Rise of the White Dragon

Chapter 132: Brown Bear

Chapter 132: Brown Bear

A good portion of the Lion King's meat was eaten by Luan until he was satisfied and put the rest in a plastic bag and then in the backpack. Because it was the flesh of a Second Order monster, he didn't have to worry about rotting anytime soon, so he continued to hunt.

Despite knowing that it would not be as effective the next time he went to eat monster meat he was satisfied to be 45 times stronger than an ordinary man with his body.

'This is going to be a headache...' Leaving the cave, he saw a trail of bodies of monsters and zombies. All the way, he killed without stopping and just took the Lion King's corpses. Of course, he was not someone who wasted resources. As annoying as it was to collect everything and dismantle all of it, he would do it.

An hour later a large amount of bones, skins, and flesh from monsters and zombies was piled up in an organized manner. Luan brought enough bags, but he was only one man. So he created a place in the cave with a formation and runes to protect these things. He didn't want to have to leave and return to collect these things. If he was going to do it, he'd do it in one trip.

On second thought, it wasn't a bad idea. He knew it wouldn't be the last time he would hunt in that place, and he might as well leave some things inside the cave with a formation protecting them so he didn't always need to have a lot of luggage just to carry what he was going to use at the moment.

'Oh? Even though I hid my presence, is there a mutant animal coming from that direction?' Luan, who had finished making the formation and placed all the items in the corner of the cave, was slightly surprised that a mutant animal appeared in front of the cave and was looking at him.

The 300 cm tall mutant Brown Bear that arrived in front of the cave looked strangely at Luan and roared, not in a fierce way, but it looked like it wanted to say something.

"Mhm? This is your home, and you want me to leave?" Luan looked at the Brown Bear strangely in return.

When Luan took steps towards the Grizzly Bear, it drew back in fear and roared again. "I can stay here, but you want to stay too. Are you sure?"

The intelligence of this Brown Bear should not be underestimated. The Brown Bear nodded at Luan's question as he growled. "If I let you stay here, do you promise to protect the place? And the reason you don't want to leave is because your late mother raised you in this cave?"

The Brown Bear nodded sharply.

"Okay, you can stay, but don't even try to get close to my stuff. There is a protection around it and if you approach it carelessly, you will get hurt," Luan warned. "Of course, if you don't believe me, you can try to get closer."

The Grizzly Bear shook his head in denial, and snarled. "Okay then, I'm leaving now. I'll be back later to bring more."

Luan was not interested in killing the Brown Bear. After all, despite being a mutated animal, he was only slightly stronger than 40 ordinary men and was very unlikely to have a Monster Core. Adding to that the intelligent expression and the fact of it trying to communicate with Luan and not having become frantic, even living peacefully in this place, made Luan want to spare the Brown Bear's life.

Mutated animals became frantic when they would eat Magic Stones or Monster Cores with impurity. The impurity contained most of the time and resentment of the monster that died. If someone were to swallow one of these objects carelessly, even a human would go crazy. It implanted an instinct to want to kill anything that appeared, almost the same feeling of hunger that a person would feel when they went without eating for several days, and when they see something that looks edible, they might even go crazy and not worry about the consequences of eating whatever they had found.

The Grizzly Bear cringed in Luan's presence when he passed, but he just gave way and tried not to show fear. After all, he knew that if Luan wanted to, he would have been dead a long time ago. Before reaching the cave, the Brown Bear had seen Luan kill some monsters as easily as if he had cut a leaf from a tree.

Walking through the forest, Luan went to a zombie who was in the Second Order. He had seen it before when he had mapped the place in his mind and now knew his position.

Luan did not continue to walk. When arriving at the place, he saw something interesting - it was the green zombie goblin going against a frantic mutant monkey. The two were in the Second Order, although not very strong. They were only slightly above the First Order, which was the strength between 55 to 60 ordinary men.

