Rise Of The Infinite Sovereign

Chapter 74 Acting [Bonus]

From the moment Rowan began his snake massacre, he knew something was up.

And unlike other adventurers, his instincts were alerting him of his surroundings.

That was why he was able to capture the sound of glass breaking even with all the havoc around him.

At first, he shook it off as nothing special, especially considering that multiple buildings were being destroyed every passing minute.

However, as he kept on listening, he couldn't help but think that something was off about it.

The sound of breaking glass didn't seem to be as random as he had first thought, and so he strained his hearing to affirm his suspicions.

And what do you know, he was right! The sound of breaking glass wasn't at all random, for it came at set intervals.

Someone was breaking glass for whatever reason, and they were doing so systematically!

So the next questions were, who was this person? And why was he breaking glass?

Unfortunately, even with his hearing, he couldn't locate the person amidst the more than a hundred adventurers.

He would be able to pinpoint the person by tracking the sound of breaking glass, but unfortunately, he couldn't afford such a luxury with hundreds of snakes constantly swarming towards him.

'Damn it!' Rowan thought, but for the time being, there was nothing he could do.

Until now...that is.

As he tried his hardest to keep tabs on the glass breaker, the sound resounded from within a place he knew all too well.

The Missionary!

He didn't know what the glass breaker was trying to do, but whatever it was, it wasn't in his best interests to let it come to fruition.

So Rowan swung his great sword to clear out the incoming swarm of snakes, after which he focused his gaze towards the missionary, quickly scanning for the target. He didn't take long to find a man who seemed injured, but his posture and demeanor said otherwise.

More than anything, he saw the man throw a vial of transparent liquid in the now empty Missionary.

There was no doubt, this man definitely had something to do with the current situation. And he would find out exactly what that was once he caught him.

Which was why, in the next instant…


Rowan hailed out, causing the gaze of every adventure still alive to fall on the man. He wouldn't take any chances and risk allowing the man to flee.

But of course, whether things would go the way he wanted was entirely up in the air.

Fredrick, who had affirmed the beginning of the last phase of the plan, was inwardly grinning, but maintained a cold expression outwardly as he surveyed his surroundings.

At the moment, people were already approaching with their weapons drawn while doing nothing to hide their killing intent. To him though, they might as well be crawling.

Nevertheless, Fredrick knew he couldn't use his full strength. No, he needed to put on a very convincing show.

By now, the adventurers were less than five feet away and had begun throwing out attacks.

"Kekeke, You are too late! We have liberated these monsters in the way of the demons and there is nothing you can do to stop it! Hahaha! Hahaha! Now die for the glory of Red Spawn!"

Fredrick began to monologue with a hoarse and deep tone as he chuckled heavily, trying his best to sound evil.

Inwardly though-

'I can't believe I'm actually doing this'

-Fredrick felt ridiculous, but he quickly cast such thoughts aside.

To make sure no one would begin an extensive search on Black Jaws when they enacted their deal with the Empire, Ezra planned to give them another target, one that stayed far too hidden at this time.

Of course, Fredrick knew none of this. He was only doing as Ezra had instructed.

"Shut the crap you maggot and DIE FOR ME!"

One of the adventurer's spoke up, a guardian judging by the shield and the large hammer he was wielding, as he lightly leaped in the air and smashed down.

His face with a grin as he could already see the man being slammed into the ground.

But reality slapped him in the face, because in the next moment…


The man's eyes wanted to pop out of its sockets as he saw his hammer halting effortlessly in the man's palm, before…


The Silver-rank hammer was crumpled and squeezed into scrap, then Fredrick held the man by the throat as he spoke…

"Insolent worm. I bring liberation and you try to kick it away. Tch, tch, tch. I'm going to have to teach you some manners"

"Go suck on-"

The man tried to speak up, but he never got to finish the sentence because…


A terrifying aura gushed forth from Fredrick's body in the next moment.

All the incoming adventurers suddenly found their instincts screaming at them.

Unfortunately, none of them were able to, or would be able to, put up a meaningful counter for what came next.

Fredrick's hand moved from the man's neck to his leg and, before his brain could register it, he used him like a baseball bat…

"Watch out!"

Rowan called out. Too bad though, because it was already too late.


Fredrick used the man's body to hit all the adventurers within seven feet of him in a 360 degrees manner, who then hit the adventurers behind them.

And lastly…

"Brace Yourself" Fredrick said to the guardian knight he was holding as he amplified his arms with mana at the last minute and…


The Missionary gained a substantial level of damage, one that it had not seen since it was built, after taking the impact of the guardian head on.

Fredrick inwardly winced as he looked at the devastation in front of him, and no, not because of the building, but because of the guardian he threw at it.

There was no way the man would come out of this unscathed, but Fredrick threw him while making sure he could survive.

As for how many fractures he accumulated, that wasn't any of Fredrick's concern.

He simply defended himself from the onslaught of adventurers.

Much of the building in question had broken into splinters, revealing an underground compartment that even Fredrick hadn't known existed.

And if Fredrick was to guess…

'It's most likely the treasury'

Fredrick nodded as he believed it was most likely so.

'Ah, right! I'm acting' Fredrick reminded himself as he continued his monologue.

"Hahaha! Feast your eyes on my magnificence! Feast your eyes on the strength of a liberator!"


"This Bastard!" Rowan's voice hollered out loudly, his eyes having become those of a beast.

No, it wasn't because of the adventurers, not even close. As far as Rowan was concerned, they were nothing more than nuisances.

It was because of the Missionary!

This bastard had demolished almost half of the first floor! From what he could see, had it been a little more, the Missionary would have collapsed!

Just thinking of how he would write the report to the Sentinel was giving endless headaches.

When he thought of the face his elder brother would make once he heard such news, veins popped on his forehead.

It mattered not at the moment, as he would take care of it once he dealt with the issue at hand.

One thing was sure though.

'I'll make sure you die in the most painful way possible'

This bastard in front of him had to die!

Never did Rowan imagine…that he was playing right into his opponent's hand!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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