Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!


"PAPA BOSS, can we talk about this some other time?" Neoma asked while picking up the evil-looking chopped pickle on top of her deviled egg. In the empire, it was simply called a stuffed egg. But the evil Royal Chef Stroganoff decided to use chopped pickles as a topping for her precious devil egg. What an evil man! "I want to discuss the thing about my private army after I prepare a powerpoint presentation."

But of course, by "powerpoint presentation," she meant a detailed report.

"I will write a detailed explanation as to what kind of people I want in my private army," she continued while putting her chopped pickles on Lewis's deviled egg.

"Alright. That can wait anyway," Emperor Nikolai said, then he put his teacup down on the saucer. "What are you doing with your food?"

"I don't like pickles," she said, then she turned to Lewis with a smile. "But Lewis needs to eat more vegetables for him to grow taller, stronger, and prettier. Right, Lewis?"

Lewis just nodded, then he silently ate the chopped pickles that she put on his plate.

Just the chopped pickles though. He didn't touch the deviled egg. After all, he didn't like eating a big meal in front of other people.

"If you don't like pickles, you don't have to eat it," the emperor said as if he didn't understand why she had to give the food to Lewis instead of leaving it on her plate.

"The Royal Chef will scold me again if he finds out that I didn't eat veggies again," she said with a pout. She also didn't like broccoli. The first time she sent a plate back to the royal kitchen with some leftover broccoli, the Royal Chef sent her a letter about how she shouldn't avoid eating veggies. From then on, she'd eat a little bit of the vegetables she didn't like, then make Lewis eat them so the Royal Chef wouldn't know that she didn't eat them. "He's strict like that."

"A mere chef scolding a royal, huh? Interesting," her Papa Boss said, then he sipped his tea before he spoke again. "Glenn."

Sir Glenn immediately straightened on his seat. "Yes, Your Majesty?"

"Fire the Royal Chef."

She gasped when she heard her father's order to the knight. "Papa Boss, why are you suddenly firing Chef Stroganoff?"

"He doesn't know his place," her Papa Boss said casually. "What made him think that he's above you for him to scold you over vegetables?"

Was her father angry because he thought the Royal Chef was looking down on the "crown prince?"

"Papa Boss, it's not like that," she explained with a smile. She needed to smile and calm the emperor because she didn't want the Royal Chef to lose his precious job. "Chef Stroganoff and I are good friends. We exchange letters frequently, you know?"

That was true.

Every time she craved for a "modern food," she'd write down the ingredients and the procedure. Then, she'd send it to the Royal Chef. After that, Chef Stroganoff would try cooking those dishes then send it to her residence. She would taste test the dish, then write a review until the Royal Chef gets it right.

"Chef Stroganoff is scolding me not because he's looking down on me," she explained carefully. "He does it because he cares for me. And his "scolding" is never harsh. He politely explains to me the importance of eating healthy and balanced food. Please don't fire him, Papa Boss. I like the Royal Chef."

The emperor fell silent for a few seconds before he finally gave his verdict. "Just make sure that you're not being looked down on."

She smiled brightly, then gave her Papa Boss a thumbs up. "Of course, Papa Boss. Do you think anyone in this palace can look down on the Great Neoma Ramsay?"

"You're not a Ramsay," her father said in an annoyed tone. "Where did you even get that name?"

She slowly put her hand down. Gosh, why the sudden change of mood? "It's just a name that I came up with," she lied. "I have to hide that I'm a royal princess so I made up a name for myself."

Sir Glenn looked at her with pity in his eyes.

On the other hand, her Papa Boss just ignored that and changed the topic. "Why are you exchanging letters with Duke Jasper Hawthorne?"

"His Grace is trying to buy Mount Kimbro from me," she lied again. "I said I'm not selling it."

"If the duke bothers you again, tell Glenn," her father said. "I gave him the permission to deal with anything or anyone that bothers you."

Oh, that was convenient.

"Thank you, Papa Boss," she said. When the emperor just sipped his tea, she turned to Sir Glenn. "Sir Glenn, thank you for always taking care of me. No wonder you're my second most favorite person in the palace!"

Sir Glenn's face instantly lit up. "Really, Princess Neoma? I'm your second most favorite person in the palace?"

She gave the knight a thumbs up. "Of course. You deserve that place, Sir Glenn."

"Thank you, Princess Neoma," the knight said. "I'm much honored to be considered one of your most favorite people."

She just smiled and munched on her deviled egg.

"Princess Neoma, may I know who's your most favorite person is?" Sir Glenn asked excitedly, then he not-so-discreetly turned to Emperor Nikolai was who in the middle of drinking his tea. "Surely, it must be His Ma–"

"Of course, it's Lewis," Neoma said with a smile, cutting-off the knight who seemed to suddenly freeze in his seat. She didn't want to meet Sir Glenn's questioning look so she turned to Lewis. "You're my most favorite person in the world, Lewis."

