Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!




Ruto was surprised when the Eternal Flame summoned him.

He got a bit nervous because the last the Eternal Flame summoned him was when it asked him to stop Neoma in the first timeline from being corrupted by Darkness.

[But I don't think Neoma would go rampant this time.]

Ruto was aware that the current Neoma had a very nasty temper. But the current Neoma was better at controlling her emotions than her past self.

[Moreover, she grew up a bit shrewd, so…]

<"We met again, Commander Yoan.">

"I go by 'Ruto' now, Mr. Eternal Flame," Ruto said. "Is Neoma alright?"

<"Of course, she is.">

"Then why did you summon me?"

<"The little princess decided to share her right to wield the Eternal Flame with her people.">

To say that Ruto was shocked would be an understatement.

If pride would become a person, then it would definitely be Neoma. She would rather die than let other people die for her.

"Did Neoma say why she wanted to share her power with her people?"

<"The little princess said she didn't want to be the strongest if that meant being alone and lonely all over again. Hence, this time, she chose to be strong with everyone else.">


Ruto had always thought the only thing that the current Neoma had in common with Neoma of the first timeline was their pride.

The old Neoma chose her pride even if it meant losing everything else.

[That was how she became the strongest.]

"I see," Ruto whispered to himself, nodding. "Neoma chose happiness this time."

<"But you know that it wouldn't be easy to share my flame with the other children,"> the Eternal Flame said. <"After all, only you and Neoma are the chosen ones– then and now.">

The 'chosen ones,' huh?

It was a title that young and passionate warriors would definitely kill for.

But for old souls like Ruto and Neoma, being the chosen ones was nothing but a burden.

[I understand why Neoma chose to share that burden with the people she trusts.]

Moreover, Ruto was pretty sure that Neoma wouldn't share the burden equally.

[Knowing Neoma, I'm certain she'll still take the heaviest load on her shoulders and let the others take care of the light ones.]

"What are you going to do about Neoma's will then?"

<"I found a way to let the other children use my flame,"> the Eternal Flame answered. <"But the children have to have the same resolve.">

"Did you put them in a trial?"

<"Of course.">

"What kind of did you give them?"

<"I just asked them a question. But the children have to have a uniform answer. Even if just one of them answered differently, then they'll fail the test and my flame would burn them to ashes.">

"Are you not afraid of Neoma's wrath?"

<"I am. But the little princess has faith in those children. Hence, I decided to risk it. I want to see if the little princess trusted the right people this time.">

"Don't worry. Everyone around Neoma is loyal and faithful to her."

<"Let's look at how the children answered my simple question.">


The blank wall in front of Ruto suddenly turned into a split screen.

It was split into six screens that showed each person inside an all-red room.

Prince Nero.


Hanna Quinzel.

Lewis Crevan.

Jasper Hawthorne.

Trevor Kesser.

[Ah, so Neoma chose her Four Pillars and her fellow Elemental Guardian owners.]

Ruto agreed with Neoma's choice.

Hence, he watched in silence as the Eternal Flame put the children to the test.

<"You're here because Neoma Roseheart de Moonasterio chose to share her right to wield the Eternal Flame with you. Should you accept it, you'll have the power to burn anything and everything in the world. Hence, let me ask you. Would you like to be the new wielder of the Eternal Flame?">

"I politely decline. Please use your power to protect Princess Neoma. I'm worried that she might push herself too much for the sake of other people again."

It was Hanna Quinzel's response.

"Don't wanna. Just protect Princess Neoma you."

It was Lewis, talking incoherently in front of something he clearly didn't like.

"Thank you for the offer, but I don't think I need the Eternal Flame. Please stay with Princess Neoma, though. A selfless person like Her Imperial Highness needs your protection."

It was Dahlia's nervous response.

"I'm honored by the offer, but I have to decline. I don't want to take away even a little part of what belongs to Princess Neoma. Just please stay with her and protect my little sister."

It was Jasper Hawthorne's polite request.

"Oh. Your offer is tempting. But between being the new wielder of the Eternal Flame and being my Princess Neoma's biggest simp, I choose the latter~ So, just go back and protect my Moon Princess, okay?"

Ruto frowned at Trevor's annoying response.

"Did you seriously interrupt me while I was in the middle of a serious conversation with an important person just to ask me that stupid question? How dare you? As the next emperor of the Great Moonasterion Empire, I don't need your help. Ice is more interesting than fire anyway."

Of course, it was none other than Prince Nero.

The Crown Prince even had the power to leave the Eternal Flame's space and return to where he had come from.

Yes, Prince Nero WALKED OUT on THE Eternal Flame.

[That's a male Roseheart for you– he can open doors to different dimensions effortlessly.]

