Rise of the Devourer

Chapter 8: Flesh Grafted Horrors

Chapter 8: Flesh Grafted Horrors

Explosions shook the ground, plumes of flames being launched by Aurelia at the giant amalgamation of limbs. Tendrils and limbs reached out from the creature as it opened the large central beak forming its head to let out a shriek that made Noah’s body freeze up.


The creature howled in a ghastly voice, its many faces vibrating with anger, as it shifted its spider-like body on its double ended joints made entirely of hands, before leaping its massive body at Noah.

Cursing any gods that might be listening, Noah leapt once more, rolling under the creature as the giant monster collided into the small door frame, collapsing the corridor.

“The roof will fall at this rate!” Aurelia shouted, flames shooting from her hands towards the horror. The creature shrieked, the fire burning through its limbs and spreading across its body.

Noah looked at the rather low roof of the area, now cracking and shuddering as the flesh horror threashed about, screaming bloody murder.

“Get in the chamber!” Noah shouted, running into the area the flesh-grafted horror had come from.

“KILLED. MASTER. DIE,” the horror howled, as the central bloated face dislocated its jaw, and a giant tentacle-like tongue shot itself towards Noah. The limb shot faster than Noah could react, wrapping him up as it yanked him closer.

In a panic, Noah poured everything he had into Blink, but the ability burned, blue light shimmering, but nothing happened.

[Flesh Grafted Horror]’s aura suppresses your abilities.

Ability usage costs increased mana amounts.

The horror hung Noah upside down, when a blinding ray of light shot across the hall, cutting the giant tongue into two. Dark purple blades sprayed everywhere, as the creature shrieked, turning angry eyes towards Aurelia.


The flesh on its giant spider-like body ripped, muscle and bone shifting as four of the frontal limbs dislocated and distorted, sharpening into spears of bone and flesh. Veins throbbed, blood flowing freely, coating the bone spear-limbs with a deep crimson glow.

Sucking in air, the creature bloated its bellow, before letting out a soul rending shriek that distorted the air in front of it.

You’ve heard [Phantom Shriek] from [Flesh Grafted Horror]. You’ve resisted its effects.

A numbing sensation ran through Noah’s body. Though the notification said he’d resisted the effect, that fact seemed to have not done anything about the impact of the sound itself, which still sent his ears ringing.

With a jump the creature leapt all the way near the top of the cavernous chamber, striking at Aurelia with its bony spear appendages that it stabbed into the ground one after the other.

Aurelia rolled, fire blazing beneath her feet as she dodged the attacks with precise movements, keeping close to the monster and punishing any gaps it showed. The battle raged on like a dance, rock and soil blasting as fists collided with large piles of bone and flesh in movements that were almost too fast to keep up with.

Noah stood aside, watching Aurelia move with the experienced step of a seasoned fighter, who knew exactly what had to be done. Fire danced on her fist, erupting in waves of flames that scorched the flesh of the abomination, whittling its strength down by eating through its giant mass of flesh.

The creature grew faster and more agile the more she burned, yet no matter how swift, its bony appendages seemed incapable of landing a strike on Aurelia’s body.

Growing increasingly frustrated as the fire charred the creature flesh, it raised its four bony front appendages, pointing them outwards. Then, with a twist, the creature began to spin rapidly.

If not for the fact that Noah barely dodged the flying chunks of rock that would’ve bashed his skull open in two, the motion would’ve likely made him laugh at the comical nature of it.

Aurelia jumped, fire bursting from her feet, with a flip, she landed atop the creature, striking down as a gust of fire burst from her. Gathering her mana, she set her hand on the creature, as a whirlpool of flames began to consume the flesh-grafted horror.

The abomination shrieked, the sizzling heat making the air blur as the dark cavern was lit up brightly by the flames. The creature stumbled back, as Aurelia jumped off its back. Slumping down, it fell down, body scarred and bloodied from the flames, as the stench of burnt flames filled the air.

“No… No no no no!” The creature wailed, its voice horrifying similar to a crying child’s. Noah looked at the human faces stitched onto the creature. Scrunched up and twisted in an eternal expression of agony. His eyes met a man’s face on the abomination’s side, one eye missing, with the other nearly popping out of its socket. His face was distorted in an expression of horror, his lone eye looking at Noah.

A shiver went through Noah’s body, as he imagined the suffering he was witnessing in front of him. Anger filled him, as he stood, fists clenched, watching Aurelia move to deliver the final strike.

