Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!

Chapter 825 HI, IT'S ME

HANNA had somehow succeeded in calming the citizens of the empire who took shelter in the Imperial Capital.

Warm and delicious food was the answer.

When the servants with food carts came out one by one and the delectable smell filled the air, the crowd began to calm down.

She took that as an opportunity to announce that the operation to catch the reanimated corpses that filled the Imperial Capital was going well. Thanks to the good news, the people seemed to have forgotten about Neoma's death for now.

But there were people who couldn't and wouldn't forget about the tragic news.

[I barely stopped them from leaving the palace to get to where Neoma is.]

If they didn't receive a message from Dahlia saying that she would be returning to the palace with Lord Ruto, Nero, and Neoma, then Lewis and the others would have left already.

[Fortunately, Dahlia was quick to send a message.]

"What happened?" Hanna asked solemnly, using the conference room of the Crown Prince's Palace where she brought Lewis and Neoma's other "children." "Greko? Lady Paige?"

"Princess Hanna, we have good news for you," Paige said. Although she said it was good news, the mage's face remained gloomy. "Duchess Quinzel is already awake, and she has completely returned to normal. I asked the Imperial Archmage to look after the duchess before I left Her Grace."

Hanna's eyes opened wide. "Mother has returned to normal?" She turned to Greko. "Did Neoma get the antidote from Regina Crowell?"

Greko suddenly burst into tears. "There's no antidote because there wasn't a need for that in the first place, Princess Hanna," the child said between sobs. "Regina Crowell has tricked us. Duchess Quinzel's zombie state was just temporary, and she was meant to get better even without help."

Hanna felt like she was slapped in the face.

[We… we were tricked…]

"I should have noticed it earlier," Paige said, her voice full of regrets. "I should have told Princess Neoma that I have a feeling Duchess Quinzel doesn't need any antidote. Had I done that, then Princess Neoma wouldn't have to walk straight into Regina Crowell's trap."

"No, Paige noona. It wasn't your fault," Greko said, crying while shaking his head. "It's mine. Eomma sacrificed herself just to save me…"

Hanna was actually torn at the moment.

Of course, she was happy and relieved that her mother had finally returned to normal.

However, she felt guilty because of what happened to Neoma.

Most of all, she felt bad that Greko and Paige were blaming themselves for what had happened even though none of it was their fault.

"Let's not blame ourselves for what happened," Hanna said in a calm yet firm manner. "We lost the battle, but that doesn't mean the war is over. I know it's hard to pull ourselves together after the devastating news of Neoma's death, but I believe that we can still bring Neoma back to life. Lord Ruto's presence makes it clear that we still have hope."

Dahlia also sounded calm and relieved when she called and said her group was on their way back to the palace.

[Lord Ruto won't let Neoma die.]

"I refuse to believe that this is the end for Neoma," Hanna said. Although the situation seemed grim, she was still hopeful. "And we will do everything to bring her back. Hence, I need us to have a clear mind in this sensitive time."

Fortunately, her words worked on Lewis, Juri, Jeno, and Xion.

Only Greko and Paige looked out of it.

[And it's understandable.]

"Greko, Lady Paige, please be kind to yourselves," Hanna said gently. "We all know that Neoma wouldn't want you to feel guilty for what happened. But if you want to make it up to her, then let's all do our best to bring her back."

Greko and Paige still looked down.

"Princess is right," Lewis said in a surprisingly calm voice when he almost exploded from anger earlier. "Greko, Paige, none of us here is blaming you for what happened. Instead of beating yourself up for the mistake you think you did, you should repent by working harder than any of us."

Lewis said the same things as Hanna, but the fox's words were harsher.

Even so, Lewis' words seemed to have a greater effect on Greko and Paige.

[I guess it's only natural that their commander's words weigh heavier than mine.]

"Lewis is right, Greko, Paige," Juri said. "None of us here blames you. And we already know that Princess Neoma would gladly sacrifice herself for any of us."

The quiet Jeno and Xion only nodded their heads in agreement.

"Thank you," Paige said, emotional. "Thank you for saying that, kids."

Greko wiped the tears off of his face using the handkerchief that Jeno silently handed to the child. "We will work hard to bring back eomma to life."

Hanna was relieved when the atmosphere among the "siblings" became warm again.

It was all thanks to Lewis.

[He really knows his siblings well.]

"Hanna Quinzel."

Everyone almost jumped from their seats out of surprise when Trevor suddenly appeared out of thin air.

No one, not even Hanna, felt the demon's presence until he spoke.

"Ah, I'm glad all of you are here," Trevor said while looking at everyone in the room. "Come. I'll take you to where Princess Neoma is resting."


[And Trevor didn't use past tense.]

Hanna knew it.

[None of us is ready to accept Neoma's death.]


"WHY DID you bring Neoma here in the Imperial Shrine?!" Nero asked, growling lowly as he grabbed Ruto by the collar. "I thought you said you'll bring her back to life?"

The Imperial Shrine was where members of the Imperial Family were buried.

