Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!


"YOUR ROYAL Highness, are you really okay?"

Neoma smiled at Stephanie's concern. The head maid was shocked when she saw the scar in her chest when she was changing her clothes a while ago. "I'm fine, Stephanie," she assured the head maid with a smile. It was true. Even though she was hurt several times in just a span of a few hours, she was still alive and kicking. But she was starting to get sleepy. "Once Madam Hammock puts the magical ointment on my scar, it will disappear."

Well, hopefully.

The ointment really worked like magic. But since the wound that she received came from the Death's Scythe-turned-spear, she wasn't sure if the ointment would be enough to make the nasty scar on her chest disappear.

I'm cool with it though. Battle scars are awesome. Even L*ffy has a scar on his chest.

"I don't know what happened but I can tell that you've been through a lot, Your Royal Highness," Stephanie said in a voice filled with sympathy. "As soon as the ceremony is over, I will tuck you in bed."

She smiled and hugged the head maid. "Thank you, Stephanie."

After Stephanie checked her prince outfit one more time, she was finally satisfied.

Neoma looked like a prince pulled out from a fairy tale book from head to toe. Although she changed her red prince outfit into a white and gold one, she still looked immaculately "handsome." It didn't look like she almost died twice just a few hours ago.


Since Lewis hadn't returned yet, it was Sir Glenn who fetched her from the parlor room. Then, they discreetly went to the waiting room– the one where she and her Papa Boss stayed before they entered the Castillo Hall a while ago.

"How are they, Sir Glenn?" Neoma asked when they arrived at the waiting room. They were free to talk that way because the two of them were in that chamber. "Is Nero still asleep? How about Hanna and Princess Brigitte?"

"Prince Nero is still asleep and His Holiness made sure that His Royal Highness will have a deep slumber," Sir Glenn reported while standing properly in front of him. "Lady Hanna Quinzel and Princess Brigitte are both awake now. According to Madam Hammock, both ladies are also out of immediate danger."

"Thank goodness," she said, then she let out a sigh of relief. "Now we only have to worry about Nero."

"We're also worried about you, Princess Neoma," the knight said seriously. "That's why all of us who knew the truth want to end the crowning ceremony as early as possible."

She just smiled at Sir Glenn gratefully.

Although she wanted to assure the knight that she was really fine, she didn't have the chance to do so because the "announcer" already summoned them. Then, just like when she entered the hall with Papa Boss a while ago, her arrival was once again announced to the public.

She went down the same grand staircase of the hall the second time that night.

But this time, her Papa Boss wasn't with her. Sir Glenn walked five feet behind her. That meant she was practically alone this time as she descended the staircase. Like a while ago, she felt the curious gaze on her of almost everyone in the room. Even if the hall was silent, she could "hear" the judgment in their guests' silence.

It can't be helped because according to Sir Glenn when I asked, the crowning ceremony was delayed for two hours.

That kind of amazed her, to be honest.

She spent so many "lifetimes" when she was trapped in the endless nightmare that Gin created for her. But in the real world, only a few hours went by.

Her thoughts were cut-off when she saw six Holy Knights waiting for her at the end of the staircase. She had been informed that Saint Zavaroni brought his knights to escort her, but she was still surprised to see them in person.

Well, she couldn't see their face because every Holy Knight wore their full silver armor. But their presence was definitely different from ordinary knights.

Gosh, they're making me feel special.

When she finally descended the grand staircase, the Holy Knights bowed to her. She bowed lightly as a response.

The guests looked utterly surprised by that exchange. After all, everyone knew about the on-going conflict between the royal family and the Astello Church. If she remembered it right, the conflict began during her crazy grandfather's reign.

Although her Papa Boss somehow mended the royal family's tension with the Astello Church, there was still no clear amendment between the two.

But it seems like it ends tonight.

"People of the Great Moonasterion Empire," Emperor Nikolai said formally when she joined him on the "stage" where their thrones were next to each other. Anyway, her Papa Boss gestured to her with his hand while acknowledging their audience. "I present to you His Royal Highness Prince Nero, the First Star, and the crown prince of our homeland."

Everyone in the hall respectfully bowed and curtsied respectfully in front of her.

"You may now raise your head," Neoma said in a formal yet gentle tone. When everyone did as she said, she smiled at them. Her Papa Boss told her not to appear too friendly. But to hell with that. She wasn't a "tyrant" like him. "May the Moon's serenity, mercy, and blessings be upon you."

That official greetings of her also officially began the crowning ceremony.

After that, Count Sprouse and Sir Glenn brought the purple Royal Robe to Emperor Nikolai.

Then, her Papa Boss draped the Royal Robe over her shoulders.

The emperor gave a little more speech before he called Saint Zavaroni that, much to her shock, brought the Three Sacred Crown Jewels in a golden tray (while being escorted by his Holy Knights). It was the collection of royal ceremonial objects that included the regalia and vestments worn by a royal during their coronation.

