course, at first no one believed such 'obvious' bull crap. Who would not want power and authority?. However the Master reiterated that their last deed would be to choose a suitable leader and their work in Salmon city would be complete...

...And this brings us to the barely controlled chaos of the meeting Hall. Everyone wanted the opportunity to become Mayor, but there could only be one.

San sat the head of the Table and despite having not spoken a word, all eyes immediately turned to him. It was as though he had just become the most disgusting thing in the room.

Despite the scowls and sneers he received, San made himself comfortable in the chair and essentially ignored all their expressions.

"Hem hem. This meeting is in session" He said with a light smile

"Why are you seated there, Fidwud?" Bale asked the question on everyone's minds

"Well, my good man, this happens to be my house. I called for this meeting so why shouldn't I sit at it's head?" San raised a brow and gestured towards Bale.

"You might have called for the meeting, But none of us were obliged to reply and anyone could have just...ignored you" Bale shrugged

"Exactly. The head seat should remain empty until the master chooses" Tod agreed

"Okay then. Unseat me. If you can" San sneered

The two clenched their fist but did not move.

San snorted "Now does anyone else have something to say or have this toothless dogs said it all?"

The two growled but once again did nothing. however, Judging from the looks of everyone in the room, they all had something to say, however there seemed to be an unspoken agreement to simply be quiet. For now.

"If that is so, then let the meeting begin. The reason I called said meeting was to inform you all in person that a perfect opportunity has now surfaced. An opportunity to strike a blow at the So called Great families"

There was a murmur of excitement in the group. Nothing brings a group prone to conflict such as these together more than a common enemy. The single sentence San had just said so eloquently had garnered their attention and gained their interest. They were secretly jubilating already. Well most of them.

"Oh? And what is this information?" Tod asked with a skeptical expression

"Hold that thought, my good fellow. Rune-masters Baret and Ian, do you have news for us?" San asked with a wave of his delicate hand to the right side of the room.

The two Rune-Masters stood, they had been sitting side-by-side and among the last few to arrive as they had cone straight from Master Swanson's store.

"He refuses to admit it. But we believe he had something to do with it. No, scratch that. We are absolutely certain" Said Ian

"Is there proof?" San asked quietly

"None whatsoever. Just a gut feeling" Baret said with a slightly downcast expression.

"Gut feelings are good, but we need to be absolutely certain. We don't want to end up barking at the wrong tree" San said with a sigh

The duo of Bale and Tod were so curious, they did not even comment on how San just inadvertently likened himself to a dog.

"What are you talking about? What proof?" They asked

"Well, simpletons. While you were bothering your brains with how to take over the position of the Holgers. I and a select few have been following leads to investigate their deaths and now we have a suspect"

"Oh yeah? Who?" Tod asked in a snide voice but it was Ian who replied

"Master Swanson"

"What?" Bale was shell shocked and he was not the only one. All around murmurs and conversations broke out on this piece of news

"You can't be serious" Bale continued

"Oh but they are. There was a Rune Master at the scene. That is for sure" San said with his right index finger pointed at the ceiling

"It could have been an array" Bale insisted

"No it wasn't" Ian said and withdrew a drawn rune which he infused with cosmic energy and tossed into the air before him where it simply sparkled slightly like a small firework display before fizzling out.

Then he withdrew a blank rune paper and a brush which he infused with Astral energy and drew without the use of ink and then tossed the rune into the air before him as well where it did the same thing the other one had done.

"What's the point?" Bale asked, his expression unchanged even in face of Ian's Eagle-eyed stare. The reason he was so skeptical was because he felt the two Rune-masters were acting too chummy with San.

"The 'point' is" Baret began "the first rune involved cosmic energy and hence can be activated by any other person which is why if an array such as this had been used at the Holger Estate, Cosmic energy would be sensed from it. But..."

"The dome of Astral energy was made of very pure Astral energy. Proving that a Rune-master is involved and as Swanson is the only Rune-master unaccounted for during the attack. It has to be him" Ian concluded

"Or maybe there is another Rune-master in the city that's strong enough to create the Dome and you just don't know him" Tod retorted

If looks could kill, then Tod's heart would have stopped beating considering the stare Ian was giving him.

"If Swanson is really involved, this might have been perpetrated by the Great families. The question now is how do we know for sure and if it proves true, how to make them pay" San said with a wide smile that did not touch his eyes which remained cold.

"His apprentice should participate in the competition. We can use him against Swanson" Baret suggested

"What if he does not participate?" Bale asked

"And lose a chance to prove he's the best soon after he killed his brother? Oh please" Baret snorted

"Those in favor?" San asked and the majority raised their hands "There you have it. It passed. You two would be in charge"

"Fine" Baret and Ian replied and took their seats.

"Now. On to the true matter at hand. Gentlemen, the information I have with me is one that is sure to blow your minds and send you into a frenzy. I know the location of... The Confluence"

Total silence.

It was understandable... but would not last long before...

"Pfft. That's absurd" Tod said with a snort of laughter

"Oh does it shock you so much? You will never become more than a simple representative Tod. Get used to it" San sneered

"This is a lie" Tod insisted

"It is not"

"Then how did you find out?"

"Not important" San waved casually


"Tell us! gods damn it"

San smiled obviously enjoying himself. Then knowing what their reaction would be, he told them the truth

"The Malevolent one's representative told me"

Bale swelled, indignant, how dare this bastard make fun of them...

"Taunting us with make-beliefs? Go fuck yourself San Fidwud"

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