Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 80 - The Masked Lady's Regards

Hal and Marla walked into the mansion and Castor came to tell him he had visitors but already aware who they were, Hal waved him off and walked into the lounge with Marla close behind.

Without Astral perception, she had no idea who the visitors were but the fact that they were feminine was enough. What else could they possible want if not the Ultimate Devil stick and the man it was attached to?

In her opinion, Hal was practically sex on legs.

She wasn't wrong.

The lounge contained the twenty ladies from Pleasure Inn and Rita who was laughing heartily along with them, obviously having a good time.

The moment Hal arrived however, all eyes turned to him and in the eyes of the Twenty, a hunger that absolutely nothing to do with food, shone.

Hal cringed slightly because a majority of those 'hungry' stares were directed right at his tool, but as a man of 'dignity', he held his head high and looked into their eyes, a confident smile on his face, a picture of....

"Husband" All twenty chorused and they all rushed to embrace a part of his body.

Soon every single one of them was touching a part of his body. Back, front, left and right sides were touching the wonderful assets all the ladies had.

As much as Hal loved the feel of breasts on his arm and legs, he extricated himself from the mix and retreated far away. A feat that was far from easy as all of those ladies were at the Late stage of the cosmic pearl realm with the exception of Camilla and Irina who were both at the peak stage.

The ladies all turned towards him "You don't want us?" They asked with downcast expression.

"How could that possibly be? I just have questions. One of which is why exactly are you here and not at pleasure inn?"

Since Hal had paid it a visit, pleasure inn stopped admitting customers, the most disgruntled about this were those Hal had sent running scared with his Fear! Ability right before the orgy fully began.

This came as a huge disappointment to all and it was general agreement that depression was on the horizon. All they could hope for now was that the other brothels would not close down.

"The lady sent us here. She's going into seclusion for a while" Camilla said

"She also said to tell you 'She sends her regards'" Irina chimed in while stretching forth an envelope towards him

"Oh does she? How nice" Hal said lightly and then unfolded the letter that he retrieved from the Envelope.

The letter read;


It seems I won't be able to make it to that Auction. Since you're reading this letter, I'm sure the girls already told you that I've gone into seclusion, but I'm sure you know it's just a nice way of saying that 'I am Avoiding you'. You've obviously done something to my girls (You're all they talk about now) and I'd rather not risk you doing the same to me.

At the Auction, there are seats for VIPs, but Since you're not really a 'VIP' you can use my name to use mine. Camilla will be enough for confirmation.

She's the one who goes on such events for me anyway.

Who knows? When I next need a massage, I'll probably come find you.


Hal narrowed his eyes at the words on the letter and then frowned slightly

'What is with this? What are we? High school kids passing notes through intermediaries?' He grumbled to Grimoire who chuckled

'Oh I don't know. It seems romantic to me. Like a message you send a sweetheart cause you're too shy to face them?' Grimoire swooned

'Whoa. What's up with you?'

'Nothing. I'm just becoming a fan of Romance'

'What do you know about Romance?' Hal asked in an accusatory tone

'A lot. I've been reading Shakespeare. I'm loving Romeo and Juliet' Grimoire replied in a light tone

'You have novels inside you?' Hal was a little taken aback

'Yes I do. From multiple worlds by the way.

For a short while, Hal was slightly stumped, but after a quick thought he decided it was not completely out of the ordinary. Although, He did wonder a little about who had compiled the information within Grimoire

'O...Kay. My point is that she is not being very direct. Relying on innuendos rather than just saying 'I wanna bang''

'And... Are you direct?' Grimoire asked in a mockingly musing tone

'Of course I am'

'Do keep in mind that you once admitted to being a tease'

'Exactly, I was direct about being a tease'

'...' Grimoire was speechless

'I give up' It finally said and went quiet

Once again, the banter was short enough to go unnoticed as Hal faced the gathered ladies.

Rita simply watched the scene with a smile while Marla eyed them all with an expressionless face.

"Okay then, I thank the Masked lady in absentia for her warm regards, but since you're here, you live by my rules. You live by... The Hal way" He said with a smile and looked towards Rita

"Would you like to tell them 'The Hal way'?" He asked her

"Harshly or softly?" Rita asked with a smirk

"Fairly Harsh"

"Then no. I really hit it off with them before you arrived"

"Okay then. Marla, would you do the honors?" Hal asked but before he was even done, Marla had stepped forward

"Listen up you Thots..." She said in a loud voice

The ladies from Pleasure inn turned towards her, but her derogatory comment might have been a compliment for all the reaction they showed.

They seemed more interested in what she had to say and if it would allow them to feel the pleasure they had only felt once, for the rest if their lives.

"I know you want him. I don't blame you, you would be insane if you didn't, but that does not mean you laze around and only focus on having your pussy filled. The 'Hal way' refers to cultivation through the righteous act of 'Constant Copulation'.

"There will be no slacking off, your strength must be up to par at all times or else how can you as Dual cultivators be proud to say you have bedded the world's greatest lover" She finished by putting her hands on her hips in a dominating stance.

Despite being very much weaker than them, The Ladies from pleasure inn found Marla's words reasonable besides they did not have any complaints with fucking to get stronger.

They had been in an Enchanting conversation with Rita before the duo's arrival and knew the gist of it all. Speaking of Rita...

"Bwahahahaha, No wonder you picked her out of the bunch. You could tell that she could be molded in your very image. Oh, Melinda's going to love this" Rita said while while covering her mouth cutely as she laughed

Hal's face was covered in sweats of his discomfort, he only wanted Marla to tell them to be diligent in cultivation, everything else that she said was all her.

"*Cough* *cough* Anyway, that's the gist if it"

Hal drafted a contract and all Twenty signed it after which he passed ungraded cultivation to them through said contract.

He did not bother to ask for the Masked lady's identity because he could tell they had no idea either. Then he reviewed their old cultivation techniques which turned out to be the same for them all and was slightly shocked to find out it was a Low Blue grade technique called; Vixen's wiles. It enhanced their seductiveness.

It did not take rocket science to know how they could have such an high grade technique...

Or more accurately

... It did not take rocket science to know who could have given them such a high grade technique.

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