For her, the crown prince (the place that originally belonged to Nero), she was about to receive the following: Aster (the Prince Crown), Polaris (the Star Scepter), and the vial called 'Yule's Tears.'

Those three were the symbols of her position as the crown prince.

Nero, let me borrow them for the meantime. I will return your rightful place to you someday. But for now, let me protect it in your stead.

When Saint Zavaroni joined them on the stage, her Papa Boss guided her to her own throne. The saint handed the golden tray to Sir Glenn. Then, His Holiness said a few words before he began to hand her the Three Sacred Crown Jewels.

First, the saint handed her Polaris (the Star Scepter made of gold), then, the vial that apparently had the real tears of Yule (the Moon God that the empire worshipped). And finally, Emperor Nikolai carefully put the crown called Aster on her head.

This isn't what we practiced during the rehearsal. The saint wasn't supposed to be the one to officiate the crowning ceremony. It should have been the head priest of the Steora Church– the biggest church in the Royal Capital.

"Your Royal Highness, on behalf of Astello Temple, allow me to give you a present for being officially hailed as the empire's crown prince," Saint Zavaroni said, then he pulled out velvet box from the inside pocket of his mantle. When he opened the box, a shining and vivid blue diamond ring surprised her. "This ring is called Lynx– and our temple believes that this ring was personally worn by Lord Yule when he temporarily descended the earth as a human."

She knew that a blue diamond was precious because even in the modern world where she came from, it was one of the most valuable (and rare) gemstones ever.

But the shocked look on her Papa Boss told her that Lynx Ring was precious not just because of its prize. Even most of the guests looked like they couldn't believe that His Holiness gave her the blue diamond as a present.

Well, whatever. It belongs to Nero anyway. I'm just a caretaker of my twin brother's possessions.

"My utmost gratitude for the precious gift that you entrusted to me, Your Holiness," Neoma said politely, then she lightly bowed to the saint. "I will cherish it until my last breath."


"PAPA BOSS," Neoma said in a sleepy voice while following her father in the hallway of Yule Palace– the emperor's official residence. "I'm not picking a fight with you but may I go now? I'm really starting to get worried about Lewis." She paused, then she blinked several times. "And Trevor."

Emperor Nikolai stopped walking, then he turned around to face her. "I didn't tell you this because you were in the middle of taking the oath when Kyle gave me a report earlier. According to him, Lewis Crevan sent a message through Saint Zavaroni. The foxy boy informed us that he'll return with the demon book. He asked the saint for assistance because they didn't want to forcefully break the Royal Palace's barrier and cause a commotion."

She blinked several times because her brain "buffered" again due to exhaustion. Then, she let out a sigh of relief. Of course, she was curious how Lewis ended up finding Trevor. But her brain was too tired to go along with her curiosity. The important thing was her son and the stupid demon book were both safe now. "One hour, Papa Boss," she said, then she covered her mouth with her hands when she yawned. "Let me sleep in my palace for one hour. Then, I'll go and talk to Lewis and Trevor."

"You can do that tomorrow," he said. "Use my room for tonight."


"You were abducted by the Devil again. We can't be too complacent that they wouldn't try to do that again," her father said casually. Ah, she also noticed that he seemed to refuse to acknowledge that Princess Nichole was the Devil. "The safest place for you to rest for now is my bedroom. Since Lewis may not be in the condition to protect you and Glenn is guarding Nero and His Holiness, I'm the only person available to keep an eye on you all night."

"Are you going to make me sleep on the floor or the sofa, Papa Boss?"

"Is that how low am I in your eyes?"

She nodded, too tired to sugar coat her words. "I'm sorry if you were offended, Papa Boss. But you have to acknowledge that you haven't been the best father to me for the past eight years. So please excuse my rudeness every time I doubt your kind words and actions."

He fell silent for a few seconds before he nodded slowly. "Your concern is valid," he said. "I'm being sincere this time. You may use my bed. Don't worry because I don't have any plan to sleep tonight."

"Okay," she agreed since she was too tired to argue anyway. And since her Papa Boss was being too kind to her tonight, she decided to test her luck one more time. "Papa Boss?"


She raised her tiny arms. "Carry me," she said. "My legs hurt like crazy."

"You're so spoiled."

"I'm a baby. I have the license to act spoiled," she reminded him. "Hurry, Papa Boss. My arms are starting to hurt, too."

He rolled his eyes at her, then he got down on one knee and awkwardly put his hands on her waist. Then, much to her shock, he lifted her as he stood up– only to drape her over his shoulder as if she was a sack of rice.

Well, she had to admit that despite the awkward position, she still felt secured because of his hands on her back.

"Papa Boss, I hope you didn't carry Mama this way in the past," Neoma said, then she closed her eyes as she could no longer fight her drowsiness. "You should learn from Duke Quinzel what a "princess carry" is…"

"Just shut up and sleep," Emperor Nikolai, her perpetually grumpy Papa Boss, scolded her. "And Mona just laughed when I carried her this way in the past."


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