Run, Girl (If You Can)

Chapter 121: Camerons Boss

Chapter 121: Cameron's Boss

"By any chance do you work directly under Aaron Hale?"

The question startled Cameron so much that he hit the gas pedal instead of the brakes in front of a stoplight and barely stopped in time.

"Yeah, I do, but not many people guess that. They think I'm a lot further down the ladder. How did you know?"

Jennica shrugged. "I met the guy once. Your description of your boss matched what I saw of him."

Her deductive reasoning was impressive but when on earth had she met Aaron? He hardly ever left the office unless it had something to do with Keeley and there was no way she would introduce him to her roommates.

"Where? He's a hermit!"

She laughed, showcasing her brilliant smile. "Wow, way to stick it to the man you just said you owe your career to."

"Hey, I respect the guy but as one of his only friends I'm qualified to insult him sometimes."

"You're funny," Jennica said, still laughing. "You know Aiden Quinn, right? He's my neighbor and came over a few months ago to ask a favor. Said his boss needed an actress to be his fake date for a cocktail party. It paid well so I did it."

That…was such an Aaron thing to do. He couldn't ask the woman he wanted so he paid somebody else that wouldn't bother him again rather than deal with someone who might actually like him.

Cameron would have been jealous Jennica went on a fake date with his boss if he didn't know that a) Aaron's obsession with Keeley left no room for others and b) Aaron was not her type at all.

"Did you meet Alistair Hale?" he asked curiously. If so, he wanted to know what her impression of his boss' enemy was.

Jennica shook her head. "No, just his wife and some psychotic girl that was most likely the reason Aaron hired me for the night. I got rid of her real quick!"

She lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "I called him Aar-Bear. You should have seen his face!"

Cameron cracked up. She dared to improvise such a corny pet name for the Ice King? He would have paid to see that. "That's amazing. Absolutely amazing."

She grinned from ear to ear. "I know, right? It was the only fun part of the whole night. Do you have to attend parties like that? They're so stuffy and boring."

"Nah that stuff is for upper management only. My kind of party is where a beautiful girl on roller skates can fall into your arms out of nowhere," he said in his most charming tone.

Jennica blushed, spared from responding because they arrived at the diner. While they waited to order, they chatted about Jennica's latest auditions. She hadn't gotten a callback yet for the one she had last week but she was trying out for a dinner theater and a couple of commercials as well.

The closest he had ever been to an actual theater was seeing his sister's sixth grade play where she had the role of a talking tree. He didn't know much about it but still enjoyed listening to Jennica. Her passion for theater was obvious.

"If you could have any part in any show, who would you want to be?"

Her eyes lit up with excitement.

"Elphaba in Wicked! I've memorized all of her songs by heart but it's one of the hardest parts to get on Broadway. I've never even been in the ensemble of a Broadway show. Being an understudy Off-Broadway was the best role I've had so far. My resume isn't impressive enough to join the actors union that most Broadway stars come from but someday…"

Cameron's gaze softened. She looked especially beautiful when she was talking about her dream.

"I wish I could have seen your show. We met just a little bit too late."

She smiled warmly at him and reached across the table to squeeze his hand. "There's always the next one. Provided I manage to find something."

"You will," he encouraged.

"I know I will eventually but it's really discouraging auditioning for weeks as a full-time job and still having to find a way to make ends meet in between. My mom—" she cut herself off, embarrassed. "Never mind, you don't want to hear me complain."

"I don't mind. What about your mom?"

Jennica sighed. "My twin is coming home for Thanksgiving after being at sea for eight months and my mom expects me to be there but won't pay for my ticket. Even taking a bus would cost a hundred bucks I don't have. She's been giving me the 'you wouldn't have this problem if you had a real job' speech again."

"I didn't know you were a twin," Cameron said stupidly. He couldn't relate to her career problems because his parents had always been thrilled with his desire to go into business.

"Fraternal. Brian is six minutes older than me and married with a kid. Yet another thing my mom bothers me about," she complained before turning bright red. "Sorry! I'm being a terrible date."

Cameron didn't think she was being a terrible date at all. In fact… "Don't apologize. Why don't you pull an Aaron?"


"Get yourself a fake boyfriend for Thanksgiving to get your mom off your case. Isn't that what he did at that cocktail party?"

"I don't have the money for that!"

"You don't have to—I volunteer," he said matter-of-factly.

The food arrived and Cameron dug in, giving her time to think about it. There would be so many people at his parents' house for Thanksgiving that his absence would hardly be noticed. Besides, he would be home for Christmas in a few weeks anyway.

This would give him more time to spend with Jennica to see if she could really be girlfriend material. He liked what he had seen so far. Why not go for it?

She picked at her fries thoughtfully. "Don't you have plans already?"

"My mom will forgive me if I get her something extra nice for Christmas. I'll get the plane tickets and everything."

Jennica frowned. "But why would you help me out like that?"

Cameron may as well be honest. "I like you. Spending Thanksgiving with you would be fun."

Her confused expression changed into a dazzling smile. "You like me?"

"I wouldn't have brought you a mug from a different continent if I didn't," he said simply.

"Alright then," she giggled. "This should be fun. I can't wait to see the look on her face."

Jennica held up her glass of Coke and they clinked their glasses together conspiratorially. Who knows? With any luck, by the end of the trip she would be his real girlfriend.

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