Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!


<"I RECENTLY found out that my father was actually the previous emperor– who was also Emperor Nikolai's father. The crows used the previous emperor's Seed to conceive me.">

Nikolai felt disgusted after hearing Calyx's revelation.

[That spawn of evil is my brother?]

When the stone tabs appeared above the Royal Palace, Nikolai and Mona stepped out on the balcony of their office to check what those things were.

That was when Calyx's face appeared on the 'screen.'

They were about to destroy the stone tabs when they heard Neoma's voice, so they stopped and watched the broadcast.

"It didn't sound like a lie," Mona said worriedly. "Calyx has no reason to lie anymore since it was already revealed that he wasn't your son. He also openly said that he was conceived using the previous emperor's Seed." His wife turned to her with a disgusted look on her face. Of course, the disgust wasn't directed at Nikolai. "Why do I have a feeling that your father voluntarily offered his Seeds to the crows?"

"I wouldn't put it past my father," Nikolai said, sighing while shaking his head. "Although I do not like the fact that Calyx turned out to be my brother, I'm relieved that he isn't Nichole's son as we feared at first."

His wife nodded in agreement. "Yes, that's a relief. But I bet Nichole wouldn't be happy to hear that the two of you have a younger brother."

He frowned at that. "Calyx is no brother of us."

"Right," Mona agreed with him strongly. "Just because you share the same father doesn't make you siblings."

"I won't let that kind of person become a part of our family," Nikolai said firmly. "Never."


"YOU DON'T have to call me 'Uncle.'"

"Like hell I would," Neoma said in response to what Calyx said. "Are you done talking?"

"You can't kill me, Princess Neoma," Calyx said confidently. "If you kill me or any of the people with me right now, then Lord Helstor will hasten the process of swallowing the moon and the sun. I'm sure you can kill me, but can you handle how the citizens would react if you did?"

Ah, fuck it.

The crows used their brain this time.

[And they learned the benefits of broadcasting live pretty well.]

Neoma could kill Calyx now, but the backlash from the people would be too much.

The citizens were already in a panic state.

If Helstor "hastened" the process of "swallowing the moon and the sun," then the people would curse the Imperial Family.

And that was her greatest fear.

[I don't want a revolt to happen.]

Neoma was confident that the Imperial Family could subdue the rebellion, but she didn't want to hurt or kill their very own people that they were obliged to protect.

"Is that all you have to say, you fuckface?"

Calyx just laughed at Neoma's "colorful" choice of words. "Yes, Princess Neoma. I'm only here to give you an ultimatum. You have thirteen days to decide whether to give up the throne, or let the world get swallowed by Darkness."

"You said Lord Helstor will swallow the moon and the sun in thirteen days?"

"That's correct, Princess Neoma."

Neoma laughed like the madwoman that she was. "Eating too much will only give you indigestion," she said, her ash-gray eyes turning glowing red. "Tell Helstor that he might be biting off more than he can chew."

Calyx laughed softly as if he was amused. "Is that all, Princess Neoma?"

"No," she said. "Tell that fuckface that the first Absolute Darkness didn't succeed during the Ancient Period because of the Light Goddess and the other gods who literally lit up the world back then. He must have thought he'd succeed this time because the Light Goddess isn't here anymore. But guess what?" She pointed at her beautiful face. "Lord Helstor already lost the moment I was born in this era."

Lewis and Trevor clapped passionately in support of Neoma's bold declaration.

[Thank you for the moral support, boys.]

Calyx, on the other hand, lost his arrogant smile. "Princess Neoma, your arrogance never fails to amaze me. Do you think your existence alone can save the world?"

"No, but who says I'm gonna screw you over on my own? Even if I want to, my family and friends won't let me fight this battle alone," Neoma said, scoffing. "Tell Helstor and the other damned gods helping him that their old generation is over. It's time for MY generation to light up the world until he cries blood."

She then laughed in a way that would make people think she was the bad guy.

[But what can I do? I have a resting bitch face when I'm not faking a smile.]

"For someone who's dying, you sound too confident, Princess Neoma."

That didn't sit well with Lewis and Trevor.

Especially when Dilan and Regina laughed with Calyx.