Lewis didn't smile but his golden eyes sure glowed beautifully.


"YOUR MAJESTY, please cheer up," Glenn, who stood beside him now that he was seated behind his office desk, said brightly. "I'm sure you're on the list of Princess Neoma's most favorite people in the palace. We might be tied in second place, Your Majesty."

"Glenn," Nikolai said coldly without looking up from the paperwork in his hands. "Shut up."

The knight got the message clear because he didn't even respond to his order.

Finally, some peace and quiet.

He didn't know why Glenn had to cheer him up just because of the incident a while ago. It wasn't like he wanted to be one of Neoma's most favorite people. He wasn't a child who wanted to someone else's "favorite."

And who cares if that foxy boy that he picked up from somewhere was his daughter's number one?

Not him– absolutely not him.

"Your Majesty?"

"What?" he snapped at the knight.

"Please don't crumple the contract in your hands," Sir Glenn said nervously. "It's an important document from the Hazelden Kingdom."

He immediately loosened his grip.

To be honest, he was quite surprised to realize that he almost crumpled it. He didn't notice that he was doing it until Glenn pointed it out.

Am I under the weather?

His thoughts were cut-off when he felt the presence of his Soul Beasts. A few moments later, he heard a knock on the door.

"Your Majesty, it's me," Nero said formally. "May I come in?"

He speaks formally but his tone is rude.

"Come in," he told the royal prince.

Nero entered the room. He was dressed as 'Lady Nara Quinzel.' And yet, the sharpness of his gaze and overall posture still screamed that he was royalty.

Ah, the White Tiger and the Black Tortoise were still following his son. But the two Soul Beasts had transformed into small balls of white energy. Even if they followed Nero around, only people on the same level as Glenn at least could see them.

He set aside his paperwork to face his son properly. "Did you walk Hanna Quinzel back to her room?"

Nero just nodded, then he immediately changed the topic. "Your Majesty, I need a huge amount of money and the fastest jewelry maker in the empire."

"That can easily be arranged," he said. "But what are you planning to make?"

"Do I really need to tell you?"

"Of course."

Nero let out a deep sigh before he spoke. "I want to leave a gift for Neoma and Hanna before I go back to Trevor's territory."

Nikolai raised a brow at that. He already expected that he wanted a gift for Neoma. But he didn't expect that Nero would think of giving Hanna a present, too. Ah, is the future crown princess going to come from House Quinzel again?


TREVOR smiled when he saw his future son Lewis standing in front of Princess Neoma's room. That meant his Moon Princess was inside. He went to the right place then. "Hello, son," he greeted him, then he tried to walk past the fox boy. "Goodbye, son."

All of a sudden, Lewis grabbed him by the hair.

"Ouch!" he complained, then he glared at his son. But he had to look up because Lewis was taller than him. Damn his growth spurt. "Hey, you shouldn't do this to your future father."

The fox boy finally let go of his hair. "You're not my father," he said. "Don't come in. Princess Neoma is changing."

"Oh, okay," Trevor said. He tried to pat Lewis's shoulder but he suddenly stepped away from him. Well, he was already aware that the fox boy didn't enjoy skinship (but Princess Neoma was the exception). "Hey, I just want to congratulate you for being a good son to my Moon Princess."

"I'm not Princess Neoma's son," Lewis said. He didn't sound annoyed this time though. In fact, he sounded arrogant which was unusual for the fox boy. "I am Princess Neoma's most favorite person in the world."



NOTE: Ah, finally! I was able to update daily for a month. Congrats to us! Unfortunately, I won't be able to do it this March. I wasn't able to prepare a stockpile for my new privilege tier because I was busy with my day job.

Anyway, I will add FIVE more chapters so please give me three or five days before I post them.

I promise that they're going to be worth it.

The next arc is going to be INSANE. So please consider buying my privilege. My dream is to have more than 500 priv readers this time. Thank you to the 306 people who bought my priv. Love y'all. Hope to see you again this month. Hehe.

Here are a few things that you can look forward to in the upcoming arc:

1. Duke Jasper Hawthorne and Princess Neoma de Moonasterio roasting each other--- verbally and literally. LOL

2. You'll see why Sir Glenn is called 'Mad Dog; He's not that kind, yk?

3. Friends and allies leaving Neoma one by one. :(

4. You'll finally meet REGINA CROWELL! Which means Rubin Drayton will return. Haha yeah, I know you're not excited about that.

5. MY FAVORITE PART OF THE UPCOMING ARC: NEOMA GOING ON A RAMPAGE. Our princess is batshit crazy, I tell you.

Yes, I am bribing (and begging) you to buy my privilege tiers: 1 coin for 2 advanced chapters, 50 coins for 5 chapters, and 100 coins for 10 chapters. Hope you consider buying them. Thank you. <3

Again, please give me 3-5 days to prepare for my next update. Sorry in advance for making you wait. And thank you always for the support. :)


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