Rise of the White Dragon

Chapter 412 Capítulo 412: Apocalypse On Earth Part 1

It's been two days since Luan and Ingrid went on their honeymoon...

Meanwhile, on Earth, disasters were happening everywhere.

Those who weren't even able to reach the First Order had the emotions of anger, envy, fear, and especially the desire to become more powerful amplified to the point where they became almost mindless beings.

The same happened with all types of living beings on Earth.

The humans that were affected, began to become monsters, mutating by eating monster cores.

But, it wasn't the living beings considered weak that were affected, those with a weak mind, even being in the Fourth Order, ended up becoming almost irrational beings, just the primitive desire.

Maira, who was in the company, activated a barrier around.

Some of her employees, unfortunately, became 'monsters' attacking co-workers.

Even though she managed the company well, there were those who were psychologically in disarray from working too hard. The fact that the extra hour was very rewarding ended up leaving their minds with gaps, and this made them lose control.

"Isadora, help me control these people, please," Mayra asked.

She had a lot on hand, there were more than a thousand employees in the entire Dimas Headquarters building. At least 100 of the employees lost control.

Furthermore, she found that people who were bitten or scratched by one of the angry employees also lost control.

'What the hell, it even looks like a zombie virus...' Maira thought.

She tried to call the island, however, it didn't work in a conventional way, so she took the smartphone that Luan made for her, and when she called Catharina's smartphone the call connected.

"Mom, is everything okay?" Catharina's concerned voice came as soon as the call was connected.

"Yes, but, things are getting out of hand here." Maira asked: "How is it on the island? By the way, are you on the island?"

"Yes, I am. Fortunately, none of us were affected, I think that's because Luan always emphasized improving our minds. By the way, there is a lot of fish, etc. in the raging sea, some seem to be mutants, better come flying when you come back." Catharina warned: "From what I understand this is happening all over the world, it seems that Luan's prediction failed."

"Well, that's to be expected; although the earth has rewound it is not the same thing, of course, it would have a butterfly effect and not happen at the same time. Even Luan knew that, however, he believed it would take at least another 3 years to happen, but unfortunately he made a mistake." Maira sighs and adds: "Be careful and don't let anyone off the island. I'll be back as soon as things get back to normal."

"Should we send someone to Torre to call Luan and Ingrid?" Catharina asked.

"No." Maira categorically denied this: "It's their honeymoon, there are only a few more days left and this disaster is not something they can solve on their own. Remember, danger now comes even to those in the Fourth Order, even the Fifth Order is not free from danger if it is as Luan warned before."

"I know." Catharina said: "Mother, be careful, if things get dangerous, let me know, I will ask Lenore to go get you there, she must be the most powerful person on Earth right now."

Maira wanted to laugh, but she wasn't in the mood for it at the moment. She said, "I will be careful too."

Maira didn't want her daughter to leave the island and attack people who got out of hand. Although they became like this, Luan told them: When people become like this, they don't necessarily become monsters, after strengthening themselves to a certain extent, they can come to their senses.

Now, it was a difficult choice, if they killed these people who had lost control, it would be no different than the murder of a possibly innocent person.

Of course, among the victims there may be people who have already committed heinous crimes, but how to determine who did this and that.

By the way, the people in jail, almost all of them became practically irrational beings. Dominated by negative emotions, they were among the most affected.

Maira got up and left her office.

With the Origin of Creation, she created chains, surrounding people who were out of control.

"Everybody listen to me!" Maira created megaphones on all floors of the building and said: "Those who were not affected, stay away from the people who are, if you are bitten or scratched, you have a chance of being affected too. I will be coming down and I will go from floor to floor arresting these people until I find a way to get them back to normal. I know that some of you are friends and want to save them, but don't act rashly and you end up increasing the number of people affected, thank you."

After saying all that, Maira starts walking with watchful eyes.

Employees were struggling with each other as at least 25% were affected, and nearly 10% were transformed.

Maira acted fast, chains surrounded the bodies of these people, arresting them.

"President Mira!"

The officials were thrilled, it was good that Maira was starting to act. They were almost out of their way to deal with it considering the speed at which they were affected and becoming enraged together.

For better or for worse, when enraged, they attack everyone who comes in front of them, circumvented by amplified emotions or not.


State Penitentiary of São Pedro de Alcântara.

*Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye!*

"We need backup, we need backup!!"

"They managed to break the saddles!"

"Ahhh my arm, damn it bit my arm!!"

"Shoot, shoot!!"


The prisoners' roars echo, and they attack without distinction, even committing cannibalism and growing stronger as they go.

Security was strong, however, with so many prisoners on the loose and attacking without fear of dying, some of the police officers who were affected began to attack without distinction, even using firearms.


The screams and wails echoed far and wide, even those inmates who had the strongest mentality and weren't affected turned out to be shortly after being bitten or scratched.

The dog made the police not able to deal with so many prisoners, and the sounds of shots continued, however, for different reasons, minutes later, all the police were killed or transformed into irrational beings.

"The woman!!"

Among them, one became a leader. Cid Martins, a cold-blooded murderer who was sentenced to the maximum penalty, achieved the Fourth Order after eating some police officers and a prison inmate. After that, his mind returned to normal for a little bit, and he was able to control the minds of others who were affected and issue some commands.

"Hahahaha! Interesting, simply interesting!" Cid's sinister laugh echoes throughout the penitentiary: "Follow me, let's get out of this sewer and kill and kill!!"

Almost like roars of bestial beasts, the inmates even transformed policemen who lost control of their emotions, roared.

With Cid in the lead, they broke out of jail.

They were far from civilization, but with their speed, they soon reached the most populated area.

"Ahh, don't kill me, don't..."

"Ahhhh, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts so much!!"

A 15-year-old teenager was riding a bicycle when one of the inmates appeared in front of him, holding the handlebars of the bicycle, he bit the boy's head.

The inmates' teeth looked like razors, cutting part of the boy's skull without resistance, soon other inmates came close and started biting the boy's body. In a few seconds, not even bones remain, only torn clothes and the crumpled bicycle.

This group killed and committed cannibalism throughout the Santa Tereza neighborhood.

Within hours, an entire neighborhood was either eaten or turned into Cid's new subordinates.

São Pedro de Alcântara is a city with more than 5 thousand inhabitants, it already had more than 200 people following Cid, killing the path in the whole city.


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