The monkey was almost 200 cm tall and punched the head of the zombie goblin that was not even 150 cm tall. It was as if an adult and a child were fighting, but incredibly the goblin managed to resist the blow and threw a punch at the mutant monkey's stomach.

Unlike the mutant monkey, despite being frantic, he was still in pain. However, the green goblin was a zombie and could ignore the pain and was not afraid to die. He attacked the mutant red-breasted monkey with force, giving it no chance to counterattack.

The mutant monkey crossed his arms on his chest and defended himself from the blows of the zombie goblin, and becoming even more angry until his eyes turned red, he stopped defending and hit his chest in a dominant manner and roared. His roar was not just for show; it had a stunning effect. Although it lasted just for 2 seconds, it was enough for him to fight back.

Seeing that the two monsters had grown tired, Luan decided to make his move.

It wasn't like he hadn't been able to kill them before, but if he could do it without risk or even effort, it was better. This was especially true now that all of his attacking skills and moves couldn't be used. He was actually very strong today, however, his Qi reserve was insufficient to use the fighting skills he had. All the fighting and movement skills he had received were from the Second Order, and some from the Third Order and above.

Only when they saw Luan very close to them did the two monsters noticed Luan's presence, however, because he did not manifest his Qi, they believed that he was not even of the Second Order and despised him for having approached. Mainly the mutant monkey looked at Luan as if he were someone insignificant.

Luan didn't care about the monkey's gaze or the fact that he was ignored by the zombie goblin. He took one of his swords out of its sheath and before the two monsters realized it, Luan appeared 2 meters away from them and used the sword, cutting with his left hand vertically and activating his Qi. The two monsters were alarmed, but it was too late; the blade of the green sword with red veins caught the mutant monkey's neck, cutting off the monkey's head and half of the zombie's head, splitting the zombie goblin's head in half.

The two monsters' bodies fell to the ground, and Luan began using the sword to dismantle the two monsters. Only the flesh and skin of the zombie was thrown away. Luan had no interest in eating zombie meat. It would take a long time to cleanse and it was not worth the trouble.

The monkey's meat was kept in a reinforced plastic bag, and so were the bones and organs. In addition, the monkey's skin was quite hard. It was even good enough to create some clothes. Luan smiled when he noticed that the green zombie goblin had a magic stone and was even happier when he noticed that the monkey had a Monster Core.

Keeping the two items in his pocket, Luan headed for the cave.

The Grizzly Bear, who was lying inside the cave, noticed Luan's arrival and got up and acted like a guard dog that had seen his owner.

"Since you're there doing nothing, why don't you go get me some dry branches? If you do, I will consider sharing some meat with you." Luan noticed that the Grizzly Bear started to drool when looking in the direction of the plastic bag, and guessed that he had smelled the monkey's flesh.


The Grizzly Bear roared with excitement at that, and ran out of the cave, looking for dry branches. It was a once-in-a-lifetime chance. He wouldn't necessarily have the chance to get meat from a Second Order monster.

Luan, holding two backpacks, one with the meat and the other with the items he took after dismantling the two monsters, placed them inside the formation and then unpacked the meat and waited for the Grizzly Bear to return.

It didn't take long for the Grizzly Bear to return with an entire tree that most likely was felled by some monsters or by Luan's group and was now dry.

Luan rubbed the Brown Bear's head, treating it as if it were a simple pet, and took the sword out of its sheath. The Grizzly Bear retreated a little, but he soon realized that Luan only drew his sword to cut the tree.

Stacking the pieces of the cut tree, Luan took some bones from monsters and made an improvised barbecue and put firewood on it and set fire to it using his Qi.

He had gotten some herbs and medicinal plants that could be used as seasoning this time and when he finished purifying the meat of the frantic mutant monkey, he seasoned it and started roasting it, making skewers from some of the monster bones.

As the smell hovered in the cave, the Brown Bear started to drool. The smell was incredible, something he had never smelled before. If it weren't for Luan's presence, he would have thrown himself in the direction of the meat and eaten it immediately.

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