Sadistic Player In A Fantasy Game World

Scarred Honour (1)

Scarred Honour (1)

"Morning, Gazef."

"Good day Gazef."

"How's your morning Gazef?"

Gazef nodded in response to all the officers' greetings, walking at a brisque pace towards his quarters. Though he kept a somewhat expressionless face on, he loathed all the officers around him- the weaklings that constantly reminded him of his failure.

After making a beeline for his room past the courtyard, he stopped to inspect his door.

"Aperta," he chanted silently, and after waiting for a moment he heard the sound of lock bolts moving before the door opened on its own. He walked in, making sure to lock the door behind him.

His room was simplistic, the mirror image of a straightforward man, or so he wanted to make himself believe. The few trinkets nailed to the walls in decoration were all past achievements, ones he was proud of at least. They ranged from old swords to simple jewelry, all spoils of war from state enemies.

{Where did I put it?} he thought to himself as he scoured through his closet.

"Ahh, there it is," he whispered, fishing out a purple gem just big enough to fit in his palms.

"Vocatus," he chanted, and the stone hummed to life, exuding a brilliant purple light.

"Gazef, I hope you have good reason for contacting me," echoed a voice from within the stone.

"My queen," Gazef responded, holding back the scorn that threatened to infect his voice. He took a moment to collect himself, speaking with this dreadful bitch always put a sour taste in his mouth.

"Speak, I haven't much time on my hands to entertain your petty pleasantries," said the Queen.


"It seems that evidence about... the operations you have been running on the border have been discovered," he replied. Though no immediate response was given, Gazef could feel the Queen's anger even through his communications amulet.

"And how is that possible? I thought it was your duty to make sure that didn't happen, or was I mistaken in giving you a second chance, Gazef?" the Queen replied, her voice so tense that even the air around him felt tight.

"The vampires sent a representative to help with investigations, a demon expert from what I heard. I hadn't accounted for him arriving, much less for him figuring out anyt-"

"Insolent!" interrupted the Queen. "Hadn't accounted for? Don't act like that old brain of yours has any ability to think..." A slight pause followed her outburst.

"Even if he concluded that it was in fact not a cult of Amaymon but one of Mordesh, that doesn't explain how they linked it back to me," she continued, this time in a more composed tone.

{Anyone with even the slightest bit of common sense would be able to tie it back to you," he wanted to say, however, he chose to remain silent. If he told her that his brother had always suspected her she would have him executed.

"No answer? Useless," she said after waiting for a moment.

"It was probably the vampires, they must've suspected something all along," she reasoned, before going silent.

"What would you have me do my queen?" Gazef asked, trying hard to keep his tone devoid of anger or irritation.

"Kill the vampire, don't let him report back to his seniors-"

"Very well my queen," Gazef responded before moving to place the stone in his pocket.

"And get rid of Ailre, he's been a pest on my side for long enough," she continued. Gazef held his breath, hoping that he had heard wrongly. Had she just asked him to kill his own blood?

"My queen, what about your brother? Ailre is an important part of his faction, will he not be suspicious?" Gazef asked.

"He has his hands full trying to find Sirfene, the mage is wanted for treason, and lest he want to lose his standing he will deal with it," the queen mused, apparently happy with the current state of events.

"My queen, wouldn't it be suspicious still?"

"Have it seem like he died fighting one of those... demons. He's old, my brother is bound to believe it, and even if he won't he has no choice if you leave no evidence," she replied, her tone showing irritation with Gazef's constant questioning.

"Ailre was once a general of the kingdom, to have him-" Gazef had to try hard to contain his anger "- to have it seem like he died to some will not cu- will not be believable your majesty," he replied. A moment of silence passed before the queen finally responded.

"Gazef, you would do well to remember that you live only because I will it so. And unless you no longer desire [Aegenfall]  you will continue to question me. If it is so unbelievable that an old captain died by the claws of a demon, make up something more believable," she said with a certain finality only capable of coming from those in absolute power.

"I expect an update before the sun retires," she finished off before cutting the connection.

Gazef sat on his bed, and for an entire minute he did not move a muscle, wondering whether it was worth it. Whether it was worth living if he had to kill his last remaining kin.

{The weak get ordered by the powerful. My sin was weakness, and my brother's was being even weaker,} he thought to himself.

{If I don't kill him, someone else will,} and with that, he came to accept that the queen's will was an unstoppable force. Less a thing of 'can it happen' and more a thing of 'when and how'.

"Ahgh," he grunted, tossing his bed across the room and smacking all his trophies off the walls.


[System Information]


Weapon Rating: Mythical

Origin: Ancient Drow

Type: Aerfe ~Odachi~

An ancient weapon once used by the kings of the Drow tribes. Imbued with the spirit of the Night Lord, it is one of the strongest artifacts within the royal vault.

List of Abilities:

[Night Shade]: gives the user complete invisibility, removing the entirety of the user's presence and for a short duration completely undetectable. {Consumes 5000 mana}

[Dark forest's wrath]: imbues the user in a layer of shade, giving the user 100% evasion and for a short duration makes the user untouchable. {Consumes 7500 mana}

[Night Lord]: Summons the spirit of the Night Lord for a short duration. The Night Lord bows to no one. {Consumes 20 000 mana}


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