Sadistic Player In A Fantasy Game World

The Cult of Amaymon Part 4

The Cult of Amaymon Part 4

Im already a failure as a leader for telling you all this, but it had to be done. Now if you will excuse me, Id like some time alone to think over a few things, and Im guessing you need some time to get your thoughts in order as well. Well continue our discussions tomorrow, said Ailre, before dismissing Gray.

Gray met up with Tesse in the corridor before one of the soldiers led them to their new resting quarters. They were to reside within the barracks for the duration of their stay. The rooms were quite cramped, just big enough to fit a small single bed and a sink, though Gray expected as much from military housing.

This is boring, it would be nice if they allowed me to kill a few residents based on suspicion, commented Gray as he looked out the window of his room.

{But then there would be no residents left, now would there,} responded the specter.

Pfft. But still, I cant just sit still until the old man decides he has recovered from his treason, there has to be something worthwhile around here. Ahh perhaps

Gray got Tesse from her room leaving the barracks.

Hey, you. Where are the training grounds? asked Gray to a group of soldiers who were about to enter the barracks.

Outsiders arent allowed on the training grounds. Much less vam- a soldier was about to reply but before he could finish, one of his comrades stopped him.

You want to go to the training grounds huh? Sure, I was just heading there myself, he said.

Monty why are yo- the other soldiers tried whispering, though Monty quickly waved away their objections with a smile on his face.

I wanna see what they got.

As the soldiers led them to the training grounds, a crowd of troops began following behind them. By the time they actually reached the training grounds, the place was flooded with soldiers all staring at Gray and Tesse expectantly.

All this just for us? commented Gray a bit humorously.

The training grounds were about the size of a ranch, taking up a big portion of the actual military base. The soldiers who had been training stopped what they were doing once they saw the crowd and joined in to see what all the commotion was about.

I thought wed have a sort of little competition. You know, just friendly rivalry, though any accidents are just accidents, started Monty with a smirk on his face.

This will hardly be a competition. Why compete with someone naturally your predator? asked Gray, earning him a few angry glares from the soldiers.

You seem mistaken, elves arent inferior to vampires in any way. There are those of us who surpass your kind in both speed and strength, not to forget that our creations far surpass yours. In fact, some would say that youre the prey and we are the hunters, countered Monty.

{Pfft, this ought to be interesting,} thought Gray, though no matter how hard he tried he couldnt feel any sort of rivalry between them. To him, it was as if he were staring at blood bags that existed only to feed him.

{Thats natural, youre of a superior race to them,} commented the specter.

So what do you propose we do? asked Gray, accepting the competition to quench his boredom.

Archery and sword fighting. You dont have enough troops for a mock battle, and it wouldnt be much of a fight if we pitted our best against you, replied Monty before whispering something to the soldier standing to his left. A smile appeared on the soldiers face before he marched off in a hurry.

Well start with archery before going on to the main event. It will be like a basic archery tourney, the first one to miss loses.

Very well then. Im quite out of practice when it comes to marksmanship, so Tesse you can handle this, said Gray.

{From what I know from video games, elves are quite the archers. I wonder if that theory holds true,} he thought to himself.

A human? You dare pit your blood bag against us? commented one of the soldiers, disbelief audible in his voice.

{Look whos calling who a blood bag,} laughed Gray.

Then I take it you are afraid to lose to a blood bag then?

To this, the soldiers kept quiet, a determined gleam in their eyes. After a few minutes, the targets were set up, and Tesses opponent came to the front. It was an elven man with a lanky body structure and long Nephilim arms, he stood at 1.98meters tall, towering over most of the soldiers present. In his hands he held a bow made from glowing wood, its surface was covered in encryptions and at the center of its grip was a green stone.

An enchanted bow? Isnt that cheating? asked Gray, though he wasnt surprised. He expected them to pull something like this, besides he wasnt planning on letting Tesse compete without an advantage either.

{Though that bow looks pretty nice.}

How about this, why dont we make this quick and start with the furthest distance youve ever hit? said Gray with a smirk on his face.

I always knew vampires were prideful, but I never heard anything about them being stupid, commented Monty before instructing a few of the soldiers to move the targets further.

"It's okay Tesse, let them," commented Gray, feeling the anger that exuded from Tesse at that moment.

1000 meters. Thats within range of her vision is it not? asked Monty.

Very well. Just give me a moment to fetch her weapon. Gray wasn't about to use his blood abilities in front of them. If word of his rampage had indeed spread, then he would place under even more suspicion if he did.

After heading into a dark corner, and making sure no one was around, he created the T-1 anti-tank rifle and placed the black enchantment rune on it.

What is that? whispered some of the soldiers. The T-1 tank rifle was that massive, it was unlike any weapon the elves had ever seen. Even as he handed it over to Tesse, it was slightly taller than her, which would make anyone doubt that she could even fire such a weapon.

Doesnt matter. Nothing they bring can beat the [Bow of Elynois].

Why dont we begin? announced Monty.


[System Information]

[Bow of Elynois]

A unique rated weapon with the [wind of the lost forest] enchantment. It is said to have been created by Arlen.G Elynois, a legendary elven weaponsmith. Although the weapon is considered one of his failed projects, it is still a powerful weapon.

List of abilities:

[Wind shot]: shoots arrows blessed by the wind, increasing both their power and speed. {Consumes 10 mana}

[Wind's eye]: shoots arrows guided by the wind, increasing the accuracy of the user by 50%. {Consumes 10 mana}

[Elynois's wrath]: infused with Arlen's anger at its imperfection, the bow shoots a powerful gust of wind at the target. {Consumes all remaining mana and 10 percent of the user's health.}


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