Running Away From The Hero! (Remake)

Chapter 251


28. Ah, is that so? (8)

This is truly my responsibility, isn’t it?

“You’re absolutely right; it’s your responsibility.”

Iron Bat’s response was uncharacteristically composed.

Hmph! I attempted to unveil the world’s secret, but my efforts were dismissed!

No, this predicament stems from my usual behavior.

Had Iron Bat possessed a more serious disposition, he might not have dismissed my words.

Yes. All of this…

“Is it your fault, Master?”


I suppose it’s my fault.

“I pondered this matter before its occurrence. Why did the god entrusted with maintaining the world’s balance unseal the evil?”

I feel as though I should be acquainted with the reason, given who I am addressing.

“If it’s this person…”

“Just because I felt like it?”

The individual who emerged from within Iron Bat, taking on a female form, replied nonchalantly.

“…Is that all?”

“Is there a need for further justification?”

Indeed, there is.

The unsealing of this seal nearly led to the world’s annihilation, and even afterward, the being known as the Demon King relentlessly sought to bring about destruction.

The damage inflicted upon the world is too substantial to be dismissed as a mere whim.

“When I was a deity, my dominion was that of avarice and desire. I unsealed the evil in accordance with my creation’s intent, for the sake of greed and desire. What’s amiss with that?”

“It appears there is much amiss with that.”

For an instant, there was an audacity that nearly compelled me to laughter.

Did this individual comprehend the magnitude of the catastrophe they nearly unleashed upon the world?

“Master… Even as a deity, there are occasions when one must act according to their desires, even if it means knowing that the world might be imperiled.”

“Are you not of the same mind?”

“I acted diligently in the name of avarice and desire!”


Observing them place their hands on their hips and puff out their chest, I felt as though I could perceive the gods’ tribulations. Even prior to becoming a demon, this individual must have conducted themselves in a similar manner.

“I acted in accordance with my desires…”

Hearing them repeat the same assertion, it seemed that even the Demon King was taken aback by Iron Bat’s words.


Huh? Did I hear that correctly?

“You are genuinely knowledgeable.”

Iron Bat regarded me as if to say, “See?”

What is with that self-assured expression?

No, hold on, how did the Demon King of all beings become like this? This is not the individual I once knew.

“When I became a hero, I was unable to act according to my desires. I always existed to safeguard something, yet I was unable to protect what was most dear to me.”

Hmm… the Demon King appears to be in a rather dire state. So, they can react in such a manner to Iron Bat’s absurdity.

“Nonsense, you say? It is better to candidly pursue your desires.”

“That is correct. It is preferable to authentically follow your desires rather than losing something precious due to concern for others’ opinions.”

“Exactly! Desire is a virtue! It entails staying true to oneself!”

…Who would dare to assert that Iron Bat and their protégé are not authentic?

“What are you referring to? You are my protégé.”


What sort of preposterousness is this?

“As anticipated…”

Shuttle, who appeared bewildered by the rapidly progressing conversation, gazed at me with an expression that seemed to convey they were aware of everything.

Shuttle, it is one thing for me to behave in this manner, but I do not believe you should emulate me.

“I selected a singular apostle, and that apostle is you. In a way, you are my master, but I am also your master!”

“What kind of confounding relationship is that?”

A master and a subordinate concurrently! Where does such a relationship exist?

“Right here!”

“Nevertheless, an apostle of an evil deity…”


Even though this is evidently nonsense, everyone except me appears to believe Iron Bat’s words.

At this rate, both the demon and the Demon King will regard me as an apostle of an evil deity.

“As expected, Professor… Not only do you bear the fragment of evil, but you also bear the very evil deity.”

Even though they are our adversaries, why does everyone remain so composed during this conversation? What did I do wrong?

“It is because I disregarded their words.”

…Is this still concerning that matter?

“I am a delicate goddess, after all!”

