Rising Phoenix

Chapter 84

Chapter 84: Chapter 84

An experienced military strategist watching over this kind of arrangement was safe and reliable. Using local troops familiar with the land to watch the Hu Zhuo border was also part of the strategy, the men most familiar with the terrain and the political situation at hand keeping an eye on the Hu Zhuo tribes, so even if the disaster struck and the Hu Zhuo tribes turned coat, they would still have some space to maneuver.

After a few minutes discussing the agenda of the day, it became clear that the Tian Sheng Emperor did not want to investigate the political scheming. With the war afoot, domestic peace needed to be maintained, and the Emperor was very pleased with Ning Yi’s restraint, his son very wisely forgoing heated pursuit and aggression. Happy, he said:

“Old Six, your duties often require you to come to the Imperial Palace, and coming and going so much cannot be convenient for you. We’ll grant you the Feng Yun Residence in the Long Yi Palace, a place to rest your head if you ever miss the opening of the Palace Gates.

All adult princes were granted a mansion outside of the palace grounds when they reached maturity, and none of them were allowed to spend the night inside the Imperial Palace, so this allowance was a very special Imperial Grace. None of the other Prince’s were happy at this favor, but they had all just made fools of themselves so they did not dare open their mouths.

“The Feng Yun residence is elegant and beautiful, right next to Father Emperor’s resting Palace. Morning and evening greetings will be very convenient for Sixth Brother now.” A beautiful smile entered, tea wares held on a tray, a string of servant girls behind her.

The only one who could smile and sweep into the study in the middle of a discussion of military secrets was obviously Princess Shao Ning, the beloved princess.

“Congratulations, Sixth Brother.” Shao Ning said as she began serving the tea, tilting her head at Ning Yi.

Ning Yi laughed, lifting his eyes and meeting Shao Ning’s. “This is Father Emperor’s grace.”

The Tian Sheng Emperor hesitated at Shao Ning’s words, his expression flickering, but he soon regained his smile: “We’re discussing official business, what are you doing here?”

“I heard that the foolish servants could not serve well and made Father Emperor choke on his tea.” Shao Ning replied, smiling as she swept around the Imperial Desk and behind the Emperor’s back, massaging his soldiers: “Your daughter brings this Biluo Tea, light and fragrant, good for Father Emperor’s throat.”

“My filial daughter.” The Emperor praised, patting her daughter’s shoulder, his furrowed brows smoothing out as he turned to Feng Zhiwei: “You’ve suffered a small wound, but thanks to your accident Prince Chu could clear his name and avoid this not insignificant scandal, so you will be rewarded as well. From today forward, you will follow Minister Yao(Grand Secretariat) and study the affairs of government, expanding your horizon.”

At these words, the princes and ministers once again reacted. Yao Ying was the first Minister of the dynasty, his voice in all worldly matters the most influential in the court. This appointment, although a seeming downgrade from direct secretary to the Emperor, was in fact an incredible power move. Now that Wei Zhi was directly appointed secretary to the Prime Minister, the Emperor’s intentions were clear, to groom Wei Zhi as the future Prime Minister.

Heated gazes filled the room and it could not be said whether they were envious or anxious.

Feng Zhiwei gratefully thanked His Majesty for his grace, but her mind was on high alert — the Tian Sheng Emperor knew that Prime Minister Yao Ying and Feng Zhiwei were not on good terms, and it was instead Vice Minister Hu Shengshan who favored her. Assigning her to Yao Ying may not play out well for her; was the Emperor moving for his own agenda, balancing the court in his favor?

Shao Ning turned her bright eyes to Feng Zhiwei, laughing brightly: “Many congratulations Master Wei, you are just like Prince Brother Chu, successful in your youth, rapidly climbing the world.”

Feng Zhiwei could only hide her bitter smile. She had somehow burnt herself again, the Princess’s eyes shooting icicles from behind the Emperor’s back.

The Emperor was often easily fatigued in recent years so he soon dismissed the study. Feng Zhiwei stood by attentively, waiting for her turn to leave, when the passing Ning Yi suddenly turned to her, saying: “Master Wei looks listless, be careful of heatstroke in this hot weather.”

“Thank you Your Highness for your concern.” Feng Zhiwei replied courteously, unhappily engaging in the conversation. “It was my honor to witness Your Highness’ lofty and elegant poise as he mapped out strategy, it truly brought back a sense of nostalgia.”

Ning Yi peered into her eyes, and even though her mask was good enough to fool everyone, her eyes were still clear and complex, containing enough emotion to fill a book — some anger, some dissatisfaction, some rejoicing, and some resentment.

He could barely keep from laughing, the crease of a smile on his lips like a flower blossoming in the snow. Feng Zhiwei rarely saw this smile, a side of him in complete contrast to his normal demeanor, and for an instant the beauty dazed her.

But the moment passed and Ning Yi’s shadow was already disappearing around the bend of the hallway. Feng Zhiwei slowly turned her head to follow, her fists clenched, a small little wax-coated ball in her hand.

The Shao Ning Princess had slipped the object into her hand as she walked around the Imperial Desk.

Feng Zhiwei signed with resignation, breaking the wax and unfolding the note. Shao Ning had asked for a meeting.

Outside of the Imperial Study, a small eunuch silently slipped beside Feng Zhiwei, surreptitiously leading her through many turns and finally stopping in front of a small garden. Many seemingly empty residences surrounded the garden, the hanging eaves of the palatial rooms cold and silent.

Strange plants grew around them, their roots clearly northern in origin, but the unsuitable climate and the clear neglect had deprived the plants of all flowers.

A pair of green riding boots silently appeared before Feng Zhiwei’s eyes; she lifted her head and smiled: “This minor minister almost did not recognize the Princess in this new attire.”

Shao Ning stood in blue eunuch’s uniform biting her lip, her face serious as she stared at Feng Zhiwei for a long moment. Finally, she asked: “What happened?”

“I wanted to ask the Princess this as well.” Feng Zhiwei straightened, her eyes filled with confusion. “What happened?”

“You used the thing I gave you?” Shao Ning asked again, her eyes suspicious at Feng Zhiwei’s seeming frankness.

Feng Zhiwei nodded honestly and Shao Ning could only pause, silent.

The Princess’s silence confirmed Feng Zhiwei’s suspicion, and she chuckled coldly as she said: “I’m afraid that I risked my life for the Princess, but the Princess is unwilling to confide in me!”

Shao Ning’s face fell, her imposing poise falling away as she unconsciously stepped backwards.

“If you wish to use me, don’t doubt me; if you doubt me, don’t use me. The Princess has been ruined by her own cleverness.” Feng Zhiwei pressed as Shao Ning backed away. “After the Princess gave me the medicine, why did you not trust me? Why ask Director Liu to tamper with the knife and water? This unnecessary move upset everything!”

“I was not certain that the medicine I gave you would work…” Shao Ning murmured, a sliver of panic in her eyes. “He said that having a backup plan would be good, how could I know that everything would go wrong… but… but…” The Princess lifted her gaze, iron suddenly in her stare as she thrust out her chest. “If you didn’t cut yourself, how would they have found out?”

“The Princess is wrong again.” Feng Zhiwei shook her head. “I did not intentionally cut myself.”

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