Sadistic Player In A Fantasy Game World

Master meets master (2)

Master meets master (2)

One of the men who had been whispering about Gray began approaching him from behind.

"Wait. I don't think this is a good idea Bill," warned one of his colleagues, however the greed in his eyes blinded him from all reasoning.

"Master," whispered Tesse.

"I know," replied Gray quickly, without so much as turning to face the oncoming threat.

"Why don't you and the little lady here come with me," whispered Bill as he put his hand on Gray's shoulder and flashed the gun he had hidden under his shirt.

Tesse quickly thrust her spear, stabbing the man in the arm, causing blood to drip to the floor.

During all this Gray never once turned to look at what was going on, he kept his vision forward, as if whatever was going on was beneath him.

Bill stood there in shock, he hadn't expected that he would be stabbed by a mere teenager after showing off his gun.

As if it took some time for him to register that he had been injured, he screamed out in pain, drawing the attention of all those around him.

"What's going on?" murmured a few people within the library, before Bill's group came to see what had happened.

"That bitch stabbed me, she stabbed me," shouted Bill hysterically as if someone had chopped of his arm.

"Quiet down, it's just a flesh wound," said one of his comrades, looking at Tesse with a dangerous glare.

"How are you going to make up for this?" asked another one of Bill's comrades with a greedy smile on his face.

"I mean, hospitals don't work anymore, and I'd say you've all but prevented Bill here from doing any work. Surely you should compensate him for damages," said the man in an avaricious tone.

"Be glad master let you off with just a wo-" Tesse was about to say before Gray raised his hand in a gesture for her to stop.

"As you wish master,"

"Listen here you little shit!" shouted the man once he realized that Gray was looking down on them, but before he could do anything a man dressed in brown robes approached the group.

"Master wishes to see you," announced the figure.

"Master?" questioned Gray unsure of what the man was talking about.

"The leader of the information guild. It would be within your best interests to comply," said the hooded figure before turning around, in gesture for Gray to follow him.

"Hey, I'm not done talking to them!" shouted Bill's colleague.

"Guards, please escort these gentlemen out of the premises," said the hooded figure, and four massive figures dressed in brown robes pushed the group out of the library, carrying the injured Bill and throwing him out the door once he refused to stand up.

"Just you wait," swore Bill's comrade, a promise of revenge in his eyes.


"Ahh, welcome, welcome," said the master in a joyful tone as Gray and Tesse entered the dimly lit hall.

'Why is it so dark in here,' wondered Gray, ready to call out the mighty sword the second anything smelled fishy.

"Why do you call me here?" asked Gray, his voice stone-cold, showing that he had no interest in playing nice with this unknown figure.

"So cold. As for the reason I wanted to see you," said the figure as one of the two hooded figures behind him handed him a clipboard containing a few documents.

"You've become quite the celebrity. Rumor has it that the completion of the first floor was entirely due to your combat ability,"

"And so? What of it?"

"Well, I'd like to offer you a proposition.. join the information guild as part of the attack force. Of course, I'll give you a high position and you'll be rewarded handsomely," said the master as he handed the clipboard back to his subordinate.

"Pfft, if that's all you have to say then our conversation is done. I have no interest in joining any guilds, or being given high positions,"

"You don't seem to understand the situation you're in. Listen if it's Arcanian points you want, then the guild can provide you with the best sites to farm them,"

"Arcanian points?" laughed Gray, as he noticed the hooded figures hidden in the dark corners of the hall drawing out their weapons.

"I have no interest in currencies of that sort. If you want to pay me, pay me in blood," said Gray with a smile on his face, his eyes flashing red for a second as he pondered about the chances of killing every member in the guild.

"Surely you don't think that you can take on everyone in my guild? Even if you are as powerful as the rumors make you out to be, surely you don't believe you will make it out alive," said the master, a hint of panic audible in his voice.

"You're right, I'm not confident that I can take on all of you, however, I'm sure that I will at least take you with me," replied Gray,

"However, I am willing to end this conversation without any blood being spilled. I humbly decline your request, I hope that you respect my decision,"

"Hmm, a smart one I see," said the master, regaining his composure.

"Master," warned one of the hooded figures behind the master, however, the master waved him away.

"How about this, if you aren't willing to be an official member of the guild, how about working for us as a mercenary? You take part in some of our raids, and we'll provide you with some of the best grounds for farming Arcanian points,"

"And how would you know where to find these 'farming grounds'?" asked Gray, he already knew that the information guild must have some sort of ability that allows them to see the details of a portal, however, he had to confirm it.

"We have our ways, there are some with the ability to see details about dungeons, ruins, and towers. If you work under us then we will support you however we can,"

'I don't like the idea of joining an organization, however, it's not like I have much to lose. If I join them then I will be able to have more fun than I've ever had before. Plus once I find out who has the ability to see the details of portals, then I'll just kill them and steal their ability, then I'll be on my way,' analyzed Gray.

"Very well then, however, I have a few conditions," replied Gray.

"Hmm, let's hear them, I will grant them if they are within reason,"

"I will work on a mercenary basis only, meaning I expect payment for every task delegated to me. And I want a 100 percent discount on all information I get from the guild."

"Hmmph, just that? Very well then, deal. My subordinate shall run you over what we expect from you. I look forward to working with you," said the master, relief audible in his voice.

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