Rise of the White Dragon

Chapter 430 430: Luan’s Generosity and the World’s Ingratitude

Chapter 430 Chapter 430: Luan's Generosity and the World's Ingratitude

A month had passed since the first two dungeons, products of Luan's creation, appeared in Brazil. As days went by, it was impossible to keep this innovation hidden from international scrutiny, especially when other nations also faced threats from rampant creatures.

Critics emerged, accusing Brazil of secretly holding onto a potentially life-saving tool. The global outrage was palpable. However, Saulo remained steadfast in the face of these accusations. Determinedly, he proclaimed, "My grandson is the genius behind this groundbreaking device, the Labyrinth of Disorder. Discussing its use, it's impractical to offer it without cost. After all, its production involves significant resources and investments. Those who wish to benefit from this invention must be prepared to invest in it!"

In response to Saulo Dimas's stern declaration, there were those who labeled the stance as heartless, insisting the technology should be shared for free. Many accused Luan of insensitivity, suggesting he prioritized financial gain over the salvation of countless lives.

In the face of criticism, Saulo Dimas, ever the defender of his grandson's legacy, retorted firmly. "Although my grandson has no direct obligation to your nations, he has stepped in during critical moments to assist numerous times. And you dare label him a genocidal maniac? If I allow him to offer the Labyrinth of Disorder for less than a fair price, then I disown my own name!"

Without hesitation, Saulo continued, raising his voice, "Moreover, for those bold enough to listen: my grandson is generous enough to offer one Labyrinth of Disorder free of charge to each nation, regardless of its size. Yet, to the detractors who choose to criticize and slander my grandson, know that you will pay the full price, even if other nations receive the first device at no cost!"

Saulo's outrage was evident. How could they be so ungrateful to his grandson, who had already contributed so much to global welfare? He could barely contain his irony, thinking of the unfair demands many presented. Still, he had no desire to entirely deprive nations of the Labyrinth of Disorder, as that would impact many innocents. But he was no benefactor and didn't intend to be treated as one. "If they wanted it for free, now let them pay the price!", he thought.

"If you're unhappy or angry, come complain to me!", Saulo challenged. He was ready for any confrontation, inwardly begging someone to have the audacity to challenge him.

This saga continued over several days, particularly marking the first ten days, during which Luan continued to produce the Labyrinths of Disorder.

The next morning, as he woke and made his way to the living room, Luan was met by his mother, Maira, who informed him of the entire controversy. He listened intently, and his red eyes took on a notable chill. Without hesitation, he stated, "I stand with grandfather."

Maira wasn't surprised by her son's steadfast stance. She knew him deeply and was aware that Luan had always been resolute and direct in his opinions.

Seeking to lighten the mood, Maira inquired about the next steps, "And the Labyrinths of Disorder? When will distribution begin?"

"Today," Luan responded, determined. "I'll start with neighboring countries and then embark on a global tour, prioritizing the most devastated and needy areas."

Nodding in approval, Maira said, "It's a wise decision," her pride in her son evident.

If Luan entrusted the distribution of the Labyrinths of Disorder directly into politicians' hands, it was evident that the wealthier neighborhoods would take precedence, despite already having ample security measures. This would be yet another unjust action in a growing list of biased decisions.

But the reality was that Luan held complete control over the Labyrinths of Disorder. He owed no explanations to any country. Generously, he even made available the design for the creation of the Labyrinth of Disorder. However, reproducing this innovation was far from a simple task. Without the specific know-how and the right materials, how did they expect to replicate such a feat?

As Luan and Maira chatted, a soft sound of footsteps could be heard coming from the stairs. A young woman with hair as white as snow and red eyes, as intense as Luan's, gracefully descended. The room's light reflected on her silvery strands, giving her an almost ethereal aura.

Upon reaching the room, still wrapped in a sleepiness aura, she murmured, "Good morning..." Her voice, though inherently cold in tone, carried a melodic timbre.

Maira, smiling maternally, replied, "Good morning, daughter. How about washing your face to wake up fully?"

"Okay~" Catharina nodded. Though her expression was reserved, there was a faint sparkle in her eyes, a touch of gentleness.

As the silver-haired young woman headed to the lavatory, the sound of more footsteps filled the air. Cristina entered the room, closely followed by Rikka, Amanda, and Monica, heralding a busy day about to start.

The silence prevailing in the living room quickly gave way to cheerful and enthusiastic chatter. Sounds of cutlery mingling with laughter and voices filled the setting, making the atmosphere lively and warm.

The dominating conversation topic was, inevitably, the Labyrinth of Disorder. Elias, who had just entered the room, got straight to the point. "Luan, so far, the two Labyrinths of Disorder have worked perfectly," he reported.

As he spoke, Ingrid made her entrance. With a radiant smile, contrasting her tenser demeanor from the previous day, she greeted everyone. Every gesture and expression of hers emanated hard-won serenity.

After a series of warm greetings, Luan turned to Elias, a serious look on his face. "That's great news."

Elias, admiration shining in his eyes, exclaimed, "You did an amazing job, Luan! Truly, you have my respect!"

Luan let out a restrained laugh. "Haha. Thank you."

The conversation between them flowed naturally, and amidst the laughter and jesting, breakfast progressed. Eventually, the children, satiated and full of energy, headed to the island's garden to play. The room then became quieter, occupied only by the adults.

Luan, at last, stood up, indicating his intent to leave. He was accompanied by Ingrid. The mission they had ahead was something only the two of them could accomplish, making the presence of a larger group unnecessary.

Atop a floating cloud, Luan and Ingrid prepared to depart. However, before embarking on this journey through the sky, Luan made sure to hand over to his grandfather five units of the Labyrinth of Disorder. The responsibility for distributing these devices throughout the country no longer weighed on Luan's shoulders. He had done his part, fully trusting his grandfather's skills and decisions. With everything settled, the couple rose, disappearing into the horizon.


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