“No… Stay back!” The abomination shrieked, now sounding scared of Aurelia. Raising its bony spear appendages, it shrunk its giant fleshy body inwards, like a child afraid to be hit back.

Noah wondered if Aurelia would hesitate. She did not. Moving swiftly, Aurelia gathered flames in her hand, as fire erupted from around the ground beneath the flesh grafted horror, consuming it in a pillar of burning flames.

A moment later, the pillar of flame dissipated, leaving behind a char husk of flesh lying limp on the ground. Noah kept an eye on his notifications, wondering why one had not appeared yet for defeating the horror. His concerns were confirmed as Amurelia clicked her tongue, jumping away from the creature.

Raw pink flesh moved across the creature’s burnt limbs, forming at a rapid pace as the creature shuddered, and convoluted.

“Pain. Hurts. So much,” the creature wailed. Dark wisps swirled around it, stirring up dust. Two bony appendages began to protrude from its back, cutting through the flesh as they sprayed blood everywhere.

Torn tattered wings erupted from its back, covered in dark crimson sludge that poured from the creature. The crimson sludge swirled, like molten skin and flesh being shaped anew into muscle and body mass.

The horror grew thinner, sprouting a tail made of spinal bones protruding from its back with flesh covering them in a pink mash. Its body split in the middle, forming a giant wave with teeth made of rib bones sharpened to an edge. Opening its way, the creatures howled another howl that sent ripples through the area.

You’ve heard [Phantom Wail] from [Flesh Grafted Horror]. You’ve partially resisted the effects.

You’ve been inflicted with the [Terror - I] debuff.

All attributes reduced by 10%

Mana regeneration reduced by 10%

Health regeneration reduced by 25%

Noah felt a sensation of exhaustion fill him, like his body had been covered in a blanket restricting every movement he made. The giant creature, now much more elongated, spread its wings, leaping into the air. Extending a crimson tendril swung around in a large arc, slamming into the dark.

Using blink, Noah teleported further away, raising his arms to protect himself from the rocks shooting at lethal speeds all over. Noah heard Aurelia’s shout, as a giant arm protruded from the horror’s body, formed of sludge like crimson flesh. It grabbed her in its new giant claws, swinging her around like a doll.

Fire erupted from Aurelia’s hands, burning through the tendril but it was too late. The creature maintained its grasp, flinging her into the wall. The creature cried, dark wisps flowing in rising currents, as it leapt up into the air, circling the area with a high pitched shriek. Its claws flung outwards, cutting through the rock as the walls began to collapse, giant boulders pouring down from everywhere.

The abomination cried, lunging towards Noah. With another blink, Noah teleported through the creature’s attack, his heart beating rapidly, as the horror crashed into the wall behind him.

Blink has reached level 2!

Noah ignored the notification, looking for Aurelia. He noticed her collapsed near the edge of the chamber.

The creature rose from where it had crashed, having noticed the same thing. Spreading its wings out, the creature howled, before making its way towards Aurelia.

“Oh no you don’t,” Noah said, using a dimensional pocket to quickly bring his dagger into his arms. Dashing forward with a blink, he moved in close to the giant fleshy abomination, stabbing one of its faces with the weapon.

You’ve inflicted [Bleed] on [Flesh Grafted Horror]. The creature resists the effect.

The creature swung, and Noah teleported back. Without giving the monster any time, he teleported behind it, stabbing the dagger into its fleshy body once more, and cutting through the flesh.

“Eat shit!” he shouted, as the creature shrieked in pain.

The Horror turned, whipping with its tail at Noah, who teleported through the attack, dodging it by a hair’s width. For a brief moment, the world spun around him, as a new notification appeared in his sight.

Warning. Low mana,

Mana: 9%

Using a dimensional pocket, Noah put another F grade mana stone in his mouth, biting the rock as it dissolved in his mouth.

You’ve consumed [Mana stone - F]

Mana regenerated to 100%

You’ve been afflicted by [Minor Mana Poisoning - I]

The mana surged through Noah’s body, as he jumped, teleporting behind the creature. Grabbing onto a bone protruding from its spine, Noah climbed atop the horror, before slashing with his blade at the base of its wings once more. The horror howled, spreading its wings. Noah continued to slash at the thick base of the giant wings, cutting through the flesh as the creature beneath him thrashed in pain.

Noah dug a dagger into the creature, anchoring his feet in the protruding bones from its back. Wrapping a hand around the wing’s bony stem, Noah continued to slash through till he’d reached the bony structure.