Neoma had to grab Lewis and Trevor by their arms to stop them from lunging at the devil trio (Calyx, Dilan, and Regina, of course). "Gosh, why are you getting provoked? Have you forgotten that if it was just shit-talking, no one can beat me to it?"

Lewis bowed his head in apology. "I'm sorry, Princess Neoma."

"I apologize for getting carried away by my emotions, Princess Neoma," Trevor said, sighing. "In my defense, Calyx has a punchable face. He's the ugliest de Moonasterio I've seen in my long life."


"That's acceptable," Neoma said, then she stepped forward to face Calyx and his minions again. "Hey, you seem to think I'm dying just because Helstor saw my shortened lifespan. But that was, like, more than a week ago?"

Calyx scoffed. "Can you extend your lifespan in just a week, Princess Neoma?"

"I can't– but a major god can."

Of course, Neoma was just bluffing.

But Calyx, and even Dilan and Regina, looked surprised by what she said.

[See? I told you. No one can beat me in shit-talking– and that includes bluffing. I'm not called a 'scammer' for nothing.]

"If you're talking about Lord Yule, then you must be lying, Princess Neoma," Calyx said confidently. "We already know that the Moon God has abandoned the de Moonasterios."

[Look at this little piece of shit open his dirty mouth just to sprout garbage.]

It was obvious Calyx said that on purpose for the citizens to hear.

[The crows are trying to make the people lose their faith in the Imperial Family.]

"Lord Yule didn't abandon us– he was forced to cut us off because you and that damned Callisto de Luca threatened him. Lord Yule, my super grandpa, sacrificed himself because he knows the Imperial Family isn't so weak that we'd crumble just because we lost his support," Neoma lied with a straight face. "Moreover, do you think only the Moon God supports me?"

She slowly approached Calyx who seemed surprised.

But the bastard probably wanted to look tough, hence he didn't budge from his spot.

And it was a wrong move.

Neoma punched Calyx, and that punch broke his nose– sending him tumbling to the ground.

Dilan and Regina tried to attack her, but Trevor and Lewis blocked the two.

Trevor faced Dilan, while Lewis faced Regina.

"I didn't use my Mana, and yet you already went down with just one punch? What a fucking weakling," Neoma said while looking down at Calyx. "I probably would have killed you had I used Mana."

Calyx, who was holding his bleeding nose, looked up and glared at her with his glowing red eyes. "I didn't expect the one and only Imperial Princess to be this violent."

"That's for spreading bullshit that scared the people of the Great Moonasterion Empire," Neoma said, then she faced the camera to address the citizens watching her. "To the brave citizens of the empire, I know you're scared. But the Imperial Family has no intention to cower before the God of Eternal Darkness. We will protect you, even if it means starting a war."

There, she said it.

She didn't really want to start a war.

But she was reminded of what Hanna said to her that morning.

["The peace that the empire enjoys at this moment is temporary, Neoma. Sometimes, in order to achieve long-lasting peace, we have to make sacrifices.]

"A war?" Calyx asked in disbelief. "Are you declaring war, Princess Neoma?"

"As the Imperial Princess, I do not have the power to declare war," Neoma said while shaking her head. Then she walked towards the main stone tab. "And if the Imperial Family did end up declaring war, it will do you good if you remember that you started this shit, Helstor and Callisto de Luca."

After saying her last piece, Neoma punched the stone tab with her fist covered in Tteokbokki's red flame.


NERO smiled after watching Neoma destroy Calyx with a punch and a string of vicious words.

The 'live show' ended after his twin sister tore down the stone tab.

"Neoma finally made up her mind," Hanna said, smiling. "A war it is."

Since it was Neoma who brought it up, Hanna and Nero were sure the emperor and the empress wouldn't oppose.

[Because Neoma wouldn't resort to war if there were other options left.]

"My precious twin sister made a very wise decision," Nero said, laughing softly. "Let's begin preparing for war then."


WHILE THE Imperial Family was already preparing for war, the opinions of the people were divided.

There were those who already lost their faith in the Imperial Family.

It was only noon, but the sky was already dark because of the Darkness that covered the sun. Hence, the fear of the people remained.

"The Imperial Family should just give up the throne for peace…"

"If they truly care for us, they won't declare war officially…"

"War is scary…"

Of course, there were also people who didn't lose their faith in the Imperial Family.

