Rise Of The Infinite Sovereign

Chapter 44 The Alchemists (2)

"Now that that's over, let's talk" Cabrera said.

"As I said before, you need not worry about that. Additionally, the resources to make the potion will be provided to you by me, or by extension, 'them'. I should tell you though, to those who perform exceptionally, gold coins and exceptional resources will be given. There is also the possibility of a sponsorship"

The eyes of each alchemist shined at that proposal.

What were they? Alchemists.

It was a profession that explored the usages and the reactions of different resources to make or to increase the effectiveness of potions and pills of different types and uses.

In essence, it was a profession that required one to burn money to advance.

Without money, one couldn't buy resources to make better potions, which meant you wouldn't be able to advance in skill level.

At the beginning, the amount of money was something that even a commoner could afford.

But it increased exponentially as one advanced from Novice to Journeyman to Expert to Master to Grandmaster to Sage rank and above.

At the current moment, only three Sage-rank Alchemists existed throughout the three continents.

And it had been so for twenty years now, even with the support of the ruling powers.

It was a profession that easily made money, but spent it even quicker to advance.

It was worse for those at the lower ranks.

One would find themselves stuck in the vicious circle of generating little income from selling bronze or silver rank potions, then using that little money to buy the same little amount of resources to make another batch of potions. And the cycle continues.

What was that? Why didn't they borrow money to buy resources and advance in rank before paying back later?

It was because, to put it bluntly, they were afraid.

To put it accurately, there was no certainty that the money they borrowed would take them to the stage of an Expert Alchemist.

Sure, there had been some who took the risk and were successful, but many more had been turned into slaves. Worse yet were those that succeeded but weren't able to pay up their debts in time.

And because of this, most choose not to take such a risk and instead increase their proficiency over a multitude of potions over a long period of time. Eventually, those still craving for advancement would stake everything on one chance.

Like Ezra's current plan, it was an all or nothing situation. Those successful would bathe in glory and those who failed became wretched and wrecked the rest of their lives. Well, most of them anyway.

So, when the word sponsor was heard, these Alchemists were already on cloud nine.

Too bad, they were pulled from their reverie when Cabrera said…

"Of course, for such a wonderful reward, enough effort has to be made first"

The Alchemists nodded, but what that actually meant was…

If you want our support, show us what you're capable of.

But Cabrera didn't seem to care about what they thought as he continued.

"All the resources are to come from your own pockets. That is…if you wish to have a chance at such a reward. If you don't wish to, or aren't capable enough to do so, then all resources would be provided for as I said earlier, but any unit wasted would be deducted from your overall pay. Now choose, while also keeping in mind that using your resources doesn't automatically mean anything. It is a qualification to compete for the sponsorship, of which there are three slots. Accuracy, punctuality, experience and resource management will be judged before deciding the lucky three. I'll have your answers tomorrow at this time" he concluded as all the Alchemists took a deep breath, coming to one conclusion.

These people were ruthless!

All that Cabrera had said was the power telling them the value of their sponsorship.

To not use one's own resources meant that you were not qualified, and even then, you would still pay for any failed unit.

To use your resources though, meant that you were qualified, but you would shoulder all the resources.

This in turn meant that you could go bankrupt if sufficient care was not taken.

This one rule meant that you would make the potions as if they were yours, which they weren't.

And most importantly, you had to do your absolute best because you couldn't know what the other person was doing.

They would have to put all their efforts into making these potions while not being sure if their best would cut it.

If they became bankrupt in the process?

Well, if you won, then it would be paid by your sponsors.

And if you didn't? Well, good riddance to bad rubbish.

Simply put, you were doomed.

These Alchemists didn't even entertain the thought that this man might be lying.

That was just how powerful a platinum coin was.

Actually, there was one.

The man with the monocle, Navarro.

'Something's suspicious about this, but I can't put my finger on it'

His sharpened senses were giving some warnings but he didn't know what it was.

​ He briefly thought about why Cabrera had brought such an opportunity to them instead of some other person.

But when he remembered the ingredients to make the potions, he found his answer.

'Those items are cheap on the market, but if an expert alchemist bought it in bulk, people would get suspicious. Which means…they want things done under the table'

Navarro nodded, his answer most correct.