Hence, the outburst of anger.

"Prince Nero, calm down," Ruto said, sighing as if he was already fed up with Nero's temper. "We're not here to bury Princess Neoma."

"Then why did you bring us here?"

"Because the Imperial Shrine is similar to Lord Yule's temple," Ruto explained calmly. "This place is protected by the Moon God's divine power. Hence, the other gods wouldn't be able to intrude here easily."

Nero scoffed, letting go of the commander's collar. "Then you should have brought us to Astello Temple. Isn't that place considered as Lord Yule's home?"

"The Astello Temple has been invaded by the crows once. It's not as safe as the Imperial Shrine."

Once again, he scoffed. "Is the shrine really safe? Isn't this the place where the late Empress Juliet's body was stolen?"

"I wasn't there when the late Empress Juliet's body was stolen," Ruto snapped at him. "But I'm here now, and I won't let anyone steal Neoma's body."

To say that he was surprised by the commander's temper would be an understatement. "How dare you use that tone on the Crown Prince?"

"If Your Imperial Highness wants to be treated as a Crown Prince, then please act like one," Ruto said in an annoyed tone. The commander was usually calm, but he didn't bother to hide his irritation this time. "You're not the only one who's sad and angry about all of this, Prince Nero. After all, you're not the only one who loves Neoma."

Nero clenched his hands tight, his jaw clenched. "Are you one of those people, Ruto? I thought you already lost all your feelings for Neoma."

Ruto smirked bitterly. "If I already lost all my feelings for Neoma, then why do I feel like I'm about to go crazy?"

The commander's dark purple eyes glowed menacingly.

Ah, Nero recognized that look.

[It's the look of someone who has gone crazy a long time ago.]

Nero should have known.

[This is the man who turned back time for Neoma, after all.]

Moreover, there was this disturbing piece of memory that he had tried to ignore before.

"Ruto, did you sacrifice me in the first timeline in order to revive Neoma?" Nero confronted Ruto about it for the first time. "Answer me honestly."

"I did," Ruto said indifferently. "Do you resent me for it?"

"The Nero of the first timeline may have resented you," he said casually. "But I don't. If you need me to revive Neoma, then do it."

Ruto just looked at him as if saying he'd do that even without his consent.

[What a disrespectful gaze this punk is giving me…]

"Uhm, please stop fighting, Prince Nero and Lord Ruto," Dahlia said anxiously. "I've received a message from Sir Melvin. Empress Mona was with them, so I asked Sir Melvin to tell the empress to head back here. But I can't contact Sir Kinsley, hence I haven't informed His Imperial Majesty about what happened yet."

Geoffrey Kinsley was his father's current secretary, but the Paladin was fighting on the front line.

[It's probably why Dahlia can't contact Geoffrey.]

"I'll do it," Nero said. "I'll inform Father to get here using my Soul Beast."


TREVOR frowned as soon as he arrived at the Imperial Shrine and saw Princess Neoma inside the glass coffin.

It was a painful reminder that his Moon Princess was in a state of death at the moment.

Although he was hopeful that they could bring Princess Neoma back to life, it wasn't like he enjoyed seeing his Moon Princess in that state.

[Those damned crows…]

"Princess Neoma…"

The Imperial Shrine was soon filled with silent sobs.

He already expected Hanna Quinzel and Princess Neoma's "children" to cry.

But Trevor didn't expect Lewis to cry, too.

"What?" Lewis complained while glaring at Trevor. "Is this the first time you saw someone cry?"

"No, but I didn't expect you to cry in front of other people," Trevor said, shrugging. "I thought you'd be too embarrassed to do that."

"Princess Neoma never taught me to be embarrassed about crying," Lewis said, his tears continued to fall in silence as he stared at Princess Neoma inside the glass coffin. "Princess Neoma said bottling up my feelings would make me insane."


[Moon Princess, you really have a unique way of raising your "children."]

"Alright," Trevor said, shrugging. "I won't stop you from crying anymore."

Lewis just ignored him this time.

Well, it was fine since he saw the person he had been looking for anyway.

[As expected, he's calm.]

"Hey," Trevor greeted Ruto. "I already brought them here. What should we do next?"

Ruto stared at him for a moment before he opened his mouth. "Kill me, Trevor."



Neoma groaned as soon as she saw Tteokbokki– in his human form– when she opened her eyes. "Why are you being so fucking loud in the morning?"

"You're dead!"

"Literally or what?"

"Thug princess, don't make me smack you in the head in front of your ancestors."


Ah, right.

Neoma finally remembered that she unalived herself to meet her ancestors.

"Nene, you're here."

Omo, omo.

Neoma's eyes widened in shock when she saw the power cast in front of her.


Emperor Primo and Empress Gwen.

Arche and Aruna de Moonasterio.

And the Goddess of Life.


"Hi. It's me," Neoma greeted her ancestors cheerfully. "The troublemaker is here."

Yule smiled brightly at her. "Welcome to hell, Nene."



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