To avoid making eye contact with me, Iron Bat turned his head and released a sneeze.

“Evil deity, I have a proposition for you.”

“What is it?”

As I exchanged glances with Iron Bat, the Demon King approached and spoke.

I am apprehensive. It is as if the Demon King knows what they are about to propose.

“Will you join us?”

“Oh! A recruitment offer!”

“Yes. We are an army of evil, as our name implies. It is only natural for a deity such as yourself to lead us.”


“Th-Then, I cannot permit it!”

“That is correct!”

Iron Bat’s response to the Demon King’s words reached a level of high tension that I have not witnessed in quite some time.

Lately, following all this confusion, upon hearing about being the deity of greed and desire, I am beginning to believe that I might go mad and align with the enemy!

“But you’re not actually going, right?”

“Well, how should I put it…”

Iron Bat continued to avoid my gaze and hummed a tune.

Seeing Iron Bat’s choice and realizing that our lives, the fate of the world, are hanging in the balance somehow made me feel like I had to give up my pride.


“Goddess, we are prepared to unleash greed and desire upon the world.”

“Iron Bat, I have always been filled with desire and greed!”

Shuttle’s gaze next to me turned chilly, but there was nothing I could do.

Shuttle, I’m putting aside my pride to save the world right now!

“If you had always been like this, it wouldn’t shake me…”

“Honestly, I’ve been good to you, Goddess.”

“Hmph! So now I’m a goddess. You kept calling me that and then ignored it!”

“I was wrong!”

He quickly apologized.

Seeing Iron Bat take a step forward as he spoke, I had to swallow my pride.


“Goddess, we are prepared to unleash greed and desire upon the world.”

“Iron Bat, I have always been filled with desire and greed!”

Shuttle’s gaze next to me turned chilly, but there was nothing I could do.

Shuttle, I’m putting aside my pride to save the world right now!

“If you had always been like this, it wouldn’t shake me…”

“Honestly, I’ve been good to you, Goddess.”

“Hmph! So now I’m a goddess. You kept calling me that and then ignored it!”

“I was wrong!”

He quickly apologized.

Seeing Iron Bat take a step forward as he spoke, I had to swallow my pride.


“Goddess, we are prepared to unleash greed and desire upon the world.”

“Iron Bat, I have always been filled with desire and greed!”

Shuttle’s gaze next to me turned chilly, but there was nothing I could do.

Shuttle, I’m putting aside my pride to save the world right now!

“If you had always been like this, it wouldn’t shake me…”

“Honestly, I’ve been good to you, Goddess.”

“Hmph! So now I’m a goddess. You kept calling me that and then ignored it!”

“I was wrong!”

He quickly apologized.

Seeing Iron Bat take a step forward as he spoke, I had to swallow my pride.


“Goddess, we are prepared to unleash greed and desire upon the world.”

“Iron Bat, I have always been filled with desire and greed!”

Shuttle’s gaze next to me turned chilly, but there was nothing I could do.

Shuttle, I’m putting aside my pride to save the world right now!

“If you had always been like this, it wouldn’t shake me…”

“Honestly, I’ve been good to you, Goddess.”

“Hmph! So now I’m a goddess. You kept calling me that and then ignored it!”

“I was wrong!”

He quickly apologized.

Seeing Iron Bat take a step forward as he spoke, I had to swallow my pride.

“Maybe you’re just drawn to my words?”

“Could it be, after I turned you down, you changed your demeanor and now you’re going to kill me?”

“I taught you well.”

Persuasion is good when needed, but if it doesn’t work, it’s best to eliminate them quickly.

“You know, Master? Master, if you don’t comply, you’ll change your stance immediately after being refused, and you’ll say you’ll kill me.”

“I’ve taught you well.”

While persuasion can be useful, there’s no point in using it on those who won’t listen.

“And you’re aware that you’re also included in that target, right?”

“Hahaha! What are you worried about when the goddess is with us!”