The horror continued to jump, smashing itself into the wall to try and remove Noah from atop itself. In a desperate attempt, the horror leapt into the air, flaring its wings out before spinning around as it headed straight towards the wall.

Noah leapt atop the creature’s back, falling from above. In a blind panic, he used Blink, teleporting downwards and closer to the ground as he crashed, and rolled into a landing that did not break both his legs.

The cavern shuddered, large piles of rubble collapsing around the horror. Noah took the moment to glance at Aurelia, finding her still unconscious where she lay. Without any time to check, he hoped she was alive, before rushing closer to where the horror had fallen.

The creature picked its giant body up, shaking the rubble off, before it turned its many eyes towards Noah, howling in anger.


Noah ran, his chest now hurting from his running around, as the creature charged towards him. With a blink, he barely dodged another attack, the giant monster crashing into another wall, and collapsing it.

Finding his legs trembling as he collapsed, Noah felt his body screaming at him. Extending his arm in the direction of the horror, he whispered. “Blood Drain.”

[Flesh Grafted Horror] has resisted the ability.

“Are you… shitting… me?” Noah panted, despair rising in his mind. The horror shrieked, seemingly enraged by the ability it had sensed as it charged once more. Noah teleported away, but the explosion from the horror caught him, flinging him back as he rolled on the ground.

Feeling strength seeping from his body, Noah pushed with his best, bringing himself back to his feet. “You… overgrown… piece of ham…” he panted, raising his dagger towards the creature.

The horror charged, and Noah teleported sideways, cutting through the creature’s flesh near the wing on its back, using its own momentum against it.

You’ve inflicted [Bleed] on [Flesh Grafted Horror]. The creature has resisted the effect.

Warning. Low mana,

Mana: 4%

Noah stumbled, turning around as he looked at the horror. The creature shrieked, its one wing now folded by its side from the damage he’d done. The monster shrieked, crimson mana flaring around it. With a kick, it charged towards Noah.

With the last of his mana, Noah reached out into his inventory with Dimensional Pocket, taking out a mana stone.

You’ve consumed [Mana stone - E]

Mana regenerated to 200%

[Mana stone - E] has increased all attributes by 25.

Power increased to 41.

Constitution increased to 37.

Agility increased to 40.

Mystic increased to 40.

You’ve been afflicted by [Mana Poisoning - III]

A wave of energy coursed through Noah, almost bursting through his body. The world slowed down around him, his mind running faster than ever. With a rapid blink, Noah teleported through the charge. Landing on his feet, he leapt, and activate obliterate causing void mana to pulse rapidly on his arm. Gathering the void mana in his palm, he struck, cutting a hole into the creature’s body.

The horror erupted in a loud shriek thrashing in pain. Noah didn’t wait, jumping onto the creature’s body, as he plunged his blades into its back. Channelling obliterate, he poured the void magic through the weapon, cutting with ease as he brought down the single remaining wing of the creature.

Howling in agony, the horror shrieked, moving rapidly to throw Noah off. Using a blink, Noah near the creature’s mouth, stabbing his blade in its upper jaw and pulling.

You’ve inflicted [Bleed] on [Flesh Grafted Horror]. The creature has resisted the effect.

Obliterate has reached level 3!

Blink has reached level 3!

Another blink had him at the Creature’s behind, slashing at its tail. Using every ounce of mana in his body, Noah teleported under the creature’s body, slashing at its belly with both his daggers. The flesh parted, the horror screaming in pain as Noah teleported out, using an obliterate powered fist to punch at the creature’s knee, cracking the bone.

The horror collapsed, unable to support its weight, as Noah teleported to another leg, slashing through the joint with his twin daggers.

You’ve inflicted [Bleed] on [Flesh Grafted Horror]. The creature has resisted the effect.

With both its front legs slashed, the horror collapsed. Taking use of the opportunity, Noah teleported directly above the creature’s head. A moment later, gravity did its work as he plummeted. Channelling Obliterate , Noah formed a longer dark blade of energy around the dagger as he used the momentum to sink both his daggers into the creature’s fleshy skull.

A loud howl rang through the horror as the blades sunk into it, cutting through the flesh. The creature thrashed, twitching for a second, as its body convulsed, before it collapsed onto the ground with a loud thud.

Noah pulled his dagger out, feeling the world spinning all around him, as he collapsed where he stood, falling down from the jaw of the fleshy abomination.

Temporary Mana Buff has ended.

