Rise of The Demon General

27 Chapter 27

"Father, permission to speak," Madam Lin said.

"Go ahead," Lin Weida replied.

"He was a prodigy in medicine and alchemy, a grandson and a student of one who I usually procured medicine from. It was not strange if he has a few cultivation pills from his clan's stock. He might have been using those pills to increase his cultivation speed."

Lin Weida asked Amon, "Is that the case?"

"It is indeed as mother said," Amon replied. He had planned to use the same reason to explain his cultivation speed if they continued to question. If needed, He could also point out that he was able to produce a basic cultivation pill. It was amongst the recipe in Hei Pho's note. He had even seen her concoct the pill before. With his current alchemy skill, he should be able to copy it. What he lacked was a spirit essence which was the main ingredient for creating the cultivation pill. But since Madam Lin had presented the excuse herself, he decided to just support her words and did not add too much.

"Father, I would also like to say some words," a charismatic man with a mustache who stood the closest to Lin Weida spoke. Amon surmised he should be the eldest among the Lin siblings.

"Say your thought then, Bubai," Lin Weida replied.

"Thank you, father." Lin Bubai uttered. "In my opinion, since he was staying in our Lin house, eating our Lin's food. He should contribute. Seeing that he had some cultivation resources with him, he should share them with us, consider it as payment for staying in our house."

"The house he stayed in, the food he ate, are all under my expense. I never asked for extra from the clan. I reject this demand." Madam Lin said.

"Sister, why are you so insistence on this kid. He is just a stray," Lin Fong joined in.

Lin Bubai said with a more gentle tone, "Little sister, you know we have always conceded to your wants. However, he is an outsider from a fallen clan. He is simply an outsider who brings no benefit to our clan."

"He has a very good talent in alchemy. He had been concocting medicine in my house as his grandma had done all this time. With sufficient nurturing, he could even become a pill master. Considering his age, it is not impossible. With our own pill master, our clan status will become even more prominent in this city. Apart from that, as father himself had said, he is also a talented cultivator. In terms of benefit to the clan, I believe he will become a great asset."

,m "Even if what you say is true. How can we be sure of his loyalty? He is not of our Lin blood."

"Can't you see that he is still a kid? His age makes him a perfect candidate to be assimilated into our clan. If we can make him feel that he belongs here, then our Lin clan will be his family regardless of his origin. There is no Hei clan where he can return to anyway. If he won't give us his loyalty, to whom will he give it?"

"There is something about him that doesn't feel right. Sister, I think it is a mistake if you treat him as a kid."

"You are just being biased to anyone who is not of the Lin blood."

"That is not true. You know I always think of the best for the clan."

"Big brother is right, sis," Lin Fong said. "I think it is you who has your judgment clouded. Just because you yearn for a child…"

"Enough!" Lin Weida suddenly butted in, cutting Lin Fong's words. He then pondered in silence as his fingers tapped on the armrest of his throne.

"Lin Xi, do you truly believe in this boy?" Lin Weida asked.

"I do," Madam Lin replied with a firm tone.

Lin Weida appeared to be pondering some more. Amon kept his silence throughout their debate. In a discussion where he was considered an outsider, it was better to stay out of it. If he spoke out of turns, no matter how logical his argument was, it would still be seen as a sign of disrespect. Until his fangs were sharp enough, keeping a low profile and avoiding unnecessary conflict was a must.

After a while, Lin Weida declared, "Lin Mo will stay under Lin Xi's house. He will not be supplied with any resources to aid his cultivation. What he owns from his past clan will be his, no one is to take them from him. He will have to earn his place before he can join our clan properly. Our clan has regular missions. He will have to join this mission to accumulate points. If he does not reach a minimum required monthly points, he will have to leave this clan."

Madam Lin frowned, "father, he is just six and a half. You can't be serious about asking him to do a mission, right? Even big brother only go out on a mission when he was twelve years of age after reaching the Strength stage of the Human realm."

Instead of answering Madam Lin, Lin Weida gazed at Amon. He asked the kid, "boy, what do you think? At what age do you think you will be ready to work on mission?"

Instead of answering the question directly, Amon asked, "these points that I get from a mission. Is it only to mark my minimum requirement or can I use it to exchange them for resources?"

"You insolent child! How dare you question back our father's query?" Lin Fong scolded.

Lin Weida waved for his son to be quiet. He looked at Amon with a sneer. "The points collected from a mission can be exchanged for resources. Of course, items available for exchange between a real member of the clan with a probationary member will be different."

After hearing it, Amon gave his answer, "I will be ready to attempt a mission two and half years from now."

The ones present gave Amon a weird look. They couldn't tell if the kid was boasting or simply ignorant. Lin Weida showed no reaction hearing the answer while Madam Lin frowned deeply.

"Mo, do not joke about this," she said. "You will only be nine years old at the time. You are hardly sufficient to go out to face the danger of this world."

Seven years actually, Amon thought. They still had that mistaken concept about his age.

"Sis, just let this big-headed kid try it. Let him learn the hard way that the outside world is no child's play," Lin Fong said with a scoff.

"You, shut up!" Madam Lin scolded.

Lin Fong felt offended. His relationship with his sister was always harmonious. It was all because of this little stray that harmed their brother-sister relationship. His feeling toward Amon all this time was only contempt and disgust. Now, hatred started to bloom in his heart.

Amon was not exactly boastful. If the points were nothing but ornaments, he would have asked for twelve years of age the same as Lin Bubai's record when he headed out to do a mission. But since he could exchange the points for resources, it was better if he started early. Apart from being able to get resources from the points, he could also get experience from the mission. He always believed the best learning experience to push oneself was real combat. Staying in a safe environment for a long time would only hinder his development. In his past life, this had been how he honed himself.

Apart from that, he was using the Strength stage as a starting line. Madam Lin mentioned that Lin Bubai started to do a mission when he became a Strength stage cultivator. Though he was not one hundred percent sure he would become one after two and a half years, he was confident enough to be at least close to it.

His speed in cultivation even without the aid of cultivation pills was not only relying on the Black Aetherium Stone, but also on his ability to forgo sleep by cultivating. Hence, he had more time to cultivate than others.

Amon gave Madam Lin a confident gaze.

"Hahaha," Lin Weida laughed. "I am getting more and more interested in you, kid. I hope you are not as Fong said, a boastful brat and disappoints me. I don't like to be disappointed."

"I stick to my decision," Amon proclaimed.

"Good! Then go back and train. I declare now, that no one is to disturb your training! Anyone that dares to bully you and hinder your development during these two and half years will face my wrath! Is this clear?!"

Lin Weida glanced at the group huddled at one side. Among them were Lin Xiaolong and Lin Wuli. Their fathers were actually his grandsons. Since Madam Lin had made up her mind to protect Amon, these grandsons of his had come to him the moment he came out of seclusion to demand justice for Amon beating Lin Xiaoying and Lin Wuli.

This demand had piqued Lin Weida's curiosity because from what he heard, Amon was only at the beginning Mortal stage of the Human Realm, and had only started cultivating for one year in a fallen clan. To be able to beat two talented offsprings of the Lin clan who were older, was no small feat.

The fathers of Lin Xiaolong and Lin Wuli shrank from the stare. They did not dare to utter any objection.

"But as I have said, the Lin clan will not provide any assistance," Lin Weida continued. "You will have to rely on yourself for these two and a half years."

"I have no problem with that," Amon replied.

"Hahaha. Good! You are dismissed."

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