Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!


NEOMA was back at her job as Nero's replacement.

As soon as the Moon Festival ended, she returned to her busy life as the Crown Prince. To be honest, she became busier now that she was obliged to attend official royal duties. Her training hours lessened, but her administrative jobs had doubled up.

"You have to important meetings at the end of the month," Emperor Nikolai, her workaholic Papa Boss, said when she arrived at his office after being summoned. "First, you're going to officially greet the heads of the Twelve Golden Families."

"Yey," Neoma said in a lazy voice while clapping her hands slowly. Right now, she was standing in front of her father's desk. Of course, Sir Glenn stood beside her Papa Boss. On the other hand, Lewis was waiting for her outside the office. After all, the emperor didn't like letting people he disliked come in and out of his palace. "I can't wait to meet the circus."

She said "circus" because as far as she remembered from her first life, the Twelve Golden Families were the "clowns" that run the empire to ruins.

The Twelve Golden Families were the twelve oldest families in the empire that survived throughout the years. They were the families that had stayed with the royal family ever since the empire was built. Of course, some of them were the ones responsible for the downfall of other old families such as House Roseheart and the Silver Fox Clan . Thus, her reluctance and disinterest to meet them.

Having said that, she'd admit that she was also a little excited to finally meet the heads of the Twelve Golden Families. After all, not all of them were enemies. Plus, she needed to charm them anyway to strengthen Nero's position as the Crown Prince.

And it isn't that bad since House Quinzel belongs to the Twelve Golden Families. As long as Duke Rufus Quinzel is there, I'll be fine.

"I don't know what you mean by calling them a "circus," but keep your attitude in check," her father warned her. "House Lennox is the most powerful and the most influential family among the Golden Age."

Right, the Twelve Golden Families were also known as the 'Golden Age' collectively.

"Even though it's hard, try not to fight with the head of House Lennox," her Papa Boss said. "You can be rude to everyone but them. Do you understand, Prince Nero?"

"Yes, Father," she said, mimicking how Nero called her father since her Papa Boss called her by Nero's name even though only Sir Glenn was there with them.

As she expected, the emperor's face turned red as if he was embarrassed that she reminded him of how Nero called him.

She couldn't help but laugh at her tsundere father's reaction.

Suddenly, she was reminded of what happened before Nero left for hell with Trevor.

After she said that Nero and her Papa Boss had gotten closer, the two scowled at her and denied her "accusation" at the same time– further proving her point right.

"Papa Boss, if you miss Nero, just say so," she said, teasing her father. "I'll put on a pokerface and call you 'Father' like how my twin brother does it."

Sir Glenn stifled a laugh.

On the other hand, her father glared at the knight. When Sir Glenn coughed and put on a serious look on his face, only then did her Papa Boss turn to her. He didn't comment on her teasing. Instead, he changed the topic swiftly.

How sly.

"At the end of the month, the White Lion Knights will finally return to the Royal Capital," her father continued. "Since you don't have your own Order of Knights yet, I'll lend you the elite squad of my army."

This time, her enthusiasm was genuine. "I can't wait to meet them, Papa Boss."

"I can see that," he said. "Anyway, we haven't talked about the details of the kind of people that you want to be your knights. When should we discuss it again?"

Right, she almost forgot about her "Dream Team."

"I've been busy lately so I haven't prepared a powerpoint presentation– I mean, a detailed report yet, Papa Boss," she said. Oops. She couldn't help but say "powerpoint presentation" because in her past life, that was how she would report her business proposals to her clients. Yes, she wasn't just a simple vlogger in her second life. She would also endorse products and every time she did, she would make sure to get heavily involved with the campaign. Thus, her presentation skills were polished. "But I'll make time for it this week. Please expect my detailed report this weekend."

Her father just nodded. "Do you need an aide, Neoma?"

"Oh, you're going to give me an aide, Papa Boss?"

"You need one since you've already started your official royal duties," her Papa Boss said. "It's also time to increase the servants in your palace. It will be bad for your image if people outside the palace find out that you only have Stephanie and Alphen."

That wasn't technically true.

She had other maids and butlers working in Blanco Palace. But only Stephanie and Alphen were allowed inside her bedroom. After all, only the head maid and the head butler knew about her royal secret.

Anyway, aside from the maids and the butlers, she also had gardeners and "errand boys." And of course, she couldn't forget about the Royal Kitchen in her palace.

Ruto makes my meals but he's in Yule Palace.

"Stephanie and Alphen both came from a viscount family, but that status isn't good enough to serve the Crown Prince. It was only good enough when you were still known as the royal prince," her father continued. "I'm no longer satisfied with them as your servants now that you've gained a higher position. I only appointed them as the head maid and the head butler of Blanco Palace because they know the royal secret."