<"Get out of here, cheeky brats. You all passed the test. Whether you like it or not, you'll receive a portion of the Eternal Flame– but you'll only be allowed to use it for Neoma Roseheart de Moonasterio's sake. Heed my warning, little ones. If you use my flame for something else or something sinister, then you'll be burned to ashes in an instant.">

After the Eternal Flame's warning, the split screen disappeared.

"The test was easy," Ruto commented. "The consequence seems heavy, though."

<"It has to be. After all, not everyone could wield my flame. Hence, I have to treat the children as the little princess' weapons. Hence, it's only possible for them to wield me if they're doing it for Neoma Roseheart de Moonasterio's sake.">

"Sounds fair," he said, nodding. "However, I don't think that's the reason why Neoma wanted to share her power with those kids. It's supposed to be used for saving the world."

<"To those children, saving the little princess is the same as saving the world.">

It wasn't surprising.

<"The little princess also wished to share my flame with you, Divine Lord.">

Ruto wasn't surprised to hear that.


<"You're not allowed to decline,"> the Eternal Flame said before Ruto could even say anything. <"Even if you do, I will still give you the portion of my flame that you deserve.">

"Alright. But I have a condition."

<"What is it?">

"I will never use the Eternal Flame to hurt or kill Neoma. Never again," Ruto said firmly. "If I was forced to do that, then I want you to burn me to ashes instantly."


NEOMA was really happy to see her friends again.

She could tell that they were in their Spirit forms, but that didn't mean they were dead. Only Spirits could enter the Eternal Flame's realm.

[I'm sure they just collapsed when their souls were summoned here.]

"Hi, everyone!" Neoma greeted her friends. "Where's Nero?"

<"The little prince already went back to his "serious conversation" with a "very important person."">

A very important person?

"Then he must be talking to Neoma of the first timeline," Neoma said. She could just feel it. After all, she was the most important person in Nero's life. "Anyway, I'm glad everyone is here."

That included Ruto, of course.

Neoma noticed that although Hanna, Lewis, Dahlia, Jasper oppa, and Trevor looked happy to see her, they couldn't take their eyes off the person hiding behind her.

[Oh, right.]

"Everyone, this is Vitu," Neoma introduced Vitu, then she linked her arm with her teenage son's arm so that he would stand beside her and not behind her. "He's my son."

"Did you adopt another child?"

That was EVERYONE'S tired question.


[Do I have a reputation that I adopt every child I see???]

"I didn't adopt this boy," Neoma said proudly. "This one is mine. Biologically."

As expected, everyone looked too shocked to respond.

"My name is Vitu," Vitu introduced himself shyly. "My mother is Neoma Roseheart de Moonasterio, and my father is Yoan Solfrid who goes by Ruston Stroganoff Solfrid now…"

Her baby boy was forced to stop talking when, suddenly, Lewis and Trevor attacked Ruto.

[Omo, omo.]

Ruto blocked Lewis' kick with one arm, and he used his other hand to create a barrier when Trevor threw a ball of dark energy at him.


[My ex-man is really good at blocking~]

"Neoma, that son of yours came from the past, didn't he?" Hanna asked nervously. "Right?"

Dahlia looked like she wanted to ask the same thing.

Jasper oppa, too.

"Of course," Neoma said. "How can I give birth to a teenage boy? Even I can't do that. I'm sure Lewis and Trevor know that, too. They just let their bodies move first before thinking."

[Tsk, tsk.]

"I'm relieved to hear that, Princess Neoma," Jasper oppa said. "I barely held myself back from attacking the White Knights' commander."


[I'm surrounded by overprotective people.]

And it felt nice~

"Mother, why did they attack Father?" Vitu asked worriedly. "Is Father hated by your friends?"

"It's because this mother of yours is loved dearly, my precious son," Neoma said while rubbing Vitu's back to console her poor son. "Lewis, Trevor, don't traumatize my Vitu. If you don't stop attacking Ruto, I'll get mad."

Lewis and Trevor instantly stopped attacking Ruto and went to her.

"My Moon Princess, it's okay for you to be a single mother," Trevor said right away. "Just ask that damned commander for child support. You don't have to marry him, okay?"

"Gosh. I'm glad Nero isn't here," Neoma said, shaking her head. Then she turned to Lewis. "Oh, Lewis. You can finally graduate as my son–"

"I'm Princess Neoma's first son," Lewis declared firmly while glaring at Vitu with his glowing golden eyes. "I was first."

Neoma was confused.

[Why is Lewis suddenly competing with my other son when he used to hate being called my son?!]

"But I'm the real one," Vitu said coyly, his red eyes glowering. "I'm Mother's real son, so she doesn't need you anymore to play as her son, Lewis Crevan."


Neoma didn't like what Vitu said, especially when hurt crossed Lewis' eyes.

[But do I have the heart to scold Vitu…?]


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