Sadistic Player In A Fantasy Game World

The Cult of Amaymon Part 2

The Cult of Amaymon Part 2

Gray was led towards a massive complex with several soldiers stationed outside the gates. The area seemed to be even more protected than the city gates, prompting Gray to wonder what exactly was beyond them.

Hes here to see Captain Ailre, said the guard to one of the soldiers stationed at the gate before reporting back to his post. The soldiers in question were dressed in the same green tunics as the troops that Gray had decimated a few days ago. It was likely that the higher-ups had been alerted of that incident, though they probably kept it hush hush to prevent unrest. After all, a demon killing an entire company of soldiers wasnt something that any nation would want blasted around.

Take the hood off, ordered one of the soldiers, the hostility that was oozing from his voice palpable. Gray could feel Tesses back muscles tighten up, she was probably thinking of reaching for her blade to behead the soldier for his presumptuous demeanor towards her master.

{Great, now shes awake,} complained Gray inwardly. Fearing that she might do something rash like she always seemed to do in such situations, Gray quickly thought up an excuse.

Im a vampire, the sun and I arent exactly on friendly terms, he joked with an air of superiority as if he were explaining the obvious to a child. The guard seemed dazed for a moment, before quickly collecting himself.

And why exactly does a vampire want to talk to the captain? The guard said the word vampire with so much contempt that it almost seemed as if he would spit on Gray at any moment.

Ive been sent my Alucard to assist in the apprehension of the Cult of Amaymon, explained Gray, his eyes making a quick sweep of all the soldiers present. After fighting almost every day for the last month and a half, Gray had developed the habit of sizing up anything that could hold a sword in front of him. He quickly inferred that if need be, he could slaughter the men here and run away. His mind seemed to cling to the idea, oh how easy it would be, how good it would feel, though he quickly regained his composure, bringing his attention back to current matters.

Ill need some form of identification.

Im a vampire riding a vampiric horse. The robes I wear have the Kalin nations insignia printed on them, what other form of identification were you hoping for?

Though Gray was unsure whether the symbol depicted a flying bat with two swords crossed across it was the insignia of the nation of Kalin, it was as good a guess as any. Besides, regardless of what he had brought, whether it had been a letter or some sort of item, it would prove to be the same worth as him wearing the robes. Anything could be forged, so if they werent going to let him in with this, they werent going to let him in any way.

Hmm, get off the horse and hand over all your weapons. We'll lead you in.

Acceptable, Ill co- but before Gray could finish his sentence Tesse had already drawn her blade. The soldiers all pulled theirs out in response, already pointing them at her.

Calm down gentlemen, she was just going to hand over her weapon, werent you Tesse?

V-very well, master, she said reluctantly, anger still audible in her voice.

After getting of the horse, they both handed over their weapons.

And that? asked the soldier as he was about to lead them in, referring to the cub.

What? You arent going to allow her pet inside? asked Gray, getting a little fed up with all this.

If it tries anything funny well kill it without a second thought, scowled the soldier before opening the gates.

{And Ill gut you and hang you on your intestines.}

The complex seemed to be a military base of some sort, based off the fact that scores of soldiers walked to and fro severally odd-shaped buildings. Just within Grays field of vision, he could see soldiers practicing in what looked to be a training ground of some sort, further proving his hypothesis to be true. After passing several security checks, and the personnel making sure he wasn't carrying any weapons more times than hed care to count, he was finally led to Ailres office. Tesse and her cub were instructed to wait outside for security reasons, though Gray thought it absurd he still complied. The sooner he got this over with, the sooner he could get back to doing what he loved.

Captain Ailre, he says he was sent here by Alucard on behalf of the Kalin nation, announced Ailres secretary, before he gestured for her to leave.

So they sent you huh? You dont seem like much, though I could use all the help I can get at this point, commented Ailre with an exhausted expression. The man seemed to be in his late 50s, though Gray was uncertain how exactly elf ages worked. He was a built old man, certainly the body of a honed warrior. He had deep blue eyes and a full beard with streaks of white here and there. The man wore a green Baretta along with a green officer's uniform different from that worn by everyone else in the base.

Looks can be deceiving. Now lets just skip the pleasantries and get on to business, replied Gray, taking a seat on the open chair opposite Ailres office table. Gray noted the piles of documents stacked on his table, not really what he was expecting but perhaps it just drew a better picture of their current situation.

Ailre noticed this before letting out a sigh. Theyre missing reports, as well as reports of all the casualties we sustained. As you can see- at this Ailre paused, inspecting Grays uniform for a symbol of military rank or something of the sort.

You can call me Gray.

As you can see Gray the situation isnt looking too good.

Hmm, give me a quick rundown on what's been going on. Start from the beginning.


[System Information]

Elden Military System

A large chunk of what people consider to be Eldish soldiers are actually low-ranking officers. These officers are deployed all across the kingdom to maintain order while at the same time are being tested in order to verify whether they are skilled enough to join the actual military.

Actual Eldish soldiers are kept within the capital and are only released during times of unrest. It is estimated that one Eldish soldier is worth 5 officers.


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