Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 38 - Dagger?

When Lin Wu's vision finally returned, he could see that he was back to where he was before. The rubble from the broken rock was spread around and there was dust in the air. For him, it was as if fifteen minutes had passed, yet now that he looked around it seemed to be much less than that.

"System, what was that?" Lin Wu questioned.



ANSWER: What the host saw were the remnant memories of the cultivator to which the half skeleton belonged to. The memories were sealed in what the system now knows was a wisp of Spirit sense. Because the cultivator was a nascent soul realm cultivator, his spirit sense was strong enough to be able to leave a trace of it even after dying.

This spirit sense could not be absorbed by the host, but could be assimilated in the form of a data node. As for the passage of time, there was less than a second that passed in the real world while the host was observing the memories. Whenever a data node is assimilated, the transfer to the host's brain is almost instantaneous, thus having no loss of time in the real world.


After reading the system's answer, Lin Wu felt his doubts clear away. If it was as the system told him, then there was a chance he would be able to obtain vast amounts of information in an instant.

'This could be amazing. Now if only I can get a data node from someone that is knowledgeable.' Lin Wu thought to himself with excitement.

He returned his attention to himself and contemplated on what he had seen.

"So if that thing that flew towards that cultivator was the beast carapace fragment, then he should have died instantly, right? But wait, why does he only have half a skeleton, what happened to the lower half of his body?" Lin Wu questioned himself.

Lin Wu spent a few minutes thinking about it and was able to grasp a few things from this. The first that whatever beast that carapace belonged to was quite strong. Lin Wu ascertained this from the cultivates own words that he was unable to sense the beast's cultivation and second that the cultivator himself was a nascent soul realm cultivator.

"Whatever that beast or creature was, it's definitely strong if it can kill a nascent soul realm cultivator so easily. But wait, if that beast was so powerful, where did it go? There doesn't seem to be any signs here?" Lin Wu thought out loud.

"System, do you have any idea what that creature was?" Lin Wu questioned, wanting to try out his luck.



ANSWER: The system does not have sufficient data to analyze the cultivation of that beast and thus does not know with a hundred percent surety. But the system can agree with the host's assumption and can estimate that the beast must be at a higher cultivation realm than the cultivator who was killed.


Seeing that even the system did not have a clear idea, Lin Wu felt a bit lost but did not mind it as he knew that he should be able to solve it later in the future.

"Now then, onward to the next objective. I also have another quest I need to do now too." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

Lin Wu took a glance at the map and saw that the next quest objective was even further to the east and was a little farther from his current position. He continued moving onward and reached his destination after fifteen minutes.

Though this time his quest objective was rather unique, as he had actually found a tree here, albeit a dead one. The tree was nestled between two large rock similar to the others that were spread all around in the region. The tree was charred and did not have anything left on it except for its main trunk and was about six meters tall.

'Hmm, is the quest objective this tree?' Lin Wu thought to himself before going closer.

He saw the navigation HUD and saw that the pointer was actually pointing towards the back of the tree. Lin Wu thus went around the side of the tree and spotted what looked like a dagger stuck to the back of the tree.

The dagger was situated in such a way that the pommel of the dagger pointed towards the two large rocks while its blade was stuck deep in the trunk. The dagger looked to be of a good quality and did not look damaged, unlike the other weapons he had seen till now.

'How did it get stuck in such a position?' Lin Wu wondered and looked opposite to hate dagger at the large rocks.

There he finally noticed a small opening that was present. He was that the opening was of the same size as that of the dagger and looked to be pierced completely through.

"Did the dagger make this opening? Then how sharp is it? And the power behind it must be great too." Lin Wu muttered with surprise.

Lin Wu looked up at the dagger before speaking, "System, scan the dagger."




SCANNING: Please wait a moment.

SCANNING COMPLETED: New data obtained, please view it in the relevant window.

DATA BANKS: Updated.

QUEST UPDATE: Objectives completed 6/8.


The notification appeared quickly, and Lin Wu opened up the window to read up more about the dagger.



TARGET: Dagger

INFO: According to the system's analysis, the dagger is a high grade spirit weapon. There are no particular markings on the dagger thus the system cannot ascertain the identity of the dagger with a hundred percent surety. But from the previously gathered data, it is estimated that it probably belongs to one of the cultivators that came from the royal court of the Ling Kingdom.

CURRENT STATUS: Fully functional

COMPOSITION: Reinforced Essence Iron, spirit stone dust (High Grade), Spirit beast core (grade unknown).


NOTE: The dagger is in a perfect condition and can be used directly.


Lin Wu's eyes went wide with shock as he saw the information of the dagger.

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