All attributes returned to normal.

You’ve been afflicted with [Paralysis - V].

You’ve been afflicted with [Migraine].

Warning. Low Mana.

Numbing pain ran through Noah’s body, like his body had been wrung like a twisted piece of cloth, before unfolded out and left to dry. Pain wracked every muscle he knew, and some he was sensing for the first time as a throbbing headache ate through his skull.

Yet, no matter how long Noah waited, the kill notification didn’t come. Laying on the ground, he watched the creature behind him stir, the flesh wounds on its body stitching themselves back together, as slowly but surely the horror rose back on its body.

Noah wanted to curse, but found his tongue sitting limp, unable to move. He could barely breathe anymore as every sensation began to leave him. In a daze, he watched the horror rise, vibrating in fury before the creature extended its long fleshy tongue, grabbing Noah up in it.

Trying his best, Noah pushed to move any body limb, but found himself unable to muster any energy to move. He watched, as the creature pulled himself closer, before swallowing his body whole as he slid down the fleshy abomination’s throat.

Darkness filled the inside, liquid and blood mingling in. Noah’s heart pounded in his chest, as the familiar terror of death filled him once more. Focusing every bit of willpower he had, Noah tried to move his finger. Slowly, but surely, he moved his finger around the dagger in his hand, then his thumb. An unknown amount of time passed in the dark, as he lay floating in the creature’s stomach, moving each finger one at a time.

After what felt like an eternity, he’d managed to raise his hand high, with the dagger’s blade aimed downwards. Angling the blade a moment later, he let his arm fall. The blade sunk into the creature’s flesh with a squelch, digging in. The walls of flesh around Noah shuddered at his last act of defiance, before settling.

Moments before Noah closed his eyes, losing the battle against looming death, a notification appeared in front of his eyes.

You’ve inflicted [Bleed] on [Flesh Grafted Horror].

An awareness rose inside Noah, a sense he had come to identify as blood. And he felt it now, flowing from the wound he’d just create inside the creature. Reaching out with his mind, and the last wisps of strength, he used Blood Drain.

You’ve used the ability [Blood Drain] on [Flesh Grafted Horror].

Your health has been partially regenerated.

Affliction [Terror - I] has been removed.

[Paralysis - V] has been reduced to [Paralysis - II].

Health regeneration increased by 50% for 5 minutes.

Health: 34%

The blood seeped into Noah’s body and the sensation of exhaustion lifted as his attributes were restored. Coughing the disgusting liquid from his mouth, he rose in the bowels of the fleshy monster, before stabbing into its belly once more.

You’ve inflicted [Bleed] on [Flesh Grafted Horror].

You’ve inflicted [Bleed] on [Flesh Grafted Horror].

You’ve inflicted [Bleed] on [Flesh Grafted Horror].

[Bleed] has increased to [Bleed - II]

Noah slashed with abandon, as the creature jumped thrashed in pain. He screamed, a primal raw sound of rage and survival, as he cut through the creature’s insides. Obliterate covered his blade, giving the weapon an extra edge as he climbed up the throat cavity cutting the flesh all the way through.

You’ve used [Blood Drain] on [Flesh Grafted Horror]

[Bleed] has reached level 4!

[Blood Drain] has reached level 3!

[Void Hunter's Eyes] has reached level 2!

Light reached into Noah’s eyes as he crawled out of the creature’s mouth, soaked in blood and slimy fluids that covered him from head to toe. The giant horror twitched and spasmed behind Noah, bleeding from the inside out. A moment later, its limbs settled, as the creature died at last.

A myriad of notifications erupted in Noah’s vision, but he didn’t pay them any mind. Moving mindlessly, he stumbled to where Aurelia lay unconscious, slumping down next to her. The darkness took him away a moment later.

You’ve defeated [Flesh Grafted Horror (Uncommon) - lvl 104]

[Exsanguinator] reached level 11!

[Astralwalker] has reached level 9!

[Void hunter] has reached level 9!

Power increased to 26.

Agility increased to 17.

Constitution increased to 20.

Mystic increased to 30.

+30 free attribute points awarded.

Quest: A Familiar’s Vengeance Complete.

Hidden Objective: Kill Viktral’s Familiar, complete.

Secondary Objective: Don’t let Aurelia Fauster die, complete.

Rewards increased to Legendary grade.

Reward: [Tome of Lifeblood (Legendary)] obtained.

[???] has absorbed [Flesh Grafted Horror]

[Progress to unlock 43/10]


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