Rise of the White Dragon

Chapter 124: Arlinda Wants an Agreement

Chapter 124: Arlinda Wants an Agreement

"Be more specific: Why are you telling me this? What are your intentions in telling me that?" Luan did not seem concerned when he heard what she said.

Arlinda Silva smiled superficially but then sighed, "Honestly, I don't even know what I'm doing here myself. As the late Vincent's lover, I got 50%. Of course, even a fool like me understands that this was not meant to be since he would never have left even 1% for me. So... I thought, 'Did somebody do this? Who could do that?' I also remember that during one night, Vincent said he planned to place a bomb on the Dimas family plane, but then, just two days later, he was gone. Or rather, his private jet was blown up, killing him and his wife."

"So, did that make you suspect that I was behind this?" Luan asked with interest.

"Not exactly." Arlinda bit her lower lip and said, "At first I suspected he got the wrong jet, but that would be too stupid, and I don't think he would be able to do something like that. After all, you wouldn't let him just take your private jet, would you? So, as absurd as it may seem, I thought you and your family found out about the bomb and somehow managed to get it into Vincent Cont's private jet. I know, it sounds like delirium, and it doesn't feel right, but I have that feeling. No matter what, I feel like you did it."

"You're not wrong. I did it." Luan asked threateningly, "And now, knowing this, what do you intend to do?"

Arlinda felt suffocated. She was shaking from head to toe. The mood inside the room had changed completely, and she felt overwhelmed.

"Luan, relax, let her speak first." Ingrid sighed and reassured Luan. She knew that if he continued to do this for a long time, Arlinda would pass out.

"Okay." Luan retracted his aura.

"My God!" Arlinda took a deep breath and was still shaking with fear.

"Speak." Luan narrowed his eyes.

"I want to make a deal with you, Mr. Luan," Arlinda said, "I am an ordinary woman, just a lover who was left with everything without understanding anything. I cannot trust someone else to help me, so I wanted to come here and ask for your help. I want to be able to give my daughter a good life and education and now that I have this chance, I decided to risk everything and I came to talk to you, telling you everything and not hiding anything."

"What makes you think that I wouldn't betray you?" Luan until now was surprised by this woman's assumptions, most of which were correct, which made his interest in her increase. And when he used his aura, he just wanted to test to see if she was someone who aroused an Origin but could disguise it, but from what he saw, she was really panicked, and even then, she didn't use anything out of the ordinary.

"Because I have the impression that I got it all because of you." Arlinda said this to Luan's surprise. "I have this feeling, the feeling that everything that was given to me was because of you. I can't explain it, but this feeling is very strong, and I have the feeling that I can trust you and nobody else. So, I'm here today."

"When did you start thinking like that and started having these feelings?" Luan asked.

"The first time I saw you in person," Arlinda answered sincerely.

"Okay, I can help you. I can also help you to continue living in this industry and can help you to get richer, but for that, you have to sign a contract with me. However, this is not a simple contract and something that if you break the contract you will die. Still, are you willing?" Luan asked.

"Yes, I am." Arlinda was resolute.

Despite not understanding very well, Luan knew that she must have some unawakened talent that made her act like that. It may have been because of the changes that were happening in the world and that made the process of awakening her Origin accelerate, but whatever, he would take advantage of it and bring her to his side.

Ingrid was proactive, and pulled out a sheet that she knew was used for special contracts. At first it looked like an ordinary sheet, but the moment Luan took the pen and started writing, strange patterns appeared on the tip of the pen and the white paper sheet lit up a little.

Arlinda was amazed. She already knew about the game that Luan had developed and also knew that it was available. Seeing this, she also began to believe in the existence of supernatural forces. As impossible as things were, she has already experienced this feeling that she had never felt so strong before.

In the contract, she had to swear loyalty to Luan and not betray him. With that, Luan would share a body technique with her and even teach her and one other person of her choice for a one day training session, and all she had to do was stay loyal to him and tell him about everything she felt was strange, as well as that feeling that she had felt when she met him.

Of course, it was also written that if she cheated and tried to harm him or someone close to him, she would be immediately killed.

Arlinda, as strong as she tried to be, was still terrified when she saw all of this, but thinking about her daughter, she bit her lip and signed the contract. The contract levitated and then went towards her body and merged with her.

"It's done. Now, I will pass some information directly to your brain, and you can very well deal with the current issues that you have inherited. I will also entrust someone to act as your guardian and one as your daughter's. This will be ideal, especially now that Aguinaldo Cont lost everything and may want to do something crazy." When he finished speaking, Luan just pointed a finger at her and information started to appear in her brain.

Then Luan called Elias and asked how the situation was there.

"Luan, there are three that are already five times stronger than before. If you want, you can choose two of them as guards." Elias spoke when he learned of the situation that Luan was in.

"Okay, I've selected two trained people to come here to my office. Tell them that they will receive an additional 30,000 monthly to serve as security for two months," Luan told him.

When the call ended, Luan turned to Arlinda and said, "Wait a little longer. Two people are coming here, and I will leave them in charge of taking care of your safety and your daughter. I don't need to explain that these two people are not ordinary people, do I?"

"Yes, I am deeply grateful!" Arlinda said, bowing in Luan's direction.

"Okay, you don't have to bow to me," Luan said.

Almost an hour later, a man and a woman entered the room. They were very disciplined and had a wild look, but when they looked at Luan, there was enormous admiration.

"Oh, it's you, Bruno Campos and Paloma Gomes," Luan said when he saw them enter the office.

"It is an honor that you still remember my name." Paloma Gomes said with a certain fanaticism. Her eyes shone with adoration and admiration when she looked at Luan, and she was very happy that Luan remembered her.

"Mr. Luan, who do we need to protect?" Bruno Campos looked around the room and saw Arlinda, and then assumed it was her since he saw Ingrid before and knew that she was Luan's girlfriend. "Is it this beautiful lady?"

"Yes, she and her daughter. For two months, you two will be their bodyguards, but you shouldn't neglect training if you don't want to be left behind, do we understand?" Luan stared at the two.

"Yeah!" The two soldiers saluted. Of course, this was due to the influence of having been trained by Elias.

"My name is Arlinda Silva. I will be in your care!" Arlinda said respectfully.


Day 23, Tuesday. Just one day after the game launched as free-to-play, it had already reached the mark of 20 thousand accounts created and 15 thousand downloads. Some people had already tested it and were amazed, because, even if a little, they already saw the difference when they tried to imitate the technique and in fact got stronger.

The most interesting thing was that the character's birthplace was in their home, and they walked through the deserted streets of the city they lived in. They also found weak monsters nearby, however, as had been said, not all monsters dropped diamonds, especially at the beginner level.

Of course, even when these people went on the internet and announced that the game was real, that in fact, they became stronger, many didn't believe it; only a few ended up believing.

[Wow! That game is amazing! I don't regret waiting so long to download this game!]

[Man, that makes two of us. I'm loving the game and I just couldn't wait until tomorrow to train again!]

[What rubbish are you two talking about? Of course, this is all fake! Hahaha! This is like the mysterious cracks the government is inventing to scare the population. So laughable~]

[Tsk! Yes, it is ridiculous. I wonder how long will you be able to continue like this? I want to see if a mysterious crack appears, and you don't even have the strength to escape.]

[Don't say bullshit! Of course, it's all fake, just like this game. I will not believe any of this garbage!]

More and more people started to argue about this. It was then that a shocking news bulletin caused a tremendous scare for all Brazilian citizens.

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