Rise of the White Dragon

Chapter 425 425: The Fall Of The Vulcan Clan

Luan was gathered with his family on the private island of the Dimas when Maira asked about his current strength. He knew that his ability to accomplish so much in such a short amount of time drew attention, so he was not surprised by the question.

"Remember what I said before about someone newly arrived in the Fourth Order having the power of a dragon?" he asked Maira, who nodded. "Currently, I have the strength of at least 150 dragons. That's not even counting my clone."

Ingrid, a bit confused, asked if with the clone he would have the strength of 300 dragons since the limit was 200 dragons for each person. Luan confirmed that yes and explained that what he had done was extremely powerful and abnormal. "It's practically a miracle that I was able to split myself and gain so much strength," he added.

Those around were surprised, with many holding their breath. Most of them had at most the strength of 40 dragons, and Luan had 150 with two clones. It was an absurd difference and difficult to comprehend.

Catharina, excited, asked if, if Luan reached the strength of 200 dragons with each of the clones, it would facilitate his entry into the Seventh Order and make him much more powerful. Luan confirmed that yes and said that he had already thought about it.

Although Luan did not believe it would be easy to increase his strength even more, he knew that when he did, he could merge with his clone and become a unique existence in the Seventh Order. Amanda and Sebastian were perplexed, unable to imagine the magnitude of his strength. For them, Luan's current strength was not much different from that of a god.

His strength was so great that even ancient stories from the Bible seemed insignificant in comparison. This generated a feeling of reverence in everyone who knew him.

It was difficult for people, even those close to him, to understand the immensity of Luan's strength. Most of them were in the Fourth Order, and this difference was too great to be easily understood.

Ingrid, who was closer to advancing to the Sixth Order, knew that it was not just a matter of increasing her strength, but rather understanding the laws of the world. She knew that Luan's journey would not be easy, but she admired his determination to continue advancing and reaching new levels of power.

Luan is capable of doing many things that those who have not reached the Sixth Order cannot even imagine. For example, in the midst of an apocalypse that hit the Earth, where people became animalistic and animals underwent mutations, Luan has the power of an Emperor, which allows him to use his abilities in the Origin of Cloud to create anything his imagination allows. Additionally, he possesses the Origin of the Spirit Tree, which allows him to create trees and other forms of life.

Ingrid, who is in the Fifth Order, is as powerful as an Emperor of the Sixth Order and uses her powers in the Origin of Blood to manipulate blood and even create wings to fly. The power of these characters is something that surpasses the understanding of most people and is a demonstration of the depth and complexity of the universe in which they live.

Meanwhile, Amanda and Sebastian were still trying to comprehend the magnitude of these characters' power. To them, the difference between the Fourth and Sixth Orders seemed so great that it was difficult to imagine how anyone could be so powerful.

Luan, on the other hand, knew that there was still much to learn and discover about the world and his abilities. He knew that there were still many challenges to face, but was determined to continue advancing and discovering new powers.

The conversation ended with a feeling that there was much to explore in the universe in which they lived. The characters' abilities were fascinating and complex, and there was always something new to be discovered and learned.


Seen from the air, the Vulcan Clan fortress was an impressive sight. The tall towers and fortified walls seemed impenetrable, a true military base that made anyone think twice before approaching.

Nora looked at the fortress with anger, her voice cold and filled with disdain as she spat out the words "This is the Vulcan Clan." She couldn't understand how a clan could hide behind tall walls and advanced technology, believing they were superior to everyone else.I think you should take a look at

Seen from the air, the clan's futuristic architecture extended throughout its territory, with walls adorned with video screens and holograms floating in the air. It was all very imposing, but to Nora, it was a demonstration of arrogance and presumption.

Luan looked at the Vulcan Clan fortress with a cold and calculating gaze. He had already identified all the areas where the most important cultivators of the clan were, and his icy indifference showed that he was ready to take them all down at once.

Initially, Luan's anger was so great that he wished to sink the entire Vulcan Clan, but he soon realized that he couldn't do the same as his enemies. He didn't want to be someone who killed innocent people. However, those with power above the Fifth Order in the clan should pay with their lives. All of them, without exception.

Fortunately, most of these leaders had questionable aspects and were extremely vain, which kept them within the fortress. There was no record of any of them leaving the clan.

Luan knew what to do. The Leviathan appeared just above him, connecting to him and providing a massive amount of Qi. Luan was ready to launch his attack. "Burial of Trees!" he shouted, and soon loud sounds, earth tremors, and screams echoed throughout the fortress.

From the ground, extremely thick and strong tree trunks emerged, surrounding various areas of the Vulcan Clan. It was the beginning of a battle that would prove to be bloody and ruthless. But for Luan, it was the only way to put an end to those who hid behind high walls and advanced technology.

The tree trunks from Luan's Burial of Trees moved at high speed, surrounding the targets he had identified earlier. With peak Sixth Order strength, the trunks were immensely thick and strong, capable of breaking even the most resilient walls.

The high-ranking leaders of the Vulcan Clan were trapped and had no way out. They knew the battle was lost before it even began. One by one, they fell, their last words of regret being drowned out by the sound of the trees surrounding them.

Luan and Nora watched everything from above, without a hint of emotion on their faces. For them, it was just a mission to be accomplished. The Vulcan Clan was an obstacle in their way, and now that obstacle had been eliminated.

After hours of battle, the Vulcan Clan finally fell. The surviving cultivators fled in all directions, desperate to escape the wrath of Luan and Nora.

When the dust finally settled, Luan looked at Nora and said, "Now we can go back, and I can go to Earth without worrying."

Nora nodded in agreement, knowing their work there was done.


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