Once a deity who nearly destroyed the world, now Iron Bat.

Even though he had hidden his true identity until now, revealing it would undoubtedly demonstrate immense power!

No matter how much he’s referred to as the Demon King, divine power can be dangerous!

“Master? The goddess is with us, so what’s the concern!”

“It’s a shame.”

It was a genuinely regretful expression.

“Then I guess I have to kill you.”

“Master, as expected of my disciple. You threatened to kill me immediately after being refused.”

“I taught you well.”

If persuasion doesn’t work, eliminate them quickly.

“But Master can’t help either.”

“That’s right.”

I nodded my head, and Iron Bat let out a deep sigh.

“Master might not die since there’s something like an evil fragment in you, right?”

“Isn’t that the case for you too, being an evil god?”

“Hahaha! Well then, I guess I’ll just die.”

Haha, Shuttle, who was laughing, looked pitiful, but I couldn’t guarantee that I’d survive either.

It’s over. It seems there’s no way to stop that.

Now all that’s left is for a hero to appear and defeat the evil Demon King, but will such a hero exist? The one known as the mightiest hero seems to be like that, after all.

“I’m sorry, Professor. Please let me die for my goal.”

As the giant spear-shaped thing was about to be fired, there was a massive explosion that shook the heavens and the earth.

“What have you done!”

I didn’t do anything.

If I possessed this ability, I would have employed it to escape a long time ago!

“Is it you, by any chance?”

“But I don’t have that ability.”

Indeed, what remains then is…

“Could it be the god of nature…?”

Although a somewhat ambiguous response, it offers the most hopeful prospect.

To save the world! And to save your disciple!

Perhaps the god of nature has harnessed their power to halt the Demon King!

“Not yet!”

As the barrier gradually disintegrated, the Demon King, wearing an expression of despair, gazed upwards.

If this follows the conventional pattern, it’s likely to involve a hero.

Typically, antagonists entertain backstories and inquiries from newly introduced protagonists or companions, and subsequently, things take a turn for the worse for them.

He remains oblivious to this. You have a long journey ahead of you, my former disciple!

“Do you wonder who I am?”

The voice emanating from outside the crumbling barrier was a melodious soprano.

“How did you break this barrier? Mere strength alone would not suffice to dismantle it!”

“I am not obligated to divulge that information.”


A sound like the splitting of wind, followed by a resounding explosion.

The hurled spear landed precisely where the Demon King stood!

The immense power emanating from the white spear clashed with the black spear and erupted.


The shockwave propelled me back approximately ten steps.

Fortunately, Shuttle swiftly conjured a protective shield, limiting the impact to a mere shove. However, had it been slightly off, I might have sustained an injury.

“Who are you?”

As the Demon King’s failing barrier left him increasingly vulnerable, he looked skyward with an expression of awe, and I heard the voice of a girl.

If this aligns with the conventional plot, it’s likely the entrance of a hero.

Typically, villains entertain the backstories and inquiries of newly introduced main characters or companions, leading to unfavorable outcomes for them.

He remains oblivious to this. You have a long journey ahead of you, my former disciple!

“Do you wonder who I am?”

The voice emanating from outside the crumbling barrier was a melodious soprano.

“How did you break this barrier? Mere strength alone would not suffice to dismantle it!”

“I am not obligated to divulge that information.”


A sound like the splitting of wind, followed by a resounding explosion.

The hurled spear landed precisely where the Demon King stood!

The immense power emanating from the white spear clashed with the black spear and erupted.


The shockwave propelled me back approximately ten steps.

Fortunately, Shuttle swiftly conjured a protective shield, limiting the impact to a mere shove. However, had it been slightly off, I might have sustained an injury.

“Who are you?”

As the Demon King’s failing barrier left him increasingly vulnerable, he looked skyward with an expression of awe, and I heard the voice of a girl.

Could it be…

“Are you the prince?”

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