Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 83 - Four Seals

"Damn. I knew we might not win but I never would have guessed the Estate would go for 120 million" Bale groaned and Tod silently agreed

While it was general knowledge that the proceeds of the auction would be shared among the Greats (as always) and as such, should they win, they would still get some of their money back, it still did not stop the question that now plagued the trio...

"Who would be insane to bid that high?"

"Those two are" Bale said with a shake of his head "I wonder how the boy had that amount of Gold though"

"Could it be a ruse? Could Father and son have done so to discourage competition?" Tod mused

Bale however instantly disagreed

"At that point, there was no competition left aside from the duo. They were both against each other for sure.

"Thing is, Gregory Payne I can understand as he controls the Payne fortune but as he and his son are not on good teems, I don't understand how the boy had such... Unless..." Bale trailed off and it was so suggestive that San who had not really paid any attention to the duo turned a fraction in their direction

"Unless what?" Tod asked, eager to hear his friend's theory

"Unless, we have underestimated someone too much" Bale said, lost in said theory

"Underestimated who?" Tod pressed

"Melinda Dane of course. She arrived in the city suddenly years ago and we all just accepted it as simple migration" said Bale

"It wasn't our business" San said in a quiet voice

"Yes it wasn't but it's obvious she's from somewhere better. Why would anyone leave such a place for this city" Bale insisted

"Maybe she wants to live in somewhere 'quiet'" Tod shrugged

Bale stopped, then shrugged as well

"One thing is now clear though" he said and turned towards San

"Her wealth is so much more than we anticipated"

San now gave a shrug of his own

"What does it matter? She can't possibly derail our plans" he said and the other two agreed.

"But what if she could be a valuable asset we have overlooked" Bale said

San sighed "it's possible. We should look into that. In the meantime. They should be arriving at the confluence soon. Is everything ready?" He asked

The other two discreetly clenched their fists. Listening to San take command was not a thrilling experience for them...


...But they answered all the same.

If there was a course of action the Plebeians had stopped long before they knew the location of the Confluence, it was tailing the representatives of the Great families on their way to said Confluence.

The representatives were always very cautious about it's location. They had to be because the protection around the Confluence was only strong when they were outside of it.

So to speak.

You see, all four Great families hold a seal each, or more accurately, they all hold a piece of one whole seal. The seal once put together and infused with Cosmic Energy (Astral Energy works just fine too) it allows access into the amalgamate of arrays that protect it's entrance including a 'Warding Off Array'.

This is most likely the most important array of all, because, while the rough location of the Confluence is known, the warding off array makes it impossible to plot or locate precisely.

But with the use of the seal, this Array is deactivated for a short amount of time.

Of course, it's deactivation does not render the location completely vulnerable. The 'Mirage Array' makes sure that as long as someone was outside a 300 metre radius, the location would remain cloaked.

With this two important (and Expensive) Arrays in place, it had been impossible for the Plebeians to find the location of this important landmark.

Alas, thanks to the mysterious 'Malevolent one', they now knew the Rough location and could lie in wait for the Representatives to arrive and once the seal is used to deactivate the Warding off Array', they would storm the location and seize the seals as quickly as they possibly could.

For without the seal, it would be nigh impossible to open the vault within the Confluence.

The Heads of the Great Families were hardly ever present physically at the Confluence, and this time was not that different however, this time, there was another reason they stayed away.

Which was to give the Plebeians a false sense of security that all was going according to plan.

However their vigilance was heightened....

Gregory for the first time, had entrusted Burt to represent him, something he never saw a reason to do because not only was Burt his most trusted...

... He also happened to be the strongest of the Payne forces. Tasked by Gregory to not act unless explicitly asked to.

He was Gregory best-kept secret.

So Sending him to the Confluence for a simple thing like sharing profits seemed like... Overkill.

"It should be starting soon then. Shall we?" San said and stood to his feet

The other two nodded and stood with him, to head towards the action in which they were convinced of victory.



"Hal Payne, I need to speak with you" Alexander said with clenched fists

To say Hal was surprised would be an understatement, he expected such a confrontation soon but not this soon and as such he was not ready. He had an urgent appointment after all...

"Maybe next time" Hal said with a casual wave and made to walk past him but a hand on his shoulder made him pause

Hal sighed and turned to face him

"I honestly do not have time for this" He said in a sincere voice

"Hahahaha, Will you drop the bad boy act?" Alexander said and despite the laughter, there was no humor in his eyes

Hal's eyes widened 'Eh? I'm acting like a bad boy? But this is my sincere face'

'Well, not exactly'

Grimoire said with a stretch on 'Well', and then showed Hal what his face looked like when he said he did not have time and while he was unreasonably handsome, something was off...

'Damn, I look cold and arrogant. Do I always look like that?' He asked, genuinely surprised

'When you're talking to men and when you're preoccupied, Yes' Grimoire told him

'I need to change that... On second thoughts, it's alright' Hal said with a mental nod

If Grimoire had eyes, it would be rolling them.

"I couldn't care less if you've already taken a life and feel you're some big shot" Alexander said and moved closer to Hal until they were about a foot apart

"Amelia is mine"

"Then why are you so insecure then? If she's yours, you'll be confident" Hal said with a stroke of his jaw

"I am, I just don't appreciate some nobody worming his way into her life" Alexander said with clear rage

Hal smiled and moved closer, then placed his lips to Alexander's ear

"She's not yours. She was never yours, and she'll never be yours. If I ever catch you ogling my woman, I will break your legs. All three of them. I might act super chill but I'm actually a very jealous man"

Hal's eyes began to release small burst of fog and despite not knowing why -as Hal was facing the other way- Alexander began to shiver.

Hal continued still in a whisper

"Look at you already shivering and I haven't done anything to you yet. Confront me again and I will make good on my promise. Whether you ogle or not."

And with that, Hal walked away and left the Edgar scion to crumble to the floor due to weak knees.

Alexander turned to look back, just in time to see Hal turn as well, smiling 'jovially' and waving at him

"Let's not meet again" Hal said

"You're insane" Alexander said with a shiver.

"Now you're getting it" Hal nodded with satisfaction and walked back into the Main Hall.

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