"But Stephanie and Alphen are good at their jobs, Papa Boss," she insisted. "Stephanie and Alphen are strict but kind. I like that they're not afraid to speak their mind when they needed to do so. Plus, both of them saved me with their powers when Luna Palace was attacked. You know, when the weak royal guards that you assigned to our previous residence were easily eliminated by assassins."

Stephanie and Alphen were both nobles. Thus, they could use Mana. Although their powers were average, they still managed to protect her properly that tragic night.

She wouldn't forget that.

"I understand that I need to maintain a certain image as a Crown Prince," she said calmly. She didn't want to lose her control because Stephanie and Alphen's positions were on the line. Thus, she needed to convince her father to let the two stay as Blanco Palace's head maid and head butler respectively. "I won't stop you from hiring more people with higher status to work at my residence, Papa Boss. But please allow me to keep Stephanie and Alphen by my side. I'm not saying this just because I owe them my life. I'm simply vouching for their competence and reliability. It will be a shame if you fire them just because you think their noble status isn't satisfactory to serve the Crown Prince."

Her father looked at her as if he was examining her face.

She held her breath, then she gave her Papa Boss the best "angelic" face that she could muster at the moment.

"Alright, I'll let Stephanie and Alphen keep their positions," her father said. "But in return, I will personally choose the new servants that will work for you."

She was already relieved that Stephanie and Alphen would continue working for her, so she didn't mind her father's condition. Thus, she gave him a thumbs up. "Oki doki, Papa Boss."

Her father just gave her a look that said he was so done with her "weird" choice of words, then he waved his hand dismissively. "You're dismissed, little rogue."

'Little rogue?'

Was that her new pet name or something? Well, it didn't sound bad. Maybe her father was just being careful not to call her Neoma too much even though his office was a "safe place" for her royal secret.

But to be honest, she didn't expect that her father was the type to give "soft" pet names to other people. Could it be…

"Papa Boss, are you opening up your heart to me?" Neoma asked in a playful voice. "Gosh, this is what we call character development."

This time, Sir Glenn wasn't able to hold back and he laughed merrily while clapping his hands.

On the other hand, Emperor Nikolai shut his eyes tight, then he pinched the bridge of his nose as if he was stressed. "Just get out and play outside, Neoma de Moonasterio."

Someone is shy.



"MOCHI, I almost convinced myself that you were just a fever dream," Neoma said while walking to the pond with Mochi in her arms (and Lewis quietly following behind). The white bunny appeared when she was kicked out of her tsundere father's office a while ago. Then, the Spirit asked her to come to the pond. Yes, the one where she almost died a few years back because of the late Duke Sloane. "Why do you keep on disappearing?"

"I apologize for not being able to stay by your side recently, my little lamb," Mochi said. Wow, did a white bunny just call her a "lamb?" Why do people keep on giving her cute pet names these days? "As I mentioned a while ago, I found a Spirit here that will help you learn how to become a proper Summoner. After finding it, I needed to ask little Nikolai the permission to have this area among ourselves. I've been tossed to Count Kyle Sprouse, so I've been working with that guy these days. I dislike that boy, but at least he got the job done. Thanks to him, not a single soul is allowed to enter the premise as long as we're using it."

Ah, so that was the reason why she hadn't seen anyone in the area yet.

Not even Stephanie and Alphen insisted on following her. The two must have received an instruction or something from Count Kyle Sprouse.

"Does the Spirit you found dwell in the pond?" she asked curiously when they arrived at the pavilion above the pond. Yes, it was the same pavilion that the late Duke Sloane destroyed in the past. It was fixed a long time ago and thus, that area had become one of her "havens." She used to come there and scream profanities as a form of releasing her stress. "You wouldn't ask me to come here without a reason, Mochi."

"I'm glad that you're as smart as Mona, Princess Neoma," Mochi said in a proud voice, then she hopped on the railing while facing the pond. "Come out, you insufferable diva!"

She was shocked when the water suddenly rose up.

And then, something appeared in front of her. Wait, maybe it would be more appropriate to say that "someone" appeared floating in front of her as the water that rose up a while ago began to return to the pond.

Aside from the beautiful being facing her, she also noticed that they didn't get wet when the water rose up a while ago.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

What mattered most was the beautiful being in front of her: Long and wavy blue-greenish hair, beautiful bronze skin, and a fishtail with pretty purple scales.

She didn't want to assume the gender of the being but judging by their physical body, they could be a man. She couldn't say for sure yet. But there was one thing she was sure of.

Neoma's eyes widened in disbelief. "A merman?!"


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