"Do you think the dethroned prince who joined hands with the God of Eternal Darkness to threaten the empire care for us? Are you an idiot?"

"That dethroned prince is willing to drown the world in Darkness. That says a lot about his character."

"It's obvious that the dethroned prince only wants power."

"I hope the Imperial Family punishes the dethroned prince soon."

There were people who didn't care, though.

"Whether a war breaks out or not, the poor will remain poor."

"No, idiot. During war, the poor become poorer."

"Only the Imperial Family and the nobles get richer and more powerful at a time like this."

"I just hope the Imperial Family isn't evil enough to conscript commoners this time."

But the people weren't only divided by their opinions about the possible war.

The citizens were also talking about Princess Neoma's attitude.

"I thought my ears were deceiving me earlier while listening to Princess Neoma's profanities."

"That's unbecoming of the Imperial Princess…"

"And Her Imperial Highness is a bit violent, isn't she?"

"She punched the dethroned prince unprovoked…"

"But is no one going to talk about what the dethroned prince said about the Imperial Princess' lifespan expiring soon?"

"There's also a rumor going around that His Imperial Majesty is dying…"

"Then can the Imperial Family really protect us?"

Despite the people doubting the Imperial Family, there were still those who believed in them– especially Princess Neoma.

"The emperor and the Crown Prince are both boring, while the empress and the Crown Princess are both too kind and polite. It's fun to have someone like Princess Neoma in the Imperial Family!"

"I personally like how the Imperial Princess curses like there's no tomorrow!"

"Even though I don't condone violence, it felt so satisfying to see Princess Neoma punch the dethroned prince in the face."

"The dethroned prince deserved that. If it wasn't for his cowardly threat, Princess Neoma would have already killed him on the spot."

"Right? The Imperial Princess held back for us."

"Princess Neoma was the child who was forced to pretend as the Crown Prince before. Even so, she still protected us, despite knowing that all the credits would go to Prince Nero later. Her Imperial Highness is the only Imperial Family member that I trust."

"Moreover, Princess Neoma is the most beautiful lady in the world!"

"That's irrelevant, but I agree with you."

"I don't care whether the Moon God truly abandoned us– I'm placing my faith in Princess Neoma from now on."


THERE were 193 countries/kingdoms/nations in the world.

[Human countries, to be precise.]

The other races weren't counted in that number.

Out of the 193 countries led by humans, sixty-three of them were under the Great Moonasterion Empire.

And, at that very moment, all the (human) countries in the world were calling the empire.

"We're going to ignore all the calls from the other countries and kingdoms from this moment," Nikolai announced to his aides. "Summon the Twelve Golden Families– except for House Spencer."



Manu immediately ran to Prince Skylus' room after hearing the child let out a scream full of agony.

He knew the saint was still sad about what happened to Dustin.

But Prince Skylus wouldn't let out that kind of cry because of mourning.

[It was as if he was in pain…]

"Prince Skylus, what happened…" Manu trailed off when he saw the young prince's current state. "Ah…"

"Lord Manu, what's happening to my son?" King Glenn, who had Prince Skylus in his arms, asked worriedly. "Why is my son crying blood?"

Manu kneeled and bowed in front of the saint. "Lord Yule."


NOTE: PLEASE CHECK MY KOFI PAGE (just g0ogle kofi sola_cola). I've posted a Q&A portion.

Here are the questions that I answered:

1. WHAT INSPIRED sola_cola TO WRITE ROYAL SECRET: I'M A PRINCESS? (hehe i'm not a hater, oki?)

2. WHY ISN'T LEWIS THE MALE LEAD? (i'm so sorry)

3. WHY IS RUTO THE ML? (defending Ruto with my life, lol)

4. WILL WE GET TO SEE MORE OF NEOMA'S FIRST LIFE? (chuckles nervously)



7. WHO IS sola_cola's VISUAL INSPIRATION FOR NEOMA? (please don't judge my type haha)

8. WHAT TO EXPECT DURING THE LAST ARC? (smiles innocently)


10. SERIOUS QUESTION FOR THE READERS (please answer honestly~)

Hope you visit my page, and donate coffee if you can. Hehe. Thank you. <3


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