Rise of the White Dragon

Chapter 419 419: Challenge At The Border

As we returned to the island, Ingrid and I noticed that Maisa and the others had already come back. The atmosphere was a bit lighter, but the tension was still palpable. The fear of more people turning into frenzied beings at any moment was still very much present.

Maira, always attentive to the situation, updated us as soon as we entered the place: "Things are a bit better, but people are still turning into frenzied states all the time." This news worried us, as we knew the fight was far from over.

As I thought about what was to come, I couldn't help but remember the other me, who had embarked on a parallel mission. The fight against the Emperors had consumed much of his time and energy, but he had a greater goal in mind: to destroy the Vulcan Clan once and for all.

This clan, whose constant and annoying presence always bothered me, needed to be eliminated. Otherwise, there was a risk that they would continue to act freely, causing even more chaos and destruction. Moreover, if we allowed this situation to persist, other Emperors might begin to think we were an easy target, which would only increase our problems.

After sharing my thoughts with Ingrid, I realized that she also agreed with me. Together, we had managed to normalize much of the situation in Brazil, but we were aware that there was still much to be done. Still, we felt proud of the progress we had made so far.

Although we knew that other countries were facing difficulties, our priority remained our own nation. However, we decided that the next day, we would head toward neighboring countries to provide the necessary help. It was important to show solidarity and extend a hand to those who were also facing the threat of frenzied beings.

Before setting off, however, we needed a good night's rest. The recent events had been exhausting, and we knew we needed to regain our strength before facing new challenges.

Looking at Maira, Catharina, Cristina, and the others, I noticed how exhausted they were. The tired gazes, the weary postures, and the slow movements revealed the weight of the burden we all carried. The fight against the frenzied beings was truly wearing us down, both physically and emotionally.

We gathered in the island mansion's living room, where we could sit and talk about our recent experiences. As each person shared their stories, it became even more apparent how exhausting it all was. The expressions of fatigue and concern were unanimous, but there was also a glint of determination in each of our eyes.

Catharina, who always proved resilient, confided: "I never imagined we would face something like this. Sometimes, I feel like I don't have the strength to continue, but I can't give up now. We have to keep moving forward."

Maira, who was usually the voice of reason, considered: "It's true, we're all tired, but we can't afford to give up. We need to find a way to overcome this together."

Amanda, my mother-in-law, always optimistic, added: "I know the situation is tough, but I have faith that we can win this. We've overcome so many challenges before, and this one won't be any different."

As we exchanged these words, I felt a deep connection with everyone there. The empathy and mutual understanding strengthened us, even in the face of exhaustion. We knew we were not alone in this fight and that somehow, we would find the energy needed to move forward.

The night of rest brought us some relief, and the next day we set off toward neighboring countries. Even tired, we were determined to offer our support.

Upon waking up, we were surprised by worrying news about the situation in Brazil. Things were not as optimistic as we had imagined. Many animals and people had turned into frenzied beings, and some of those who had been captured managed to escape, causing chaos to return, albeit on a smaller scale.

Faced with this reality, I told the others: "We are heading towards neighboring countries; you stay here and help with the best of your strength." I knew that dividing our efforts was necessary to face this situation on multiple fronts.

"Luan, I'll go with you." She looked at me with determination, showing that she was ready to face the challenges by my side.

The decision to head to neighboring countries was not easy, as leaving Brazil in such a critical moment made us feel insecure. However, it was crucial that we extend our help to our neighbors, as the threat of frenzied beings affected us all.

Before leaving, we met with the others to outline an action plan and ensure they were prepared to deal with the challenges that would arise in our absence. We emphasized the importance of cooperation and teamwork and kept communication lines open to share information and updates.

With everything settled, Ingrid and I said goodbye to our companions and family members and soon set off toward neighboring countries.

Upon arriving in neighboring countries, we were greeted with gratitude and respect. Many were relieved to see us, as they knew that with our help, their chances of overcoming the crisis increased significantly.

In each country we visited, we joined our efforts with local authorities and other groups of fighters, sharing our knowledge and experiences in the fight against frenzied beings. Our priority was to help control the situation and, at the same time, find a definitive solution to prevent future occurrences.

During our travels, we worked tirelessly alongside local teams, learning from their experiences and sharing our own skills and knowledge. Together, we managed to develop effective strategies to capture and neutralize frenzied beings, reducing the impact they caused on affected communities.

While helping our neighbors, we maintained constant contact with our allies in Brazil, sharing information and updates about the situation in each country and the progress we made. This exchange of information was crucial to the success of our joint efforts and allowed us to adapt our strategies as needed.

Throughout our journey, we also encountered other fighters from different nations who had joined the fight against frenzied beings. These meetings strengthened our support and collaboration networks, allowing us to share resources and knowledge with a common goal: eradicating the threat posed by frenzied beings.

We hurried to the city, and upon arriving there, we witnessed the monstrosity that plagued the region. The giant lion roared fiercely, spitting flames from its mouth and paws, setting everything around it on fire. I could feel the power emanating from it, akin to a Sixth Order Emperor. Ingrid and I exchanged a look of determination and prepared for battle.

"Ingrid, I'll need you to protect me from this monster's flames," I said, aware that she was more than capable of fulfilling this task. With a nod, Ingrid used her ability to control blood to create a protective barrier around us, preventing the lion's flames from reaching us.

I focused on my supernatural strength and agility, seeking to find an opening to attack the beast. In a moment when the lion reduced the intensity of its flames, Ingrid created projectiles of hardened blood and launched them at him.

"Now it's my turn," I shouted, advancing at high speed, leaping into the air and delivering a powerful punch to the lion's face. The blow made the monster stagger, but it quickly composed itself, roaring with anger and unleashing an even more intense burst of flames in our direction.

"Ingrid, reinforce the barrier!", I yelled, confident that she would be able to protect us. She increased the strength of the blood barrier, while I used my agility to dodge the flames.

The battle continued with Ingrid and me attacking in unison. We alternated between quick and powerful attacks and defensive abilities to keep the lion at bay. At a crucial moment in the fight, Ingrid focused her power on blood control and formed massive hardened blood whips, attacking the lion's legs and limiting its movements.

"Great job, Ingrid!", I exclaimed, seizing the opportunity and concentrating all my strength into a devastating blow, striking the lion's head and leaving it stunned. Ingrid then quickly formed a blood net around the lion, further restricting its movements.

With the lion temporarily immobilized, I exchanged a few words with Ingrid. "We're almost there, we just need to keep the pressure on and not give it a chance to recover," I said, as I prepared for the next attack. Ingrid nodded, maintaining her focus on the blood net that held the lion.

Exhausted and unable to continue fighting, the lion finally yielded, ceasing to be a threat to the city. Ingrid and I exchanged relieved looks, knowing that we had managed to protect those people.

I said, "We could have finished this sooner if I had used all my strength from the start, but I wanted to conserve my Qi. Also, it's important for you to gain more experience fighting frenzied beings with this level of combat power."

Ingrid smiled and replied, "Thank you for believing in me, Luan. I feel like I'm getting stronger with each fight, and together we're unbeatable." I smiled back, knowing she was right.

After the battle, we were greeted with gratitude and admiration by the townspeople. They thanked us for saving their lives.


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