Run, Girl (If You Can)

Chapter 97: A Long Road Ahead

Chapter 97: A Long Road Ahead

Aiden made himself comfortable on the couch, looking lazy and sloppy as ever despite his business casual attire before launching into his report.

"So get this; he was casual enough to use his office computer to offer a somewhat sketchy off-the-books deal to someone named Brann Knighton who works in the stock exchange. This one email wouldn't be enough to take him down but it's a place to start a deeper investigation."

Aaron sat up even straighter, his interest piqued. "You suspect insider trading?"

In his past life, his father had never been formally convicted. He was booted out of his own company and the scandal was hushed up so Hale Investments wouldn't lose the public's trust.

He hadn't realized how early this all began happening; Aaron didn't find enough circumstantial evidence to act until nearly three years after Keeley's death. That was due to Anomaly's help as well. If only he had found him sooner!

It was water under the bridge now. The hacker was on his side and found something potentially usable ten years ahead of schedule.

"Yep. Isn't this great? If I can prove it early, both he and this Knighton guy will go to prison and lose all clout in the financial sector forever! You won't have to worry about your dad giving you a hard time about Keeley ever again."

Aiden's brow creased and he looked more serious than usual. "Uh…speaking of Keeley…how did things go on Saturday?"

Subject changing was one of this kid's specialties, wasn't it?

Aaron's expression grew softer as he thought about it. "Really well, actually. What do you want as a bonus for your idea?"

His face registered shock. "You…think it went well? What exactly happened?"

"Well, she laughed really hard while we were shopping for supplies…then she had a lot of fun with the kittens and treated me like I was her friend…then she took me to an arcade and we played a bunch of games," Aaron said a bit dreamily.

Aiden looked even more confused. "All that happened and she still thinks you're annoying?"

The temperature in the room dropped twenty degrees and he nearly jumped out of his skin when Aaron spoke again. "Explain yourself."

He held his hands up defensively. "I just heard it! Don't shoot the messenger; I didn't mean to say anything!"

"What. Did she say. Exactly."

"Promise you won't kill me?"

"Aiden!" he ordered. "Now!"

"Okay, okay! I ran into her when I was carrying my hamster palace and that got us on the subject of pets and she said she helped 'an ice block that nobody likes' pick out a cat earlier in the day…"

Aiden visibly paled before blurting out the last part very fast.

"She thinks you're clingy and weird and that you're only spending time with her to spite her! Did she offend you the first time you met? Because she said you're only following her around to teach her a lesson or something."

Aaron's icy aura reached its peak before he deflated and buried his head in his hands. So it was all a lie? She still wanted nothing to do with him even after all that?

He really thought they bonded. Keeley had acted like her usual self! That to mean something!

"I would accuse you of making it up but it sounds exactly like something she would say. So she still hates me," he said dully.

"Yeah…sorry, dude. But hey, at least she's not being hostile to your face anymore, right?"

"She has to have softened at least a little," Aaron said somewhat desperately. "Look at these text messages from just before you came in. They seem friendly."

He held out his phone for Aiden to inspect. The hacker scrolled through the messages at top speed with a frown.

"Those are totally friendly. Is she bipolar or something? Or did she just change her mind over the weekend? Maybe she didn't mean what she said…she did look tired. She might have just been cranky."

Aaron shook his head despondently.

"No, she probably meant it. It's my fault; I was a bit rash in high school. I'll have to work harder to prove myself."

She thought he was clingy, huh? He couldn't even fault her for that really. He had been a bit desperate for her attention and she did have a full schedule.

Stepping back for a while and sending the occasional text, like a friend would, was probably the best course of action for now.

Aiden hesitated before speaking again, which wasn't like him.

"Hey Boss…you know, there are a whole lot of girls out there that wouldn't take nearly this much effort. Why does it have to be Keeley?"

An excellent question. From an outsiders perspective, his one-sided pursuit would appear pathetic. In his sixty-four years of existence he had never loved anyone else. All of his affection was saved solely for her.

The fact that she was the first person to value him as a person rather than for who his family was would never change, no matter how hot and cold she was now. Keeley was his sunshine.

She loved him deeply and sacrificed so much for that love, ultimately including her life. He thought about her every day that she was gone, wishing he could do better. Now that he was given the chance, how could he not pursue her to the ends of the earth like she once did for him?

"I can't love anyone else," he said simply. "She's the one thing in this world that makes me happy."

Aiden sighed and, realizing his boss wasn't going to murder him for being the bearer of bad news, clapped a hand on his shoulder.

"Hang in there, man. If you keep doing what you're doing she'll have to come around eventually. So…about that bonus?"

Aaron shot him a chilling glare before backing down. He had already offered. "What do you want?"

"A week off and a plane ticket to Sweden."

"Done. Just get out of here."

He pressed his hands together and bowed jokingly. "I thank you for your generosity, O Noble Boss!"


Aiden scrambled out of the office and Aaron was left with a dull headache. There was still a long road ahead of him, both for getting rid of his father and remarrying his wife.

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