'Oh well' he thought, throwing such worries to the back of his mind.

After all, what was the use of worrying about what you didn't know?

If only he thought back on the situation, he would have noticed many discrepancies in Cabrera's attitude, as well as the sponsorship details.

In the terms, Cabrera never said what would happen if only two Alchemists decided to qualify for the sponsorship.

The Alchemists had over-analysed everything to a terrifying degree.

They wouldn't have done so though, if it weren't for two things.

The first was the terrifying aura and killing intent that erupted from Cabrera's body.

At that moment, they had overestimated his rank, believing him to be an Advanced-rank.

And while Cabrera was truly close, the difference between a half-step Advanced rank and a full-fledged one was immense.

Don't look at Ezra, that guy was an anomaly in all senses of the word.

The second cause was as usual, the platinum coin.

Their trust in the coin was absolute.

Especially when they saw it was Nitonian.

All their doubts immediately vanished, and they began to deduce things according to what they knew, or what they thought they knew.

Actually, Cabrera's attitude had done a lot to convince them without them even knowing.

The way he flipped the platinum coin without hesitation as well the nonchalantly expression had caused them to jump headfirst into the rabbit hole called assumption.

And they kept digging deeper when they started over-analysing.

Their arrogance, or was it thier pride in their deductive capabilities, or maybe it was the fear, made them not question Cabrera at all.

The moment they allowed Cabrera to take the initiative, they sealed the opening of the rabbit hole and gave themselves to endless digging.


'Did they buy it?' the man at the helm of this deception was freaking out inwardly.

Cabrera was unbelievably ecstatic at the moment.

'I can't believe that worked'

'Man, boss is going have to give me some praise for pulling of such a scheme'

He thought about how he would glorify his tale to Ezra, whose grand scheme had left him in awe.

'I can't believe I feel good for taking those etiquette classes. This is awesome'

He had been taking etiquette classes for a month everyday after training.

And he hated it.

Can you imagine? A bonafide gangster being forced to speak polite and act modest.

Cabrera could almost die, but it was the boss's order.

Ezra had told him that giving the outlook of a kind and modest person would significantly increase his chance at borrowing such an astronomical amount of money.

And so, he had to do it.

That was why the crude b*stard of a month ago was acting all gentlemanly. His words could easily appease the minds of this Alchemists.

Now, even if they knew the truth, there was nothing they could do about it.

The moment he released killing intent, he took the chance to take a copper slave contract and had the dark gold scroll absorb it, thereby changing it's contents to that of a slave's.

And unlike the sentinel who waited for it to occur naturally. Cabrera had pushed it in with haste.

And because it was a copper contract, the glow that might have occurred from a bronze and silver contract was much dimmer, to the point of being non-existent and lasting for but a second.

This was why the man's mouth from before closed up on his order.

And why Navarro had asked…"why?"

Because he had seen some of the terms from a moment ago which were not what he signed in a hurry.

Seeing that the Alchemists were in their own thoughts. Cabrera got up and said…

"I'll be here at the same time tomorrow. And you are forbidden from telling anything and anyone about what has occurred here"

Before leaving slowly so as not to arouse any attention, while inwardly…

'Please let me get out safely'

His mind was in total chaos as he prayed for the Alchemists not to ask any question.

And…it was so.

'Whew' Cabrera sighed the minute he got out.

His expression turned to that of excitement as he remembered what had just occurred.

Normally, he would convince them slowly, while making them sign a contract of silence, before telling them the half recipe to tease them, and only then getting them to work for him.

But all that was skipped because of the killing intent. And with a stroke of luck, made them his slaves.

And although the majority of what he said was deceit.

The part about the sponsorship was true.

Ezra planned to use the slums to generate absurd amounts of money and elevate Black Jaws to a high-ranking guild.

This whole scheme was to build a framework for that.

The money acquired from the slums would be used to sponsor talented professionals.

After all, a high-ranked guild needs its own Alchemists, Blacksmiths and the like.

They would be sponsored as Alchemists of Black Jaws.

'I think I see why the boss likes scheming. This feeling of deceiving people is exhilarating'

Cabrera thought, before moving to meet the last person of the day.

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